Q: How do I open numbered files like results001.txt, results002.txt, .... in an easy way? The following example uses `internal files' to do just that: program results integer :: i character (len=100) :: filename do i = 1, 5 write ( filename, '(a,i3.3,a)' ) 'results', i, '.txt' open ( unit=10, file=filename ) write ( unit=10, fmt=* ) i close ( unit=10 ) end do end program results Q: How do I split up my project into separate files? It is advised that a module is either put into a separate file or included in the file of the main program. Do not put individual subroutines/functions into separate files: they should always be part of a module (which can of course be a put into a separate file). Q: How do I manage multiple files? A: Define in Plato3 a Fortran application project. Add all your files to the project and let Plato3 manage (build/compile etc.) your project. If you change a single file and rebuild the project, Plato3 only compiles the changed file and makes a new executable. Plato3 also knows about dependencies, i.e. if the changed file contains a module that is being used by another file, the latter file is also recompiled. In summary: a build step in plato3 only compiles files that have been changed/added or depend on files that have been changed since the last build. Q: How do I do source code and run time checking and source code debugging? A: There are three modes in Plato3: Checkmate Win32, Debug Win32 and Release Win32. The first mode includes extensive checking. The first two include debugging. The last is for running a program when the bugs are removed. Q: How do I make my program run faster? A: Click optimise in the Optimisation list of the project configuration.