Master Program Guide 2009-2010

Embedded Systems


















































Editor: Mw. E. van den Hurk

Cover illustration: P.J.L. Cuijpers






















































Suggestions for improvements, amendments or changes can be directed
to the editor,







1.   General Information                                                                                                                               9        

      1.1                    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science                                                      9

      1.2                    Department of Electrical Engineering                                                                            9


2.   Academic Administration                                                                                                                    13

      2.1                                                                                       Academic administration of the departments         13

             2.1.1           Department Board of Mathematics and Computer Science                                         13

             2.1.2           Study-program Director                                                                                              14

             2.1.3           Study-program Committee                                                                                          14

             2.1.4           Examinations Committee                                                                                            14

             2.1.5           Department Council                                                                                                    15

             2.1.6           Computer Science Division and professors                                                                15

             2.1.7           Electrical Engineering Divison and professors involved in ES                                   17

             2.1.8           Office of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science                               18

             2.1.9           Student Council of Mathematics and Computer Science                                             19

      2.2                    Facilities                                                                                                                      19

             2.2.1           Buildings                                                                                                                    19

             2.2.2           Lecture rooms, halls and other instruction facilities                                                    19

             2.2.3           Library services                                                                                                          19

             2.2.4           Sale of study materials                                                                                                20

             2.2.5           Computer Services Office                                                                                           20

      2.3                    Information resources                                                                                                 21



3.   General Course and Program Information                                                                                           25

      3.1                    Master programs                                                                                                         25

             3.1.1           Master programs at Computer Science                                                                       25

             3.1.2           Master programs at Electrical Engineering                                                                  25

      3.2                    Goals                                                                                                                          26

      3.3                    Structure of the master programs                                                                                26

      3.4                    Lecture and interim examination periods                                                                     26

      3.5                    Examination and titles                                                                                                 27

      3.6                    Admissions                                                                                                                 27

             3.6.1           General admissions requirements                                                                               27

             3.6.2           Admissions with deficiencies                                                                                     27

             3.6.3           Dutch students                                                                                                            27

             3.6.4           Foreign students                                                                                                         27

             3.6.5           Polytechnic graduates (HBO)                                                                                     27

             3.6.6           Admissions procedure                                                                                                27

      3.7                    Studying abroad                                                                                                          28

      3.8                    Internal quality assurance                                                                                            28

      3.9                    After graduation                                                                                                          28

             3.9.1           PDEng degree programs                                                                                             28

             3.9.2           PhD programs                                                                                                            29


4.   Master Program Specifics                                                                                                                    33

      4.1                                                                                                                                          Curriculum         33

      4.2                    Master project                                                                                                             34

      4.3                    Electives                                                                                                                      34

             4.3.1           Internship                                                                                                                    37

      4.4                    Planning                                                                                                                      37


5.   Teaching staff and groups                                                                                                                    41

      5.1                                                                                                                                          Algorithms         41

      5.2                   Formal Methods                                                                                                         41

      5.3                   Information Systems                                                                                                   42

             5.3.1           Databases and Hypermedia                                                                                         42

             5.3.2           Architecture of Information Systems                                                                          43

      5.4                    Design and Analysis of Systems                                                                                43

      5.5                    System Architecture and Networks                                                                            45

      5.6                    Software Engineering and Technology                                                                       46

      5.7                    Visualization                                                                                                               47

      5.8                    Security                                                                                                                       47

      5.9                    Electronic systems                                                                                                      48


6.   Pre-master program ES                                                                                                                        51        







1. general information







1. General Information


1.1     Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (W&I) at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) offers undergraduate (Bachelor of Science), graduate (Master of Science) and postgraduate courses in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.

The Mathematics Division focuses on Discrete Mathematics, Stochastics and Optimization, and Scientific Computing and Analysis. The Computer Science Division (CS) is mainly concerned with Specification and Verification, Algorithms and Visualization, Software and Systems Engineering,

Information Systems, and Security. Department members take part in numerous research projects,

cooperating with other universities and commercial enterprises, both nationally and internationally.


The Mathematics and Computer Science Department offers four Master of Science degrees: Industrial and Applied Mathematics (IAM) in the Mathematics Division, and three in the Computer Science Division:

•     Computer Science and Engineering (CSE),

•     Business Information Systems (BIS), in cooperation with the Department of Technology Management,

•     Embedded Systems (ES), in cooperation with the Department of Electrical Engineering.


In addition, two special Master of Technological Design programs (Mathematics for Industry and Software Technology) are offered which are exemplary because of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department’s emphasis on applications.


This Master course and program guide applies to the Master of Embedded Systems that is offered in collaboration with the Department of Electrical Engineering (E), and is intended for all ES-students. A master program guide is also available for the Masters in Computer Science and Engineering, in Business Information Systems and in Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


In the collaboration between the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science (W&I) and Electrical Engineering (E) the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science acts as the administrative host of the program.


1.2     Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering has become an essential part of people’s lives. It involves solving a wide range of problems in power generation, communications, healthcare and the environment. The department’s research activities are therefore strongly focused on these fields. Smart, innovative electrical components and systems are designed, analyzed and made. As well as its own innovative research, the department also works closely together with R&D departments in industry. The electrical engineering discipline is constantly changing; as a graduate of the master program Electrical Engineering you will be able to take a position that involves discovery and exploration of new boundaries and leadership.

The department has focal points in which the research in the various scientific fields of Electrical Engineering takes place. The research program can be considered as divided equally between fundamental, application-oriented and design-oriented research. The department has many contacts with industry and therefore guarantees that the teaching is always up-to-date. Eindhoven is located in the technological heart of the Netherlands close to the industry.


The focal points in education and research at the department Electrical Engineering are:

•     care and cure,

•     smart sustainable society,

•     connecting the world,

in which the research groups are collaborating. These groups are responsible for the research taking place in their respective specialties. In general, the research program consists of fundamental, application-oriented and design-oriented projects.


The Electrical Engineering department offers one bachelor program, two master programs, and one post-graduate program.


The bachelor program is:

•     Electrical Engineering.


The master programs are:

•     Electrical Engineering,

•     Broadband Telecommunications Technologies.


The post-graduate program is:

•     Stan Ackermans Institute program Information and Communication Technology (PDEng).


The current members of the Board of the Department of Electrical Engineering are:

Dean: A.C.P.M. Backx.

Managing director: drs. S. Udo.

Member: A.H.M. van Roermund.








2. academic administration







2. Academic Administration


2.1     Academic administration of the departments

The structure of the academic organization is based on the Academic Administration Structure Modernization Act (MUB), as implemented in the academic year 1997-1998. A student may contribute to the improvement of the academic organization as a member or advisor on the Department Board, the Study-program Committee or the Department Council. Participation in these organizations offers special privileges, such as facilities for oral instead of written exams or extra opportunities for taking examinations outside regular scheduling.


Important persons and organizations:

•     The Department Board (Faculteitsbestuur);

•     The Study-program Director (Opleidingsdirecteur);

•     The Study-program Committee (Opleidingscommissie);

•     The Examinations Committee (Examencommissie);

•     The Department Council (Faculteitsraad);

•     The CS Division and Professors (Capaciteitsgroep en Hoogleraren);

•     The CS Division Board (Capaciteitsgroepsbestuur);

•     The Department Office (Faculteitsbureau);

•     The Student Council (Studentenraad).


2.1.1    Department Board of Mathematics and Computer Science

The Department Board appoints a study-program director for each master program. The study-program director is mandated to develop, organize and implement the master program. Although some authority is delegated to the study-program director, the Department Board retains final responsibility for each graduate program. This means that the study-program director must report to the Department Board. The Department Board establishes the education and examination regulations (OER) and the program budget, and oversees the implementation of the master program. The Department Board is comprised of three members: the dean and chairperson, the vice-dean and the managing director. A study advisor also participates in the board meetings. Other attendees at the board meetings are the division chairs, the policy advisors, and the department secretary.


