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June 6-  2003:

11:15-13:00: A. LeNy (Eurandom, Eindhoven)
Generalized Gibbs measures

F.Camia (Eurandom, Eindhoven




A. LeNy

Generalized Gibbs measures.

Generalized Gibbs measures have been introduced during the last
decade  in order to incorporate renormalized measures into a physically
reasonable thermodynamic formalism. Since then, they have been detected in
various domains of probability and ergodic theory, such as disordered
systems or stochastic dynamics, providing further motivations for their
study. I will begin this talk by a mathematical description of Gibbs and
renormalized  measures, and describe more precisely generalized Gibbs
measures in the second part, with the help of examples from disordered
systems and stochastic dynamics.
