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Design Wizard

Statlab - An Interactive Teaching Tool for Design of Experiments (DOE) written in Java

Statlab is a free web-based application for supporting teaching the basics of Design of Experiments (DOE). Statlab has been developed by and is being used with success at Eindhoven University of Technology in statistics classes for students in Mathematics/Statistics, Chemistry and Technology Management/Industrial Engineering (both for training and examination). It forces students to think pro-actively about setting up an experimental design. Students should learn from the consequences of their choices and omissions. The general opinion of Eindhoven students on Statlab is very positive.

Statlab is fully operational, but we are continuously working to improve it. Feedback and suggestions from users (both teachers and students) is therefore most welcome.

Start Statlab

For more information about Statlab, please contact Marko Boon (marko@win.tue.nl).


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