The current members of the Department Board are:

Dean: prof.dr. A.M. Cohen

Vice-deans: prof.dr. J.C.M. Baeten and prof.dr. O. Boxma

Managing director: mr.drs. P.M.L. Tijssen.



2.1.2    Study-program director

Every year the study-program director outlines in the OER the academic program and policies, including the program structure and curriculum. He develops the program curriculum in close consultation with the teaching staff. The Study-program Committee advises the study-program director on long-term strategies and policies on academic principles and goals, and on the exit qualifications of the Master degree. The study-program director is in charge of the development and implementation of a quality management system.

The Study-program Committee advises the study-program director on his curriculum and quality plans. In addition, the study-program director advises the Division Board on the academic program. Whenever necessary, he also advises the Division Board on quality improvement and performance of the academic staff.


The study-program director relies on the Department Office for administrative and managerial support. The Department Office also advises the study-program director on academic issues.

The study-program director for CSE is J.F. Groote, and the vice-director is M.L.P. van Lierop.


2.1.3    Study-program Committee

The OC-ES (Opleidingscommissie ES) is the Study-program Committee for ES. The OC-ES is appointed by the Department Board of Mathematics and Computer Science and is comprised of four members.


The tasks of the OC-ES are:

•     to advise the study-program director and the Department Board on issues relating to the OER;

•     to annually evaluate the implementation of the OER;

•     and to advise on all issues relevant to the academic program.


The current members of the OC-ES are:

Staff members: M.C.W. Geilen, R. Bril, and R.H.J.M. Otten (chairman).

Student members: mw. A. Voicu and R.G.H. van Wijk.

Permanent invitation: the education commissary of the study associations GEWIS and Thor.


2.1.4    Examinations Committee

The Department Board appoints department members to sit on the Examinations Committee. The Examinations Committee is responsible for the organization and coordination of exams and all ensuing activities. The Examinations Committee appoints all examiners in accordance with the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), article 7.12.


The Examinations Committee establishes exam rules of conduct applicable to both students
and examiners. These rules and regulations on proper behavior also stipulate disciplinary measurements and sanctions in case of violation.


The following are currently appointed members of the Examinations Committee:

Chair: prof.dr. J.J. Lukkien

Secretary: dr. E.F. Kaasschieter.

Members: prof. dr. H. Corporaal, prof. dr. ir. J. van Meerbergen en J.F. Groote


2.1.5    Department Council

The Department Council is an important link in the decision making process. The Department Council exercises advisory and approval rights on issues concerning the responsibility areas of the Department Board. The Department Board must obtain the aforementioned approval on all decisions concerning adaptation or other amendments to the department regulations and the OER. The Department Council is comprised of 5 staff members and 6 elected student members.


The following currently sit on the Department Council:

Staff members: ir. M.A.A. Boon, dr. H.J. Haverkort, ir. J.C.H.W. in ’t Panhuis, ir. D.A. Roozemond, and M.A.C.M. de Wert.

Student members: J.G. van der Pol, J. van Roosmalen, L.M. Scheepers, B.J.A. Laarhoven and
I. van der Linden.


2.1.6    Computer Science Division and professors

The general tasks of the CS Division are:

•     to contribute to the preparation and implementation of the educational and exam programs;

•     to contribute to the research programs;

•     to contribute to the interdepartmental and inter-university education and research programs.

In addition, the CS Division Board aims to come to agreement with the study-program director on issues of quantity and quality of academic staff.


The tasks of the professors are:

•     to develop their assigned research areas;

•     to advise the study-program director on the contents of the educational program.


Division secretary:

M.M.W.G. van den Bosch-Zaat, telephone number (040)(247) 5010.


Section Algorithms and Visualization (AV)


Visualization (VIS) Group:

Full professor: J.J. van Wijk.

Part-time professor: R. van Liere

Assistant and associate professors: dr.eng. A.C. Jalba, dr. M.A. Westenberg, H.M.M. van de Wetering.

VIS Group secretary:

M.M.W.G. van den Bosch-Zaat, telephone number (040)(247) 5010.


Algorithms (ALG) Group:

Full professor: prof.dr. M.T. de Berg.

Assistant and associate professors: dr. H.J. Haverkort, dr. B. Speckmann, dr. E. Mumford

ALG Group secretary:

M.V. Cheng, telephone number (040)(247) 5155.



Section Information Systems (IS)


Databases & Hypermedia (DH) Group:

Full professor: prof.dr. P.M.E. De Bra.

Part-time professors: G.J.P.M. Houben, prof.dr. J. Paredaens.

Assistant and associate professors: dr. T.G.K. Calders, and dr. M. Pechenizkiy.

Technical staff: H.M.W. Verbeek.

DH Group secretary:

M.A. van Buul, telephone number (040)(247) 2602, mw. C.W.J. van der Ligt,
telephone number (040)(247) 2733.


Architecture of Information Systems (AIS) Group:

Full professors: W.M.P. van der Aalst and prof.dr. K.M. van Hee.

Assistant and associate professors: dr. N. Sidorova, dr. M. Voorhoeve, dr. B.F. van Dongen and dr. J.C.S.P. van der Woude.

Technical staff: H.M.W. Verbeek.

AIS Group secretary:

M.A. van Buul, telephone number (040)(247) 2602, mw. C.W.J. van der Ligt,
telephone number (040)(247) 2733.


Section Specification and Verification (SV)


Formal Methods (FM) Group:

Full professor: prof.dr. J.C.M. Baeten

Assistant and associate professors: dr. S. Andova, P.J.L. Cuijpers, dr. R. Kuiper,
dr. S.P. Luttik, dr. R.P. Nederpelt, dr. S.M. Orzan, dr. E.P. de Vink and dr. C. Huizing.

Technical staff: dr. E.J. Luit.

FM Group secretary:

M.V. Cheng, telephone number (040)(247) 5155.


Design and Analysis of Systems (OAS) Group:

Full professor: J.F. Groote.

Part-time professor: prof.dr. J.H. Geuvers.

Assistant and associate professors: R.R. Hoogerwoord, dr. M.R. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers, J.W. Wesselink, T.A.C. Willemse, and prof.dr. H. Zantema.

Technical staff: J.W. Wesselink.

OAS Group secretary:

M.M.W.G. van den Bosch-Zaat, Telephone number (040)(247) 5010.



Section Software and Systeem Engineering (SSE)


Software Engineering and Technology (SET) Group:

Full professor: prof.dr. M.G.J. van den Brand.

Assistant and associate professors: M.G.J. Franssen, dr. A. Serebrenik, C. Hemerik, T. Verhoeff, dr. L.J.A.M. Somers and G. Zwaan.

Technical staff: ir. E.T.J. Scheffers.

SET Group secretary:

C.C. van Gils, telephone number (040)(247) 5145.


System Architecture and Networking (SAN) Group:

Professor: prof.dr. J.J. Lukkien.

Part-time professor: C.H. van Berkel and prof. dr. A. Liotta

Assistant and associate professors: R.J. Bril, dr. R.H. Mak, dr. T. Ozcelebi, dr. D. Jarnikov, and dr. J.P. Veltkamp.

Technical staff: P.H.F.M. Verhoeven.

SAN Group secretary:

C.M.M. Brouwer-van der Most, telephone number (040)(247) 8309.


Security (SEC) Group:

Professor: prof.dr. S. Etalle

Part-time professor: prof.dr. M. Petrovic

Assistant and associate professors: dr. J.L. den Hartog and B. Skoric

SEC Group secretary:

J.H.J.M. Matthijsse- van Geenen, telephone number (040)(247) 2853.


2.1.7    Electrical Engineering Divison and professors involved in ES

The education and investigation within the department of Electrical Engineering find place in four capacity groups that each encompass a number of chairs.

The chair Electronic Systems of the capacity group Information and Communication Systems is strongly involved in the Master of Embedded Systems.


