Virtual Sensors

There virtual sensor toolset is comprised of three elements: the sensors server, the sensor sink, and the control center.

Sensors server

The sensors server simulates a set of virtual sensors and provides their data stream over TCP sockets, with each sensor listening on its own port.

A sink connected to a virtual sensor producing a sine wave with gaussian noise.

Once a client connects to a particular port, the server will stream on the incoming socket a sequence of virtual sensor measurements, with each measurement consisting of a "time value" pair written on a separate line, e.g.:

1418313694394 -3.7125410621409567
1418313694521 7.49639904979789
1418313694648 3.340752925448262
1418313694775 -3.475310498723223
1418313694902 1.7469890349525155
1418313695028 0.6845241121516852
The time is in milliseconds since 1 January 1970.

The sensor behavior is specified in a configuration file which must be provided as an argument to sensor server. Take a look at the example in the config.sens configuration file included in the download.

You can download the latest version of the virtual sensor server here:

*) To get it running on a 64 bit version of Linux make sure to install ia32-libs.

Sensor sink

The sink connects to a virtual sensor over a TCP socket, and visualizes the incoming streaming data.

A sink connected to a virtual sensor producing a sine wave with gaussian noise.

You can download the latest version of the sink here:

*) To get it running on a 64 bit version of Linux make sure to install ia32-libs.

Control center

The control center connects to a sensor server and provides a user interface for trigerring events on that server. The list of available events is retrieved from the server and a button is created for each one of them. The events can also be specified via the command line. The configuration file is used to specify "actions", which are predefined sequences of events.

A control center connected to a sensor server.

You can download the latest version of the control center here:

*) To get it running on a 64 bit version of Linux make sure to install ia32-libs.


For any questions regarding the virtual sensors toolset do not hesitate to contact: