# Installing spin and xspin 4.2.3 on Unix (tested by reinpost@win.tue.nl # on RedHat Linux 9). # source code obtained from http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/src425.tar.gz cd /tmp mkdir spin cd spin tar xvfz ~/src/spin425.tar.gz cd Src4.2.5 make # we now have ./spin # installation: mkdir -p ~/spin-4.2.3/bin cp ./spin !$ mkdir -p ~/spin-4.2.3/man/man1 cp Man/spin.1 !$ # contrary to what the webpage says, we also have xspin vim Xspin4.2/xspin423.tcl # modify the first line to read: #/usr/bin/wish # only works if you put spin in your path or modify the line that sets SPIN # installation: cp Xspin4.2/xspin423.tcl ~/spin-4.2.3/bin/xspin # test/demo cases: cp -pr /tmp/spin/Test ~/spin-4.2.3/test # now put spin and xspin in your path, e.g. by adding ~/spin-4.2.3/bin # to your $PATH variable