Generating an Access database from a Visio database diagram

How to convert a Database Model Diagram in Visio 2000 Enterprise to a Microsoft Access database in Umpteen Easy Steps:

You have a Visio Database Model Diagram. Check it for errors, and fix them, until none are left.
Start the database generation wizard.
We want to generate a new database.
To generate an Access database, select the Access driver.
Then press New to start creating a new data source. (A data source is a set of database connection parameters saved somewhere on the system.)
Choose a System Data Source. Make sure you haven't used its name before.
Select the Access driver again. Then click Next.
Finish, whatever that means.
We haven't finished yet. Supply a name for the data source to create. Click Create.
Put the Access database to create somewhere on the file system. Hit OK.
We're back, but now we have a data source. Click Next.
Connect to the newly created database. No user and password were specified in creating it, so leave them blank and click OK.
If you don't make a special selection, all tables will be created in the database. That is what we want. Click Next.
Whoo, another check. Finish.
We even get our model improved for free.
A DDL script is a series of CREATE TABLE statements..
It looks like this.

We're done!

This doesn't just work with Access. You can also create a MySQL database, for instance.