Jerry den Hartogs PhD Thesis:

Probabilistic Extensions of Semantical Models

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105
October 2002
promotor: Jaco de Bakker
copromotoren: Erik de Vink, Jan Rutten

Download the whole thesis as a single compressed ps file (1.2 MB) or as pdf thesis.pdf (1.8MB) (generated from the ps file using ps2pdf) or download a single chapter below.

Front Matter: Acknowledgements, Contents ps.gz pdf
1 Introduction ps.gz pdf
2 Mathematical preliminaries ps.gz pdf
3 Modeling probabilistic choice ps.gz pdf
4 Combining nondeterminism and probabilistic choice ps.gz pdf
5 Action refinement ps.gz pdf
6 A probabilistic Hoare-style logic ps.gz pdf
7 Continuous probability ps.gz pdf
Bibliography ps.gz pdf
Back Matter: Dutch summery, IPA thesis list ps.gz pdf

I also have several printed copies left. Let me know if you would like to recieve one.

To my homepage.

Jerry den Hartog, thesis page / / revised December 2003 / Faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica, TU/e