AID - class javacard.framework.AID.
This class encapsulates the Application Identifier(AID) associated with an applet.
AID(byte[], short, byte) - Constructor for class javacard.framework.AID
The JCRE uses this constructor to create a new AID instance encapsulating the specified AID bytes.
ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M1 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M1 provides a cipher using DES in CBC mode or triple DES in outer CBC mode, and pads input data according to the ISO 9797 method 1 scheme.
ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M2 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M2 provides a cipher using DES in CBC mode or triple DES in outer CBC mode, and pads input data according to the ISO 9797 method 2 (ISO 7816-4, EMV'96) scheme.
ALG_DES_CBC_NOPAD - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_CBC_NOPAD provides a cipher using DES in CBC mode or triple DES in outer CBC mode, and does not pad input data.
ALG_DES_CBC_PKCS5 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_CBC_PKCS5 provides a cipher using DES in CBC mode or triple DES in outer CBC mode, and pads input data according to the PKCS#5 scheme.
ALG_DES_ECB_ISO9797_M1 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_ECB_ISO9797_M1 provides a cipher using DES in ECB mode, and pads input data according to the ISO 9797 method 1 scheme.
ALG_DES_ECB_ISO9797_M2 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_ECB_ISO9797_M2 provides a cipher using DES in ECB mode, and pads input data according to the ISO 9797 method 2 (ISO 7816-4, EMV'96) scheme.
ALG_DES_ECB_NOPAD - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_ECB_NOPAD provides a cipher using DES in ECB mode, and does not pad input data.
ALG_DES_ECB_PKCS5 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_DES_ECB_PKCS5 provides a cipher using DES in ECB mode, and pads input data according to the PKCS#5 scheme.
ALG_DES_MAC4_ISO9797_M1 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC4_ISO9797_M1 generates a 4 byte MAC (most significant 4 bytes of encrypted block) using DES or triple DES in CBC mode.  This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  Input data is padded according to the ISO 9797 method 1 scheme.
ALG_DES_MAC4_ISO9797_M2 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC4_ISO9797_M2 generates a 4 byte MAC (most significant 4 bytes of encrypted block) using DES or triple DES in CBC mode.  This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  Input data is padded according to the ISO 9797 method 2 (ISO 7816-4, EMV'96) scheme.
ALG_DES_MAC4_NOPAD - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC4_NOPAD generates a 4 byte MAC (most significant 4 bytes of encrypted block) using DES or triple DES in CBC mode.  This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  This algorithm does not pad input data.
ALG_DES_MAC4_PKCS5 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC4_PKCS5 generates a 4 byte MAC (most significant 4 bytes of encrypted block) using DES or triple DES in CBC mode.  This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  Input data is padded according to the PKCS#5 scheme.
ALG_DES_MAC8_ISO9797_M1 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC8_ISO9797_M1 generates a 8 byte MAC using DES or triple DES in CBC mode. This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  Input data is padded according to the ISO 9797 method 1 scheme.
ALG_DES_MAC8_ISO9797_M2 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC8_ISO9797_M2 generates a 8 byte MAC using DES or triple DES in CBC mode. This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  Input data is padded according to the ISO 9797 method 2 (ISO 7816-4, EMV'96) scheme.
ALG_DES_MAC8_NOPAD - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC_8_NOPAD generates a 8 byte MAC using DES or triple DES in CBC mode. This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  This algorithm does not pad input data.
ALG_DES_MAC8_PKCS5 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DES_MAC8_PKCS5 generates a 8 byte MAC using DES or triple DES in CBC mode. This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES.  Input data is padded according to the PKCS#5 scheme.
ALG_DSA - Static variable in class javacard.security.KeyPair
KeyPair object containing a DSA key pair.
ALG_DSA_SHA - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_DSA_SHA signs/verifies the 20 byte SHA digest using DSA.
ALG_MD5 - Static variable in class javacard.security.MessageDigest
Message Digest algorithm MD5.
ALG_PSEUDO_RANDOM - Static variable in class javacard.security.RandomData
Utility pseudo random number generation algorithms.
ALG_RIPEMD160 - Static variable in class javacard.security.MessageDigest
Message Digest algorithm RIPE MD-160.
