Final Exercise

For the final exercise of the course, the essay (1/3 of the final grade), we offer three different options. Due date is January 21.

1.       Scalability of Google Technologies

2.       Implement the Chat application of exercise 3

3.       Give an architecture description of an existing system

The outcome is a research paper of maximal 10 pages (not counting larger diagrams or cover page), and a summary in 5 powerpoints slides. In view of prior experience, mind the guidelines below and in particular pay attention to the remarks concerning copying literature – copying without proper indication about what is copied will be considered fraud.

Mind the following aspects:

·         Do not forget the questions / points enumerated in the exercise above!

·         Add to your essay:

o   Cover page with

§  title

§  essay type (1, 2, or 3)

§  for each author: name (incl. full initials),

§  course code 2II45

§  date

·         Spell check and grammar check your text.

·         In your conclusion, reflect on your work, and on the material you examined and the lessons learned.

·         The following guidelines are added because of prior (negative) experience.

o   In the references section, provide complete information (follow standards: e.g. for a book: authors/editors, title, publisher, year; for a journal article: authors, title, journal title, volume, number, pages, year; for a webpage: URL).  Avoid dangling sources (without reference from the text).

o   In the text, include precise references to relevant sources. Basically, it should be clear to the reader what the source is of every piece of text:

§  a literal quotation (include quotation marks, the text should make clear what the purpose of the quote is);

§  a rewording of text from one or more sources

§  your own contribution (be careful when mixing the latter two)

o   Make the references as precise as possible.  Do not just refer to a book, but include chapter, section, or even page numbers.  Do not just refer to the home page of a website, but provide a deeper link, or further navigation information. When evaluating your essay, it may be important for us to consult your sources quickly.