Mark Kac Seminar

December 2, 2005

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The seminar takes place in Utrecht, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, room 132.

11:15-13:00 speaker: Cristian Giardina (Eurandom) title: Variational principle for the generalized random energy model.


In the last three years there has been an intense activity on the mathematical aspects of spin-glasses, which lead to establish the rigorous proof of Parisi formula for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, through works of F. Guerra (who proved an upper bound for the pressure) and M.Talagrand (who derived the corresponding lower bound). The upper bound has been put in a more general framework of "extended variational principle" by Aizenman, Sims and Star.

We will show how the Generalized Random Energy Model fits into this scheme.

The talk is based on a joint work with Shannon Star.

14:15-16:00 speaker: Cedric Boutillier (CWI) title: Random tilings and their limiting behaviours


If we pair every face of the triangular lattice with one of its neighbors, we gets a tiling of the plane with rhombi. One can ask how to construct probability measures on all possible tilings obtained that way.
Following the work of Kenyon, Okounkov and Sheffield, we will explain how to construct such measures and describe their phase diagram.
We will then describe the behaviour of these measures in the neighborhood of the phase transition, that is related to the random matrix theory.

Mark Kac Seminar 2005-2006  

last updated: 29 nov 2005 by Webmaster