Mark Kac Seminar

April 4, 2008

introduction talks archive contact location

Location: Utrecht, ADD (Achter de Dom 22-29), room 001

11:15-13:00 speaker: Roberto Fernández (Rouen) title: Cluster expansions for hard-core systems: Overview and convergence results (3)


Lecture 3: Convergence results: Comparative studies

I will compare the consequences of the different convergence criteria for a number of systems, among them:
(a) systems with finite-coordination exclusions;
(b) polymer or contour systems;
(c) zeros of chromatic polynomials, and
(d) the hard-sphere gas.

additional material: The slides of Roberto Fernández' first (Feb 8) and second (Mar 4) lecture (1MB each).

14:15-16:00 speaker: Nina Gantert (Münster) title: Biased random walk on the supercritical percolation cluster of a tree


We consider a supercritical Galton-Watson tree, conditioned on survival (in particular, this includes the case of the infinite percolation cluster of a regular tree) and run a biased random walk on this tree.
We investigate the distribution of the walker at time n and possible limit laws.

Joint work (in progress) with Gerard Ben Arous, Alexander Fribergh and Alan Hammond.

Mark Kac Seminar 2007-2008  

last updated: 31 mrt 2008 by Markus