ALG_RSA - Static variable in class javacard.security.KeyPair
KeyPair object containing a RSA key pair.
ALG_RSA_CRT - Static variable in class javacard.security.KeyPair
KeyPair object containing a RSA key pair with private key in its Chinese Remainder Theorem form.
ALG_RSA_ISO14888 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_RSA_ISO14888 provides a cipher using RSA, and pads input data according to the ISO 14888 scheme.
ALG_RSA_ISO9796 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_RSA_ISO9796 provides a cipher using RSA.
ALG_RSA_MD5_PKCS1 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_MD5_PKCS1 encrypts the 16 byte MD5 digest using RSA.  The digest is padded according to the PKCS#1 (v1.5) scheme.
ALG_RSA_MD5_RFC2409 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_MD5_RFC2409 encrypts the 16 byte MD5 digest using RSA.  The digest is padded according to the RFC2409 scheme.
ALG_RSA_NOPAD - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_RSA_NOPAD provides a cipher using RSA and does not pad input data.
ALG_RSA_PKCS1 - Static variable in class javacardx.crypto.Cipher
Cipher algorithm ALG_RSA_PKCS1 provides a cipher using RSA, and pads input data according to the PKCS#1 (v1.5) scheme.
ALG_RSA_RIPEMD160_ISO9796 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_RIPEMD160_ISO9796 encrypts the 20 byte RIPE MD-160 digest using RSA. The digest is padded according to the ISO 9796 scheme.
ALG_RSA_RIPEMD160_PKCS1 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_RIPEMD160_PKCS1 encrypts the 20 byte RIPE MD-160 digest using RSA. The digest is padded according to the PKCS#1 (v1.5) scheme.
ALG_RSA_SHA_ISO9796 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_SHA_ISO9796 encrypts the 20 byte SHA digest using RSA.  The digest is padded according to the ISO 9796 (EMV'96) scheme.
ALG_RSA_SHA_PKCS1 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_SHA_PKCS1 encrypts the 20 byte SHA digest using RSA.  The digest is padded according to the PKCS#1 (v1.5) scheme.
ALG_RSA_SHA_RFC2409 - Static variable in class javacard.security.Signature
Signature algorithm ALG_RSA_SHA_RFC2409 encrypts the 20 byte SHA digest using RSA.  The digest is padded according to the RFC2409 scheme.
ALG_SECURE_RANDOM - Static variable in class javacard.security.RandomData
Cryptographically secure random number generation algorithms.
ALG_SHA - Static variable in class javacard.security.MessageDigest
Message Digest algorithm SHA.
APDU - class javacard.framework.APDU.
Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) is the communication format between the card and the off-card applications.
APDUException - exception javacard.framework.APDUException.
APDUException represents an APDU related exception.
APDUException(short) - Constructor for class javacard.framework.APDUException
Constructs an APDUException.
Applet - class javacard.framework.Applet.
This abstract class defines an applet in Java Card.
Applet() - Constructor for class javacard.framework.Applet
Only this class's install() method should create the applet object.
ArithmeticException - exception java.lang.ArithmeticException.
A JCRE owned instance of ArithmeticException is thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
ArithmeticException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ArithmeticException
Constructs an ArithmeticException.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
A JCRE owned instance of IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
ArrayStoreException - exception java.lang.ArrayStoreException.
A JCRE owned instance of ArrayStoreException is thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects.
ArrayStoreException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayStoreException
Constructs an ArrayStoreException.
abortTransaction() - Static method in class javacard.framework.JCSystem
Aborts the atomic transaction.
arrayCompare(byte[], short, byte[], short, short) - Static method in class javacard.framework.Util
Compares an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, with the specified position of the destination array from left to right.
arrayCopy(byte[], short, byte[], short, short) - Static method in class javacard.framework.Util
Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
arrayCopyNonAtomic(byte[], short, byte[], short, short) - Static method in class javacard.framework.Util
Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array (non-atomically).
arrayFillNonAtomic(byte[], short, short, byte) - Static method in class javacard.framework.Util
Fills the byte array (non-atomically) beginning at the specified position, for the specified length with the specified byte value.

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