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Importing csv files into ProM

edited December 2011 in - Usage
Hi all,

I am trying to import some csv log traces into ProM, but the mappings seem to be wrong when generating the log files ... it always puts every <event> into a different <trace> even though the events should be in the same trace. The result of mining this process is always a sequence of events ... which is not true. Do you have some suggestions ?



  • Try to use Nitro first to create an event log out of your csv file. 
    It is very user-friendly and has already some first process mining options (filtering, exploring, statistics,...)

    Kind regards,

    Jo Swinnen 
  • Forgot to mention :) I am using Linux so i would prefer to have all the tools on this platform. I will try-out Nitro as well, but now I'm focusing on getting the logs generated with XESame instead of importing the csv file .. still did not get that to work
  • Dianac,

    The events are extracted from your CSV file and attached to the trace using a unique value. Are you sure that you filled in the 'traceID' property for both the trace and event mapping definition?
    Joos Buijs

    Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
    Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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