Electrical Engineering (EE) Group:

Group Leader: R.H.J.M Otten

Scientific Staff: T. Basten, prof.dr. H. Corporaal, M.C.W. Geilen, P.R. Groeneveld, G. de Haan, L. Jozwiak, J. van Meerbergen,
prof. dr. J. Pineda de Gyvez, P.H.A. van der Putten, S. Recker, J.P.M. Voeten

Technical staff: S. Vlad

EE Group secretary:

H.W.J. van Gaalen, M.J.C.O. de Mol-Regels, telephone number (040) (247) 3653/5195.



2.1.8    Office of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

The Department Board delegates day-to-day operations to the Department Office. The managing director heads the Department Office, which is sub-divided into six offices:

•     Human Resource Management (HRM) Office,

•     Financial Services Office,

•     Computer Services Office (BCF),

•     Management Support Office,

•     Education Office,

•     Public Relations.

The managing director of the Department Office is mr.drs. P.M.L. Tijssen.


The following are members of the staff of the Department Office:


Department Secretarial Services:

Head: M.P.M. de Faber.

Secretarial assistant: P.C.J. Gudden-van den Boomen, telephone number (040)(247) 2750.

General and janitorial services: J.W. Schellekens.


HRM Office:

Head: P.J. Evers b.c.

Staff: J. Kamperman, C.M. van Dam, and L.G. van Kollenburg-Walraet.


Financial Services Office:

Head: P.C.P. Geenen

Staff: Y.H. Borg-Soedira, J. den Braven bc. F.J.J. Haassen-Kok, and H. de Morrιe.


Computer Services Office:

Head: dr. P.J.E.M. Coenen

Staff: R.L.M. Beckers, S. Hoop, V.B. Huijgen, and J.P.H. Hunnekens.


Management Support Office:

Policy advisor Mathematics: ir. H.J.M. Wijers.

Policy advisor Computer Science: dr. D.M. de Haan.

Policy advisor Education: dr. E.F. Kaasschieter.


Study-program committee


Head student Administration: E. van den Hurk

Staff: J. Berger-van der Aalst, J.M.L.G. Sanders, and M.J.C.P. de Wit-van Geenen.


Study advisors: dr. C.J. Bloo and dr. J.C.S.P. van der Woude.

Secretarial services: G. van der Linden-Cocu (CS) and C. Welten-Verhulst (Math).

Educationalist: dr.drs. J. C. Perrenet.


Public Relations:

Head: drs. J.M.F. Horvath-Notten.

Staff: Y.H.M. Houben en M.L.M. Theunissen.

2.1.9    Student Council of Mathematics and Computer Science

The Student Council’s (SR) main goal is to help solve problems in the educational process. These problems may have to do with exams, timetables or teachers, but the SR also mediates in cases where individual students encounter problems. Students with questions or complaints can contact the SR via:

•     meetings that are scheduled on Mondays from 12:45 to 13:15 in room HG 5.95 (only during course weeks);

•     or via an e-mail to: or

In addition, the SR forms a link between the students and the department, the university as a whole, and other organizations.

Furthermore, the SR considers ways to improve the education program and department administration.

Finally, the SR attempts to stimulate communication between members of the Study program committee, the Department Council (FR), the University Council (UR) and the Student Advisory Body (SAO).

The education commissary plays an important role in the SR.


2.2     Facilities


2.2.1    Buildings

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is located at the main building (HG) in floors 5 through 10.


Regulations on access to university buildings are described in the departmental chapter of the student statutes and on the use of computer rooms are outlined on the website at


For oral English explanation of these regulations, contact the Computer Services Office in room HG 8.73, telephone number (040)(247) 2802 or e-mail


2.2.2    Lecture rooms, halls and other instruction facilities

The department uses lecture rooms within the whole university.

Lecture rooms and halls are managed at institutional level by mw. M. de Voogd, Auditorium 2.08, telephone number (040)(247) 2645. Reservations of the meeting and instruction rooms
HG 5.95, 6.01, 6.05, 6.05a, 6.29, 8.39 and 8.61 can be arranged through the department student administration, telephone number (040)(247) 2752.


2.2.3    Library services

Library services are provided for all department employees and students. The library collection reflects the departmental scientific specialization in research and education. Opening times are Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 17:00. The department library is located in room HG 6.47. Students also have free access to the central library and all other departmental libraries. For further information, please consult the student statute.


Literature search:

In addition to its own search catalog VUBIS, the library also offers online bibliographical searching facilities.


For further information, please contact the department librarian ir. E.J.M. Jacobs, or the other library staff members, mw. M.G.J.M. Vringer, mw. D. Pelsmaeker en mw N. van der Ham, reachable at telephone number (040)(247) 2766 or e-mail

Additional information on the library of the TU/e, circulating regulations etc. can be found at the web pages of the library:


2.2.4    Sale of study materials

Study material can be bought at the (lecture) notes warehouse subdivision Notes Sale

Dictatenverkoop”). Daily opening hours are from 9:00 to 15:00. The warehouse is closed during

introduction week. Inquiries can be made at: HG -1.42, telephone number (040)(247) 2446.

For book sales at discount prices, please refer to section 2.3.


2.2.5    Computer Services Office

The Computer service office (BCF) is part of the department office.

BCF is located in HG 8.73. The BCF-helpdesk is open on working days from 9.00 until 17.00 hrs, tel. (040) (247) 2802, e-mail:,


The tasks of the Computer Service Office (BCF) are:

•     to provide computer facilities;

•     to provide user support;

•     to administer student accounts on the student server “svstud”, a Linux-server for the students of the department;

•     and to manage the use of computer rooms HG 8.63 and 5.48.

Students can print at printers close to HG 5.48 and at the tenth floor. Working locations for notebook use are available in HG 5.48, and also in the lounge at the eighth floor for quick notebook use. The OGO-rooms at the tenth floor can be used for notebooks in case they are not scheduled for teaching. Details on the regulations on the use of the computer facilities can be accessed at

For problems with student e-mail accounts, please contact the ICT Information and Service Desk at LG 1.94, telephone number (040)(247) 4649. The Notebooks Help Desk is located at HG 8.86, telephone number (040)(247) 2979.

Further, the department has the policy that printing for students is free of charge, but copying is not facilitated.

Outside the department the student scan do both print and copy with a PAS account.

This PAS account can be loaded by payment at BCF (HG 8.73).

At the department there are 4 student printers. One on floor 5, the others on floor 10.

To prevent the misuse of free printing, students who print more than 500 pages per year shall be brought to the computer service office’s attention, and be warned that their account can be blocked, if their printing behavior does not change. 

The account can be re-opened after a payment of 20 Euro.


For the notification of malpractices about space-, computer-, and network use, disturbances
and questions about hard- and software, people can contact the Bureau Computer Facilities
(HG 8.73), tel. (040)(247) 2802, e-mail



2.3     Information resources

Current information on program regulations, program changes, changes in the course schedules, practical courses, exams and other important matters is available as listed below.


Leading information on the program:

•     The master program guide is available in print at the desk at the Student Administration office and digitally on the website

•     The Education and Examination Regulations and Examination Rules and Procedures may be found on website

Personal contact at the department:

•                                    The master study advisor: dr. J.C.S.P. van der Woude in room HG 6.38, consulting-hours at Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 to 18:00,
or e-mail



Study advisor dr. J.C.S.P. van der Woude



•     The Education and Student Administration in room HG 6.45 (inquiries desk) or at telephone number (040)(247) 2379, for general information and inquiries about study arrangements, regulations, schedules and calendars and study results. The opening times of the inquiries desk are for students from 11:00 to 12:00, and from 13:00 to 15:00.

•     International students coordinator: W.T.A. Linders in room HG 6.31, telephone number (040)(247) 5160 or e-mail

•     The Student Association GEWIS is in room HG 10.52 or at telephone number (040)(247) 2815.

Personal contact at the university:

•     The Study Service Center is in room HG 0.72 or at telephone number (040)(247) 8015 for general information and inquiries about financial aid, student assistantships, admissions, university passes, exam regulations etc.

•     International student affairs: International Office in room HG 0.72, telephone number (040)(247) 8015 or e-mail

Several internet sources of information are available:

•     The website at provides general TU/e information.

•     Information about the department, academic counseling, social events and activities, etc. can be found at

•     The electronic course catalog can be accessed at and contains current course information. Also examinations and course schedules are available at this webpage.

•     Video recordings of lectures:


At the start of each semester kick-off meetings are organized to inform ES-students on relevant issues.



The ES program is jointly offered by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and the Department of Electrical Engineering. For organizational purposes, some administrative services and procedures are carried out from the Mathematics and Computer Science Department. General information about the ES programs can be accessed at








3. general course and

program information





3. General Course

and Program Information


This chapter provides general information about the structure and organizational aspects of the master programs. Specific information on the ES program is presented in chapter 4.


3.1     Master programs


3.1.1    Master programs at Computer Science

Four master programs at Computer Science are offered, one of which is offered as a specialization

within the master program CSE. This is in anticipation of an independent status as a full master program in the future:

•     Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). This master program has a specialization:

      •     Information Security Technology (IST), an interdisciplinary variant in cooperation with the
      Mathematics Division, the Radboud University in Nijmegen, and the University Twente.

•     Business Information Systems (BIS), an interdisciplinary master program in cooperation with the Department of Industrial engineering and innovation sciences (IE&IS),

•     Embedded Systems (ES), an interdisciplinary master program in cooperation with the Department of Electrical Engineering (ES).

The CS Division also contributes in the Computer Science specialization of the master program

Science Education and Communication (SEC), offered by the Eindhoven School of Education (ESoE),

see Graduates in the CS specialization from the program are entitled to teach computer science at Dutch high schools. Graduates from one of the above mentioned master programs will also be admitted to the SEC-program and are offered a one-year program.


3.1.2    Master programs at Electrical Engineering

Two master programs at Electrical Engineering are offered, where one is a specialization of the other:

•     Electrical Engineering deals with the application and modeling of electronic, electromagnetic and physical phenomena in signal processing, telecommunications, control and energy transmission. Research is carried out not only on hardware, e.g. electrical circuits and systems, but also on software, e.g. models and information systems. State-of-the-art electrical components and systems are designed, analyzed and implemented, while existing systems and components are subject to all sorts of optimizations and refinements.

•     A special master specialization within this master program is Broadband Telecommunication Technologies. This specialization will possibly become an independent program in the future with an own diploma and degree. At the moment this specialization is formally part of one or more master programs. Telecommunication technology is a key enabler for today’s information society. The rapidly increasing demand for speed and capacity, which more than doubles every two years, makes it a field with strong dynamics, rapid aging of existing

      technologies and frequent introduction of new technologies in the network. Telecommunication

      technology is one of the broadest specializations; it integrates knowledge from the fields of electrical engineering, mathematics, computer science, applied physics, chemical engineering and technology management. The TU/e is an internationally recognized center of excellence in the field of Broadband Telecommunication Technologies.

The master program Embedded Systems and its translation into details of substance will be discussed in the next chapter.


3.2     Goals

At the end of the academic studies, in addition to the qualities mentioned on site of the Education and Examination regulations, the master student will have developed the following domain specific competences.

•     The graduate has a holistic view on systems and system development. On the one hand he is capable of an abstract view to understand and master systems of huge complexity. On the other hand he is able to describe and study the structure and the behavior of the (embedded) systems in precise detail. He understands the position and importance of the system during its lifetime.

•     The graduate has thorough knowledge of contemporary techniques to realize embedded systems. He has sufficient academic background to understand and apply techniques that will become available within the next decades. He is cost and environment aware, thus capable of making optimal use of available means (software/hardware).

•     The graduate has a sufficient basis to design embedded systems at the required level of quality, or assess a priori that such a design cannot be constructed. This presupposes thorough knowledge of requirement engineering, modeling, testing and implementation techniques.

•     The graduate has a flexible and inquisitive mind. He understands the theories, techniques and

      tools in this field in such a way that he is able to adapt these to optimally fit their purpose. He is able to invent his own tools, theories and techniques if these are not available.


3.3     Structure of the master programs

All programs comprise two years of study or 120 credit points (ects); a credit point is equivalent

to 28 hours of study and homework. Most courses are standardized to 5 credit points per course.

The two years of course work and practical training are divided into three parts, consisting of:

1.   Mandatory core courses to create a sufficient layer of theory and general or program related knowledge.

2.   Elective courses will serve as preparation for the specialization. It is, under some conditions, possible to allot up to 15 credit points towards an internship with approval in advance from the examinations committee. Students with a slightly different background may need to allot some electives to compensate for deficiencies.

3.   Master project and thesis to be spent on a specialist topic of theoretical or practical nature. This part presents the opportunity to show your independent engineering and academic skills in research and design.


3.4     Lecture and interim examination periods

Each study year is divided into two semesters (September – January and February – July). Each semester consists of two quarters, each consisting of eight weeks of lecturer followed by an examination period of two weeks. For details see the agendas and calendars at



3.5     Examination and titles

There is only one examination at the end of the program. It consists of final course results and the final master project grade.

Completion of the program will lead to the title: Master of Science (MSc) with addition of the name of the program. Graduates are also entitled to use the Dutch title of ingenieur (ir).


3.6     Admissions

General and specific master program requirements are applicable to admissions. The specific requirements may be higher in terms of knowledge prerequisites, but may also provide more possibilities for entry for students from other related areas of specialization.


3.6.1    General admissions requirements

To be eligible for admission to the ES program, you need a Bachelor of Science degree comparable

to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science or in Electrical Engineering. This degree

must be of an equivalent academic level and approximate scientific content as the corresponding

Dutch BSc degrees. In addition, sufficient proficiency in the English language is necessary.


3.6.2    Admissions with deficiencies

For students from other universities, a limited number of the electives may be used to eliminate deficiencies. Arrangements must be made in advance in conjunction with the program director, the admissions committee and the examinations committee.


3.6.3    Dutch students

In general, students with a Dutch university BSc degree in Computer Science or in Electrical Engineering are admissible to the program without prior clearing from the admissions committee.


3.6.4    Foreign students

The applications of students with a foreign university BSc degree in Computer Science will be evaluated by the admissions Committee, taking into account both the academic level of the degree and the subjects studied by the applicant. In some special cases, relevant work experience may also be considered. The level of the degree is determined by the NUFFIC (


3.6.5    Polytechnic graduates (HBO)

Students who have completed a polytechnic program in computer science are eligible to participate in the pre-master programs. Completion of the pre-master program gives access to the corresponding master program. In chapter 6 further details about admission for HBO students and the premaster program can be found.


3.6.6    Admissions procedure

The procedure to be followed depends on your particular situation. Detailed information on the application procedure can be found on the site of the Student Service Center of the TU/e, Foreign students must be aware that the admissions procedure, including visa application and other formalities, may take a while.



3.7     Studying abroad

In case one student wants to study abroad as part of the CSE program several options are available for students with a Dutch BSc diploma.

•     Take subjects in a foreign university

•     Do an internship abroad

•     Do the graduation project abroad


Consult the study advisor for programmatic issues. For organizational issues the international affairs coordinator can be helpful. His name is mr. W. Linders, Room HG 6.31, see his site


One has to deal with the organizational aspects one self. The Education and Student Service desk has a handy checklist; it can be found on

Information on scholarships can also be found at


3.8     Internal quality assurance

After each semester the individual courses as well as the program are evaluated by the study program director and the study program committee. Based on this this evaluation follow-up actions for improvement are defined.


Input for the evaluation sessions are statistical data on the examination results, and the aggregated results from the semester questionnaires for students. It is of vital importance that students cooperate in this respect since only questionnaires with a sufficient number of respondents are taken into consideration.


Apart from that, the examinations committee periodically carries out an investigation, in particular on the quality of the graduation projects and the quality of (partial) exams.


