Course page Continuum Mechanics MasterMath 2016

The final exam is an oral exam, on June 16th in Eindhoven. For this exam, we ask you to hand in a `take-home exam' on or before June 9th, by sending your work both to Johan Dubbeldam and to Mark Peletier.

The material for this exam consists of the following chapters and sections from the book of Temam and Miranville (second edition): Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 13 completely; furthermore Sections 6.1, 9.1-9.4, and 14.1-14.3 (up to page 222).

The schedule of the orals is here. The location is Mark Peletier's office, MF 7.070, at the TU/e; see these directions for how to get there.

There will be a retake-exam on July 6th.