Cutting Planes and Integer Programming

Symposium in honor of Ralph Gomory

Venue: Auditorium, Room CZ05, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2001


10:15   opening
10:30   Bert Gerards
   On Gomory cuts and on Gomory-Hu trees.
11:15   coffee break
11:45   Laurence A. Wolsey
   Deriving Mixed Integer Cuts and Reformulations from very simple MIPs.
12:30   lunch in the University Club
14:00   Lex Schrijver
   Gomory cuts, Gomory-Hu trees, and the traveling salesman problem.
14:45   coffee break
15:15   Ralph E. Gomory
   T-Space and Cutting Planes
16:00   drinks in the University Club