The opinion of students on the quality of their graduation project and process is gathered by means of a graduation questionnaire, which is filled in after the assessment of the graduation project. These are collected and aggregated twice a year. The results are discussed both in the study program committee and examinations committee.


3.9     After graduation

As an MSc graduate in Embedded systems one is optimally prepared for a broad range of ICT related jobs.

However, one might consider to qualify oneself further for special jobs like system or software architect or for an academic career. In this case the department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers the following opportunities.


3.9.1    PDEng degree programs

Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) degree programs are provided in the context of the 3TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute. These are accredited and challenging two-year doctorate-level engineering degree programs during which its trainees focus on strengthening their technical and non-technical competencies.

The various parts of the PDEng degree program aid to develop the capability of individuals to work within a professional context. It advocates a scientific research based approach to solving problems, a systematic way of collecting evidence and a critical, reflective, and independent mind for the analysis and interpretation of evidence.

It adds an additional dimension to a full MSc. program by extending it and integrating it with new elements. The emphasis is on developing and strengthening (exercising) the competencies necessary for finding technical solutions. For finding such solutions an effective collaboration with representatives of different domains in inevitable and this is practiced during the program.


After successfully completing all requirements, trainees are awarded a Professional Doctorate in Engineering degree.

More information can be found on: .


The following two programs are of special interest for ES graduates.


Software Technology

Here the focus is on the effective and efficient design and development of software for resource-constrained software-intensive systems, such as real-time embedded systems, in an industrial setting.The emphasis is on large-scale project-based design and development of this kind of software.


Information and Communication Technology

The ICT program educates you in designing systems that can process, store and convey information in every sense of the word. This program includes describing and simulating circuit parts and designing and constructing system parts and components. In addition, the interaction between hard- and software is fully addressed. This leads to many new solutions, for example embedded software and monolithic integrated (opto) electronic circuits in the field of telecommunication, medical applications and consumer products.


3.9.2    PhD programs

When pursuing an academic career, the first step is to obtain a doctorate. A PhD program is an individual four year program, dedicated to sharpen your research skills. It lasts four years. Doctoral candidates are employed by the TU/e and fulfill an important function at the university: they are responsible for the reputation and continuity of the research work.


Within the department of Electrical Engineering as well as Mathematics and Computer Science various research groups work on challenging problems, some of very theoretical nature, others more applied. Within the ES program one has the opportunity to nose about in various groups. An important step towards a research career can be the graduation project. It is carried out under the supervision of one of the expertise groups, the subject of which is your first specialization.


Your supervisor might be helpful in finding an appropriate PhD position, either within the Eindhoven University of Technology, or somewhere else.

Also, an overview of available PhD positions within the university can be found on:









4. master program specifics







4. Master Program Specifics


The design of innovative software and hardware is the kernel of technological and industrial progress. Both the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering play an active role in the development of new, innovative technology. The Master
of Science program in Embedded Systems at the TU/e is illustrative of this active role, as it is a co-production of these two departments, awaiting students with a background in computer science, as well as graduates from the field of electrical engineering.

The program rests on a sound theoretical foundation, with an emphasis on the design of quality embedded systems. As a graduate of this program, you will have developed a scientific attitude and an engineering approach to the field.

Your area of expertise will be the design of embedded systems from a high-level architecture viewpoint, via requirements and behavioral specifications and using platforms, hardware and silicon. You will be able to play a leading role in the development of embedded systems, either in scientific research, in industry or governmental organizations.

The Embedded Systems program focuses on the design of efficient and reliable systems. In order to be able to compose dependable protocols for the behavior of such systems, you need knowledge of algorithms, performance, hardware, methods of design and documentation, and an insight into the variability and maintainability of these protocols. All these aspects are addressed in the compulsory part of the program.


4.1     Curriculum

The curriculum consists of computer science courses and courses in electrical engineering. Below the curriculum is displayed.


Quarter                Code                  Study component                                                                         Credits   

First year

Compulsory courses                                                                                                                          45      

1-2                     2II45                  Architecture of distributed systems                                                      5

1-2                     2IN25                 Real-time architectures                                                                      5

1-2                     2IW25                Requirement analysis, design and verification                                       5

1-2                     5KK60               Systems on silicon                                                                           5

1-2                     5KK70               Platform-based design                                                                       5

3-4                     2IW15                Automated reasoning                                                                        5

3-4                     4C390                Performance analysis of embedded systems                                           5

3-4                     5KK03               Embedded systems laboratory                                                            5

3-4                     5KK80               Multiprocessors                                                                               5

Elective or homologation courses                                                                                                         15

Second year

1-2                                              Elective courses                                                                              30

3-4                     2IM91/5T746      Master project                                                                                30



Students who have completed a bachelor program in computer science are required to include some study components as homologation study components in the elective part of the master program:


Quarter                Code                  Study component                                                                         Credits   

1                        5DD17               Circuit analysis                                                                               3

1-2                     5DD30               Signals                                                                                          5

4                        5HH00               Electronics for ES                                                                            3


Students who have completed a bachelor program in electrical engineering are required to include some study components as homologation study components in the elective part of the master program:


Quarter                Code                  Study component                                                                         Credits   

3                        2IP25                 Software Engineering                                                                        3

3-4                     2IL05                 Data structures                                                                                 6

4                        5HH00               Electronics for ES                                                                            3


The electives allow room for each student, based on his individual preferences, to choose subjects in his area of interest. Students are free to choose from the available list of the electives in 4.3. For other electives, the student should obtain permission to the study advisor and the examinations committee, who will judge whether the subject fits the goals of the program and fits within the entire set of subjects for this student.

In some cases, an internship may replace some electives. In section 4.3.1 the details of this possibility are discussed.


4.2     Master project

The final project consists of 30 credit points and is scheduled at the end of the program as one single project. The knowledge and experience, which were acquired in the first part of the program, are applied in an individual setting in order to develop to the necessary level to function as an academic professional in the field of Embedded Systems. The project can be completed in any of the areas of expertise listed in Chapter 5, provided that a staff member of the associated group has the supervision.

The masterproject can only be carried out if the master’s degree program has been approved by the Examinations Committee (see the Graduation regulations for Embedded Systems). In case the internship is carried out under supervision of a staff member of the Mathematics and Computer Science department the code is 2IM91. In case the supervisor is from the Electrical Engineering department the code is 5T746.


4.3     Electives

In this section a collection of courses at MSc-level is outlined. Items on this list can be selected as electives towards degree completion for all master specializations. It is not necessary to request approval to the Examinations Committee in advance.



Electives courses:


Quarter                Code                  Study component                                                                         Credits   

1                        5DD50               Advanced topics in multimedia coding                                                4

1                        5ME00               Signal processing for communication                                                  3

1                        5ME10               Statistical signal processing                                                               3

1                        5MX00               Dynamical systems                                                                          3

1                        5N280                Low-power electronics                                                                      4

1                        5P340                Information theory 2                                                                         4

1                        5P450                Analogue/digital and digital/analogue converters                                    4

1                        5P530                Video processing for multimedia systems                                             4

1                        5P690                Advanced actuator systems                                                                4

1                        5SC21                Modeling and predictive control                                                         3

1                        2II65                  Metamodeling and interoperability                                                      5

1-2                     2ID25                 Information retrieval                                                                         5

1-2                     2ID55                 Adaptive systems                                                                             5

1-2                     2IF25                 Formal methods                                                                              5

1-2                     2IF35                 Formal modeling in cell biology                                                        5

1-2                     2II35                  Web information systems                                                                  5

1-2                     2IL45                 Advanced algorithms                                                                        5

1-2                     2IS15                 Generic language technology                                                              5

1-2                     2IS25                 Distributed trust management                                                             5

1-2                     2IV05                 Additional component computer graphics                                             5

1-2                     2IV35                 Visualization                                                                                   5

1-2                     2IW55                Algorithms for model checking                                                          5

2                        5MC10               Combinatorial algorithms                                                                  3

2                        5MD00               Computer architecture                                                                       3

2                        5MG00               Mathematics for electromagnetism                                                      3

