PowerSlides: annotating PowerPoint slides

Exam questions can be added to the presenter notes in PowerPoint slides, and then extracted using this tool. It suports multiple choice and openended questions.


  <question>Thorough testing guarantees correctness of the system.</question>

  <question>What are the non-functional requirements for car functions
  controlled by software?</question>
  <answer>Timeliness, dependability.</answer>


You can double click on the PowerSlides executable and be presented with a dialoge to select the PowerPoint file, or call it from the command line:
$ PowerSlides <PowerPoint file name>
PowerSlides will generate 3 files: an HTML file with questions, an HTML file with questions and ansers, and a "clean" version of the PowerPoint slides with the extracted questions removed.


You can download the latest version of the PowerSlides here: