/ W&I / Mathematics / Discrete Mathematics / Eindhoven Discrete Math Seminar
Eindhoven Discrete Math Seminar

Lectures given in 2018
  • Friday, December 7
    Intercity seminar. All talks except for the last one will be in MF 14. Program:
    11:45-12:30: Wieb Bosma: Enumerating self-complementary graphs
    13:15-14:00: Winfried Hochstaettler: The Varchenko Determinant of an Oriented Matroid
    14:15-15:00: Dustin Cartwright: One-dimensional groups and algebraic matroids
    Senaatszaal, Auditorium: 16:00-17:00 Promotie van Guus Bollen.
    Abstracts can be found at the site of the Intercity seminar