Planar Supports for Non-piercing regions with Applications A set S of compact, connected regions in the plane is said to be non-piercing if for any pair of regions A,B in S, the sets A\B, and B\A are both connected. Examples of non-piercing regions include disks, unit-height rectangles, homothets of convex sets, etc. In our setting, we additionally allow regions that are not necessarily simply connected. Given a hypergraph H=(X,E), a planar support is a planar graph G on the vertices X, such that for each hyperedge e in E, the induced subgraph of G on the vertices of e is connected. Given two families of non-piercing regions R and B, the intersection hypergraph is a hypergraph whose vertex set is the family B of non-piercing regions, and each region r in R defines a hyperedge consisting of all regions in B intersecting the region r. In this talk, I will present a polynomial time algorithm to construct a planar support for the intersection hypergraph of two families of non-piercing regions in the plane. This result also has several applications, including unified PTASs for several packing and covering problems on non-piercing regions, as well as coloring hypergraphs of non-piercing regions.