Installation of VIFF `boost' on Windows

The installation instructions below are based on the VIFF Installation Guide. Installation of SSL is skipped.

However, the module viff.boost from Marcel Keller is installed (not present in VIFF 1.0), which improves the performance of VIFF considerably.
Moreover, many enhancements local to TU/e have been included.

To install TUeVIFF perform the following steps.

Windows 64-bit (recommended):

  1. Install python 2.7.11, e.g., by running python-2.7.11.amd64.msi
  2. Install twisted 15.5.0, e.g., by running (from a Command Prompt): pip install twisted
  3. Install gmpy 1.15, e.g., by running
  4. Install TUeVIFF by extracting TUeVIFF zip and running in the root directory of TUeVIFF ( is in the root): python install
Now you are ready to run the programs in the ~\apps directory. For example, to run, open three Command Prompts and execute respectively:
Notes: Last updated Sunday, 12-Feb-2017 13:47:59 CET by Berry Schoenmakers.