oCPS: Communication Systems for CPS

This page gives material used in the oCPS course on Communication Systems, by Johan Lukkien, from the System Architecture and Networking group (SAN) at TU/e. Information will appear over time.

The material is composed from several sources, in particular from material in SAN courses at TU/e with Pieter Cuijpers, Reinder Bril, Jingyue Cao and Johan Lukkien as the main authors. Literal input is also from internet sources – with proper reference of course.

1.      Intro: Introduction to CPS with a focus on the role of the network as integration point.

2.      Principles: an overview of methods and techniques used in communication systems.

3.      CAN: a more in-depth examination of the CAN protocol, based on [1].

4.      Ethernet AVB and TSN: an overview of recent developments around switched ethernet, mainly based on Internet sources, with some research results added.

5.      V2V: Inter Vehicle communication: the protocol stacks based on IEEE 802.11p and an examination of scalability.

6.      http://www.gcdc.net/images/doc/i-GAME_congres_total.pdf: V2V in action – the iGame project. This presentation was prepared within the iGAME team. SAN was active member of iGAME but not involved in creating this presentation.

7.      EDCA: Wireless communication and (statistical) guarantees, the IEEE 802.11e protocol.

Rounding off the course is through a joint exercise. Choose one out of two options, here is the pdf. The deadline is

September 30, 2016


There are some references in the slides, but the mentioned names and standards are sufficient to acquire the right information by searching for publications. Details are found in communications of working groups and in standards documents.

 [1] R.I. Davis, A. Burns, R.J. Bril, and J.J. Lukkien, Controller Area Network (CAN) schedulability analysis: Refuted, revisited and revised, Real-Time Systems, ISSN 1573-1383 (online), http://www.springerlink.com/content/8n32720737877071/, January 30th, 2007, ISSN 0922-6443 (print), 35(3): 239-272, April 2007.