2                        5MB30               Robust control                                                                                3

2                        5MY10               Wireless communication I                                                                 3

2                        5SC20                State space control                                                                           3

2-3                     5DD40               Multimedia video coding and architecture                                             4

3                        5MB10               Model reduction                                                                              3

3                        5MB20               Adaptive information processing                                                         3

3                        5MD20               Design automation                                                                           3

3                        5MF00               EM waves and antennas                                                                    3

3                        5MH00               Computational electromagnetics                                                         3

3                        5MH20               EM theory of wave guides                                                                 3

3                        5MH30               Optical communication technology                                                     3

3                        5P060                Nonlinear systems / neural networks                                                    4

3                        5P500                Monitoring of respiration and circulation                                              3

3                        5TT40                RF transceiver electronics                                                                  3

3-4                     0T400                Academic skills in English 1 *                                                           3

3-4                     2IC35                 Physical aspects of computer security                                                  5

3-4                     2ID35                 Database technology                                                                         5

3-4                     2ID45                 Advanced databases                                                                          5

3-4                     2IF45                 Process algebra                                                                                5

3-4                     2IF65                 Proving with computer assistance                                                       5

3-4                     2IF75                 Quantitative methods                                                                        5

3-4                     2II55                  Business process management systems                                                5

3-4                     2II75                  Business process simulation                                                              5

3-4                     2IL55                 Geometric algorithms                                                                       5

3-4                     2IN35                 VLSI programming                                                                          5



Quarter                Code                  Study component                                                                         Credits   

3-4                     2IS35                 Verification of security protocols                                                        5

3-4                     2IS55                 Software evolution                                                                           5

3-4                     2IV55                 Interactive virtual environments                                                          5

3-4                     2IW45                Programming by calculation                                                              5

4                        5P670                Advanced topics in multi-service data networks I                                   2

4                        5L130                Electrophysiology                                                                            3

4                        5P220                Antennas and propagation                                                                  4

4                        5P480                Knowledge systems and applications                                                   4

4                        5P630                Special topics in power electronics                                                      4

4                        5TT00                Optical communication networks                                                        3

4                        5TT30                Photonic IC design                                                                          3

4                        5TT50                Advanced CMOS design                                                                   4

4                        5MB40               System identification                                                                        3

4                        5N520                Statistical bioinformatics                                                                   2

4                        5P680                Advanced topics in multi-service data networks II                                  2

                         5P050                Selected topics in electronics                                                              4


1-2                     2IF95                 Seminar formal methods                                                                   5

1-2                     2II96                  Seminar architecture of information systems                                         5

1-2                     2II97                  Seminar databases and hypermedia                                                      5

1-2                     2IL95                 Seminar algorithms                                                                          5

1-2                     2IN95                 Seminar systems architecture and networking                                        5

1-2                     2IS95                 Seminar software engineering and technology                                        5

1-2                     2IV95                 Seminar visualization                                                                       5

1-2                     2IW95                Seminar design and analysis of systems                                               5

3-4                     2IC95                 Seminar security                                                                              5

Capita selecta

1-2                     2IS99                 Capita selecta software engineering and technology                                5

                         2IC99                 Capita selecta security                                                                       5

                         2ID99                 Capita selecta databases and hypermedia                                               5

                         2IF99                 Capita selecta formal methods                                                            5

                         2II99                  Capita selecta architecture of information systems                                  5

                         2IL99                 Capita selecta algorithms                                                                   5

                         2IN99                 Capita selecta systems architecture and networking                                 5

                         2IV99                 Capita selecta visualization                                                                5

                         2IW99                Capita selecta design and analysis of systems                                        5

Internship / Preparation thesis

1-2                     2IM02/5L990      Internship **                                                                                  15

1-2                     5T514                Preparation graduation project ES                                                      10


*)    For foreign students only, that have not participated in the TU/e summer course, or for students who have completed a polytechnic (HBO) program of computer science.

**)  In case the internship is done within the Mathematics and Computer Science department the code is 2IM02.
In case the internship is done within the Electrical Engineering department the code is 5L990.



4.3.1    Internship

In some cases an internship may be a valuable addition to the program. It should enhance practical experience and provide deepening of knowledge. An internship takes 15 credit points as part of the electives and should contribute to the specialization. In general, internships will only be allowed for students that followed a bachelor program at the TU/e, but exceptions are possible. Requests for internships accompanied by convincing arguments explaining the reasons why the intended internship fits into the program are to be sent to the study-program director or the study advisor.


4.4     Planning

The master program is a short program. In only two years, you must meet several conditions and obligations and advance planning may help to meet them in time, so that the study is not unnecessarily prolonged.


A reverse inventory gives the best view on the schedule to be kept. During the master project, you should be able to spend full time and concentration on your project. In practice, however, it turns out to be rather difficult to plan curricular activities and, especially, their success. Therefore, we leave room for at most two courses of in total at most ten credit points to be finished during the master project period. However, be aware that you are not allowed to finish your project before you completed all your courses.


The start of your master project is marked by submitting a completed graduation plan containing

the necessary information on the project (name, place, period, supervisor, company and so on) and stating the fact that you have completed your curricular part of the program (except for courses of at most ten credits). The form must be accompanied by a project description and signed by you, your supervisor, the head of the relevant area of expertise and the study advisor. Prior to this step, you need:

•     an approved program. The Examinations Committee must approve your program consisting of the mandatory courses and your choice of the electives. In order to obtain this approval you construct a program, possibly with the help of the study advisor, fill out the program form, have it signed by yourself and the supervisor of your choice and hand it in at the student administration office (HG 6.45).

•     a supervisor. After a while you will probably have a clear picture of the academic direction you want to pursue in your studies. If not, you may want to talk to several staff members, along with the study advisor. In the area of expertise for your subject, there are people that you may want to be involved with as you complete the master project. You should discuss and try to reach agreement with these people on the prerequisites and the curricular program that is needed to fruitfully complete the project.

As a rule of thumb, you should start your search for a supervisor and the construction of your individual program not later than at the end of the first year. This is because some room for the special needs for the specific project should be left in the second year. The study advisor may be helpful to you in this regard.

Please refer to the graduation regulations, to be found at site The necessary forms can be obtained from the Student Administration or at the aforementioned site.








5. teaching staff and groups







5. Teaching staff and groups



In this chapter, you can read about the research groups in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering divisions that are closely involved in the ES education.


5.1     Algorithms

Contact person: Prof.dr. M.T. de Berg


The creation, storage, analysis and manipulation of spatial data plays a central role in robotics, computer graphics, geographical information systems, and other areas of computer science. In all these areas, there are many challenging algorithmic questions. For example, a typical problem in robotics is to compute efficient routes for a robot moving through a factory building while avoiding all obstacles in its way. A typical problem in geographic information systems could be to find a good location of a new airfield, say the location such that the region in a
20-mile radius around it is the least populated. Such problems form the focus of this area of expertise: we study techniques and concepts for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on algorithms for spatial data.

Typical master projects are either experimental or theoretical in nature, depending on the interests of the student.


Core courses for the ALG area of expertise are:

•     Advanced algorithms (2IL45),

•     Geometric algorithms (2IL55),

•     Seminar algorithms (2IL95),

•     Capita selecta algorithms (2IL99).

Other relevant courses:

•     Additional component computer graphics (2IV05),

•     Visualization (2IV35),

•     Interactive virtual environments (2IV55).


5.2     Formal methods

Contact person: prof.dr. J.C.M. Baeten


Research in Formal Methods is a systematic and scientific study of issues in Computer Science, based on solid mathematical principles. The area of Formal Methods concerns fundamental research and considers systems and constructions used in Computer Science. These constructions are described exactly in a formal syntax and are supplied with formal semantics, whenever appropriate. Formal Methods increase understanding of systems, increase clarity of description and help solve problems and remove errors. The use of Formal Methods increases dependability and usability of constructions and systems in Computer Science.



Formal Methods are not studied in isolation, but for practical application. Thus, choice of research topics is inspired by the practice of Computer Science. To support application, existing tools are used and new tools are developed.

Based on our expertise and the benefits expected in application, we focus on the following specific areas:

•     Process algebra (functional correctness and performance analysis),

•     Assertional methods,

•     Formal methods in life sciences,

•     Stochastic systems,

•     Hybrid systems.


Relevant courses for the FM area of expertise are:

•     Formal methods (2IF25),

•     Formal modeling in cell biology (2IF35),

•     Process algebra (2IF45),

•     Proving with computer assistance (2IF65),

•     Quantitative formal methods (2IF75)

•     Automated reasoning (2IW15),

•     Requirement analysis, design and verification (2IW25),

•     Seminar formal methods (2IF95),

•     Capita selecta formal methods (2IF99).


5.3     Information Systems

The areas of expertise of the specialization profile Information Systems are as follows:

•     Databases and Hypermedia (DH). Contact person: T. Calders.

•     Architecture of Information Systems (AIS). Contact person: N. Sidorova.


5.3.1    Databases and Hypermedia

The focus of DH is on the study of concepts and technologies that are used to store, access and manage information. Information often comes from several sources that each contain a wealth of information of which only a small subset is of interest to any particular user or user group. This information needs to be accessible over the Web. The challenge is to integrate these often disparate sources and extract the information content that interests the user in a Web-based environment. Adaptation, or automatic personalization, must ensure that each user is guided

(automatically) to the information that is relevant to him. In order to realize adaptive, Web-based

systems concepts and techniques from the area of databases, data mining, knowledge bases and the semantic web need to be combined and engineered into web based systems. This effort results in Adaptive Hypermedia systems.

Adaptive Hypermedia is studied at the conceptual and the practical level: the former is done

through the study of Adaptive Hypermedia Reference Models, the latter through the development

of the Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture (currently named AHA!), a general-purpose web-based adaptive hypermedia system.



5.3.2    Architecture of Information Systems

The focus of AIS is to investigate methods, techniques and tools for the design of architectures for complex information systems. The focus is typically on systems where (business) processes play an important role, e.g., systems to support organizations in doing their work. The research concentrates on formalisms for modeling and methods to analyze models. Modeling processes is one main focus, using theoretical models such as Petri nets but also different industrial languages. Another focal area is process mining, i.e., extracting models from event logs. Models obtained through design or through process mining can be used for the configuration of systems but also all kinds of analysis ranging from verification and conformance checking to simulation and gaming.


Relevant courses for the IS areas of expertise are:

•     Advanced databases (2ID45),

•     Information retrieval (2ID25)

•     Database technology (2ID35)

•     Adaptive systems (2ID55),

•     Capita selecta databases and hypermedia (2ID99),

•     Web information systems (2II35),

•     Architecture of distributed systems(2II45),

•     Business process management systems (2II55),

•     Metamodeling and interoperability (2II65),

•     Business process simulation (2II75),

•     IT-governance (1BM65),

•     Seminar architecture of information systems (2II96),

•     Seminar databases and hypermedia (2ID95)

•     Capita selecta architecture of information systems (2II99).


5.4     Design and Analysis of Systems

Contact person: J.F. Groote


The focus of the area of expertise OAS (Ontwerp en Analyse van Systemen) is on modeling and verifying behavior of systems and programs. Behavior must be understood as all possible actions that a system can consecutively perform during its lifetime.

Computer-based systems are so complex, that it is impossible to program them without understanding how the different software components communicate, and what the responsibilities of these parts are. By modeling the behavior, these responsibilities are made explicit. Due to the complexity of the matter at hand, it is also non-trivial to get these behavioral models correct. For this purpose we use analysis techniques. Primarily, these are used to find flaws in the model, and ultimately these are employed to show that the modeled behavior satisfies all the requirements. For instance, a data communication protocol must not lose messages, and a firewall should under no circumstance let an intruder pass.


With current modeling techniques it is no problem to model the communication patterns of even

the most complex systems. Using modal formulas most requirements can be formulated in a formal,

precise way. Using one of the many existing process equivalences, it is very well possible to state

the behavioral equivalence between implementations and specifications. So, in general, it is not

really problematic (but sometimes hard) to formulate the properties that a system ought to have.

The current technological bottleneck is our capability to prove that a requirement holds for a given model (the model checking problem) or that two processes are actually equivalent (the equivalence checking problem).

The major research activity of this group is to increase the strength of the analysis tools.


The core problem of the analysis of behavior is the state space explosion problem. There are so many states in which a system can end up, that it is generally impossible to explore these all individually. For this purpose, we must use so-called symbolic techniques to enable the verification. These techniques come from the realm of automatic reasoning, term rewriting and computer assisted theorem checking.

Also, state space reduction techniques (abstract interpretation, confluence checking) are relevant to reduce the problem size.

Visualization turns out to be a relevant tool, to detect unforeseen problems and to increase insight in the behavior. Knowledge of algorithms, including I/O-efficient algorithms is relevant, to construct analysis tools capable of dealing with huge state spaces.


In order to investigate how effective our analysis techniques are, we are constantly assessing their practical use. For instance, the OAS group is involved in the standardization of several protocol standards (e.g. firewire).

Our role is to assist the standardization process by showing where the protocol does not conform to its intention. With several of the embedded system industries around Eindhoven, we have a similar relationship: we design, model and analyze (parts of) the behavior of the equipment they are building.


Relevant courses for the OAS area of expertise are:

•     Automated reasoning (2IW15),

•     Requirement analysis, design and verification (2IW25),

•     Programming by calculation (2IW45),

•     Algorithms for model checking (2IW55),

•     Seminar design and analysis of systems (2IW95),

•     Capita selecta design and analysis of systems (2IW99).

•     Formal methods (2IF25),

•     Formal modelling in cell biology (2IF35),

•     Process algebra (2IF45),

•     Proving with computer assistance (2IF65),

•     Architecture of distributed systems (2II45),

•     Advanced algorithms (2IL45),

•     Generic language technology (2IS15),

•     Visualization (2IV35),



5.5     System Architecture and Networks

Contact person: drs. R.H. Mak


Imagine just any electronic system that is not somehow networked with other systems. Found one? Must be a pretty boring system then, since one of the fascinating developments of the last years is that devices of all form factors and functionality become connected. In our group we study parallel and distributed systems with an emphasis on pervasive systems or, as we call it, Resource Constrained Networked Embedded Systems.


Core courses for the SAN area of expertise are:       

•     Real-time architectures (2IN25)

•     Architecture of distributed systems (2II45),            

•     VLSI programming (2IN35),

•     Seminar systems architecture and networking (2IN95),                      

•     Capita selecta system architecture and networking (2IN99) (not always given).

Other relevant courses are:

•     Adaptive systems (2ID55),

•     Seminar security technology (2IC95),

•     Distributed trust management (2IS25)

•     Web information systems (2II35),

•     Advanced algorithms (2IL45),

•     Generic language technology (2IS15),

•     Requirement analysis, design and verification (2IW25).


Master thesis assignments are related to the research topics of SAN, which focus on distributed aspects of RCNES (middleware and networked services), on the platform (predictable and reliable resource management) and on efficient embedded computations (typical for signal processing). Research questions are, for example, how to build and manage applications composed from distributed services, and how to perform distributed resource management.


We pay a lot of attention to quality aspects, which include performance, predictability, dependability, programmability and security. A dominant issue in our work is therefore the architecture of these RCNES, in particular the software architecture, as this is where the quality aspects are addressed. We relate our work to application domains which we see as vehicles for our research.


Example application domains include distributed media systems, wireless sensor networks, automotive electronics and, more recently, lighting. Much of this work is done in cooperation with industry through national and international projects. Have a look at our research page to see the projects we are involved in.



5.6     Software Engineering and Technology

Contact person: prof.dr. M.G.J. van den Brand


The software industry is facing two trends. First of all, the amount of software is exploding. Secondly, the quality of software is decreasing. These trends result in new research challenges. How to develop more high quality software in less time? How to guarantee the quality of the software? How to deal with the huge amount of existing software? The answers to these questions are not straightforward. A common theme in the answer to these questions is model driven software engineering.  Models provide a higher level of abstraction and thus allow the specification of more functionality in less code. The models can also be used as starting point for simulation and verification. Finally, existing software can be analyzed and the underlying models can be extracted. The research focus of the expertise group SET is on model driven software development. The field of model driven software development is broad. In fact we specialize in two directions: the development of tooling to support the development of models in domain specific formalisms and the extraction of high level models given source code. Research on tooling for model driven software development includes the development of semantics of domain specific languages, semantics of model transformation formalisms, quality of model transformations and model versioning. The ultimate goal is to provide a tool set which provides high fidelity software generation.


The other side of the coin is the extraction of information from existing source code. Again this is a broad field. The success of research in this field depends on the flexibility of the tooling.
The analysis of software should not be restricted to one programming language, but should be multi-lingual. Our expertise in generic language technology is crucial to be able to deal with multi-lingual software systems. In close cooperation with LaQuSo multi-lingual tooling for software analysis and visualization has been developed. The ultimate goal of this research is to extract models of existing source code at the right level of abstraction. These models can then be used for maintenance purposes, verification, and/or forward engineering.


A third research topic is the development of an integrated development environment to allow the development of software and proofs at the same time. The challenges in this type of research are flexibility and scalability. An environment which is too slow or tedious to use will never become a success. Our focus is to develop an environment where the software developer is supported by a collection of provers when developing the software. This research is closer to programming-in-the-small and is strongly related to the Eindhoven’s way of software development, once promoted by E.W. Dijkstra.


Relevant courses for the SET area of expertise are:

•     Generic language technology (2IS15),

•     Software evolution (2IS55),

•     Software architecture of distributed systems (2II45),

•     Programming by calculation (2IW45),

•     Seminar Software Engineering and Technology (2IS95),

•     Formal methods (2IF25).



5.7     Visualization

Contact person: H. van de Wetering


The focus of this area of expertise is on the development of new methods and techniques for

interactive visualization in order to analyze and manipulate large datasets. One focus of the group

is information visualization, which aims at giving insight in abstract data, such as tree structures,

networks and multivariate data, for applications such as software engineering and DNA analysis.

Other interests are visualization of flow fields and tensor fields, as well as visualization of mathematical objects.

In all these fields, aims are to develop new visual representations and interaction methods, as

well as to develop new evaluation methods and obtain a better understanding of the visualization

process itself.


Furthermore, in cooperation with the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) desktop virtual reality systems are studied. Typical topics here are to develop methods for calibration, input - including 2D/3D combination input - and pattern matching and to build and evaluate applications.


Core courses for the VIS area of expertise are:

•     Visualization (2IV35),

•     Geometric algorithms (2IL55),

•     Additional component computer graphics (2IV05),

•     Interactive virtual environments (2IV55),

•     Seminar visualization (2IV95),

•     Capita selecta visualization (2IV99).

Other relevant courses:

•     Information Retrieval (2ID25).


5.8     Security

Contact person: prof.dr. S. Etalle


The interconnectivity and pervasiveness of computers and of embedded systems like PDAs and smart phones is not only determining new functionalities, but is also opening the way to increasingly sophisticated attacks. Indeed, in the last years the field of security has become one of the main focuses of computer science research around the globe. The newly established security group aims at contributing to a comprehensive framework for the engineering, the deployment and the maintenance of secure distributed systems, in which existing and new techniques are harmonized and integrated. The group focuses on distributed system security:
a broad area that deals with the security of embedded systems as well as of the ICT infrastructures. Prominent subfields are: the specification and the enforcement of usage policies of critical systems, verification of security protocols, trust management.


The group cooperates actively with the Radboud University and the University of Twente in the Kerckhoffs security master (IST). 



Relevant courses for the SEC area of expertise are:

•     Seminar information security technology (2IF03),

•     Verification of security protocols (2IF02),

•     Distributed trust management (2IS25),

•     Introduction to computer security (2IF05),

•     Linux kernel and OS security (2WC16),

•     Cryptography 1 (2WC12),

•     Cryptography 2 (2WC13),

•     Coding and crypto 1 (2WC09).

•     Physical aspects of computer security (2IC35)

•     Software evolution (2IS55)


5.9     Electronic systems

Contact person: M. de Mol.


The mission of the section electronic systems is to provide a scientific basis for design trajectories

of digital electronic circuits and systems ‘from (generalized) algorithm to realization’. To identify the key problems, and verify the validity, robustness and completeness of our results, we develop, implement and maintain consistent and complete flows, and use them for realizing

innovative multimedia hardware with emphasis on video processing and embedded architectures.


The research focuses on how to convert the “art” of designing electronic systems into methodology, an absolute necessity, because

•     the complexity of modern integrated circuits continues to increase,

•     new physical phenomena at submicron feature dimensions are having more and more impact, not only on performance, but even on the functionality,

•     and the heavy demand pull from signal processing applications, in particular multimedia and telecommunications, requires rigorous and robust answers.


The approach taken is an algorithmic one, based on combinatorics and process algebra. The main application area is video processing.


More information can be found on


Core courses for the Electronic Systems area of expertise are:

•     Combinatorial algorithms (5MC10),

•     Computer architecture (5MD00),

•     Design automation (5MD20),

•     Signal processing for communication (5ME00),

•     Video processing for multimedia systems (5P530),

•     Advanced topics in multi-service data networks I (5P670),

•     Advanced topics in multi-service data networks II (5P680).








6. pre-master program ES







6. Pre-master program ES


The pre-master program that a student with a completed polytechnic program of computer science has to follow consists of the following units of in total 30 credit points:


Quarter                Code                  Program unit                                                                               Credits   

Start in semester A

1                        2DL03                Basic mathematics                                                                           3

1                        2DL06                Linear algebra                                                                                  3

1                        5DD17               Circuit analysis                                                                               3

1-2                     2IT05                 Logic and set theory                                                                         6

1-2                     2IT15                 Automata and process theory                                                              6

2                        2DL04                Calculus A                                                                                     3

2                        2DL07                Statistics A                                                                                     3

3-4                     5JJ50                 Computational networks                                                                   3

Start in semester B

3                        2DL03                Basic mathematics                                                                           3

3                        2DL06                Linear algebra                                                                                  3

3-4                     2IT05                 Logic and set theory                                                                         6

3-4                     2IT15                 Automata and process theory                                                              6

3-4                     5JJ50                 Computational networks                                                                   3

4                        2DL04                Calculus A                                                                                     3

4                        2DL07                Statistics A                                                                                     3

1 *                     5DD17               Circuit analysis                                                                               3


Students who have completed a polytechnic program of computer science or electrical engineering taking the pre-master program for polytechnic graduates are required to include some study components as homologation study components in the elective part of the master program:


Quarter                Code                  Study component                                                                         Credits   

1-2                     5DD30               Signals                                                                                          5

3-4                     2IL05                 Data structures                                                                                 6

4                        5HH00               Electronics for embedded systems                                                       3


Those taking the pre-master program for polytechnic graduates may be given permission to take part in some of the units of the master program. A necessary condition for permission is that the student has at least scored 15 credit points from the pre-master program.

Those taking an adapted or individually composed pre-master program in the bachelor program may be given permission to take part in some of the study components of the master program, or may be allowed to follow altered or entirely different study components from the master program.

The students that wish to take study components from the master program must submit a request

to this effect as a contracting party to the TU/e. The form needs to be signed the pre-master coordinator or the study advisor.

If the request is granted, then the period of enrolment is set; this may be a maximum of one year on the condition that it is not longer than the enrolment of the student in the bachelor program.


The pre-master coordinator is M.L.P. van Lierop, HG 6.44, telephone number (040)(247)3022.

The study advisor is dr. C.J. Bloo, HG 6.39, telephone number (040)(247)4496.