Type mnemonic argument description
Reading memory PUSHC const Pushes a constant onto the stack
PUSHL id Pushes local var id onto the stack
PUSHA id Pushes Mcontext[id] onto the stack
PUSHV id Pushes Scontext[id] onto the stack
PUSHG id Pushes Gcontext[id] onto the stack
PUSHS Pops index and offset and pushes the dereference of offset+index
Writing memory STOREL id Stores the top stack element in local variable id
STOREG id Stores the top stack element in Gcontext variable id
STOREV id Stores the top stack element in Scontext variable id
STOREA id Stores the top stack element in Mcontext variable id
STORES Pops value, index and offset and stores the value in the address offset+index
Special CALL id Performs system call id (arguments are taken from the stack)
NTFY Sends a message containing the stack contents to all subscribers in Scontext
FLOOD Floods a message containing the stack contents into the network
Arithmetic ADD S, x, y → S, x+y
SUB S, x, y → S, x-y
MUL S, x, y → S, x*y
DIV S, x, y → S, x/y
MOD S, x, y → S, x%y
Comparison LESS S, x, y → S, x < y
GREAT S, x, y → S, x > y
LEQ S, x, y → S, x ≤ y
GEQ S, x, y → S, x ≥ y
EQ S, x, y → S, x = y
NEQ S, x, y → S, x ≠ y
Logical NOT S, x → S, ~x
AND S, x, y → S, x ∧ y
OR S, x, y → S, x ∨y
Bitwise BAND S, x, y → S, x & y
BOR S, x, y → S, x | y
BXOR S, x, y → S, x ^ y
Control RJT dist S, x → S; PC += dist if x
RJF dist S, x → S; PC += dist if ~x
JUMP addr S, x → S; PC = addr