3rd Dutch-French Porous Media Day

Organizers: A. Mikelic (Lyon), S.M. Hassanizadeh (Utrecht), I.S. Pop



Sept. 11, 2009


8:45-17:30 hrs (lunch break 12:40-14:00)


Room 8.61 (8th floor), Main Building (Hoofdgebouw)

Eindhoven University of Technology

Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ, Eindhoven

The Netherlands

Tentative program

09:00-09:20 Welcome, coffee/tea

09:30-11:00 Reactive flow in porous media

11:00-12:30 Dynamic capillarity

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Interfacial area

15:30-17:00 Geothermal effects

As the presentations have an informal character, discussions are allowed (and desired!) during and after the presentations. Therefore the times 11:00, etc. are very approximate.

There is no charge for participation. For organizing purposes, please let us know if you are interested to attend, or to give a presentation. Please notice that this page will be updated.

For the accommodation please check http://www.vvveindhoven.nl/en/hotels/

For more details please contact Andro Mikelic (mikelic@univ-lyon1.fr), Majid Hassanizadeh (hassaniz@geo.uu.nl), and Sorin Pop (i.pop@tue.nl).