
Sensor Networks for Public Safety


SenSafety, a COMMIT project, centers on safety and security in public spaces. It is fact that over 40% of people feels unsafe in the city. And, as demonstrated by the recent fire in a chemical plant and storage facility in Moerdijk, the authorities as well as the general public is often not well informed during emergencies.

SenSafety's objectives are twofold. The first one is to increase (perceived) security in the city by means of a network of intelligent lamp posts (iLP) that keep watch over us with cameras and sound sensors. iLPs are able to autonomously analyze situations out of the ordinary and call for help if necessary. The second objective is to inform citizens and authorities about potential emergency situations, such as dangerous levels of CO2 or other substances that define air quality. Information is gathered by sensors in ordinary smart phones and by sensors attached to bikes, utility vehicles and public transport. Spreading information is defined by its context: some information is only interesting locally, or becomes stale after a certain amount of time, while other information has global significance. Communication and sensing are opportunistic and use media and sensors that happen to be available. Information may be gathered centrally, while processed data is given back to the individual users, such as maps that show pollution or noise levels city wide, travel advice, etc.

SAN Contribution

We study the behaviour and functionality heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. In specific, we are interested in:

  • an ubiquitous programming platform for heterogeneous devices
  • IPv6 for resource-constrained devices (in particular, the 6loWPAN standard)
  • service discovery and application protocols (mDNS, CoAP)
  • energy-efficient, fast reprogramming features

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