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Logo - Security in Times of Surveillance


The Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information (Ei/PSI) organizes a 1-day event on Security in Times of Surveillance on Friday, 28 June 2019. The event will take place at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in the Blauwe Zaal. It features invited talks covering technical as well as legal and political aspects of security and surveillance.

The Cryptomuseum has two encryption Logo - cryptomuseum machines on display in the MetaForum building (floors 4 and 6). On the day of this event they will bring some extra machines to the Auditorium building (where the event takes place) and participants can visit them during the breaks. Crypto Museum is all about historical cipher machines, spy radio sets, covert equipment, radio direction finders, intercept, spy cameras and much, much more. They also have an active twitter feed.

Information of how to reach TU/e is available here. The Blauwe Zaal is at at the center of the Auditorium building, building 1 (in quadrant A4) on the campus map. Enter through the "Congress" entry and go up one flight of stairs to get to the registration desk.

Information such as slides and videos from past edition of Security in Times of Surveillance can be found at the 2018 page, 2017 page, 2016 page, the 2015 page, and the 2014 page.

Follow us on Twitter for more announcements.


Download the poster for the event in A4 format.


Registration is now closed as the room is fully booked. Please inform us if you do no longer plan to attend the meeting. Likewise, email Tanja to get on the waiting list for seats.


The titles link to the abstracts. You can find titles and abstracts in alphabetical order here.
08:30Registration opens
08:55Opening remarks
09:00Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons
Operation "Easy Chair" – How the Dutch helped the CIA to bug the Russian embassy
09:45David Stainton
Katzenpost mix network
10:30 Coffee break
11:00Adriana Nugter
Everything under control? – The GDPR one year later
11:45Ot van Daalen
Evaluating crypto restrictions under EU human rights law
12:30Lunch break
14:00Edward Snowden
Combating Online Surveillance
14:45Sjoera Nas
I know you didn't read the fine print!
15:30Coffee break
16:00Ryan Gallagher
Silicon Valley and China: US tech giants' complicity in the CCP regime's censorship and surveillance
16:45Sofia Celi
The loss of the sovereignty in privacy

Invited speakers:

  • Sofia Celi, Centro de Autonomia Digital
  • Ot van Daalen, Institute for Information Law (IViR) and Root Legal
  • Ryan Gallagher, The Intercept
  • Sjoera Nas, senior advisor Privacy Company
  • Adriana Nugter, Guest Lecturer TU/e & Independent Senior Advisor
  • Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons, Cryptomuseum Eindhoven
  • Edward Snowden, Freedom of the Press Foundation
  • David Stainton, Core developer of the Katzenpost mix network
  • Scientific organizers:

    Local organizers:

    • Anita Klooster
    • Tanja Lange


    Please treat each other with respect.

    Please do not take pictures of anybody without prior consent; per se that means no crowd shots are possible.

    Further information:

    For further information, please contact:
    Tanja Lange
    e-mail: tanja [at] hyperelliptic.org