N. Trcka, S. Georgievska, J. Markovski, S. Andova and E.P. de Vink Performance Analysis of Chi Models using Discrete-Time Probabilistic Reward Graphs We propose the model of discrete-time probabilistic reward graphs (TPRGs) for performance analysis of systems exhibiting discrete deterministic time delays and probabilistic behavior, via their interpretation as discrete-time Markov reward chains. We build on the Chi-environment, a full-fledged platform for qualitative and quantitative analysis of timed systems based on the modeling language Chi. The extension proposed in this paper is based on timed branching bisimulation reduction followed by inclusion of probabilities and rewards. The approach is applied in an industrial case study of a turntable drilling system. The resulting performance measures are shown to be comparable to those obtained by two other methods of the Chi-environment, viz. simulation and continuous-time Markovian analysis.