IEEE CIS Task Force on Process Mining

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Best Process Mining Dissertation Award

The Process Mining Dissertation Award is awarded by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining to an outstanding PhD thesis focused on the area of business process intelligence. The award is particularly dedicated to works contributing to research in the area of process mining and/or the innovative use of process mining techniques for solving practically relevant problems.

With this award, the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining wants to draw attention to excellent works by young researchers and promote the research area as a whole.


Nominate Now: Best Process Mining Dissertation Award 2016

The call for the Best Process Mining Dissertation Award 2016 is now online. Key dates and facts:

  • theses defended and degree awarded in 2014 or 2015
  • supervisor nominates until 1st April 2016
  • award ceremony during the annual meeting of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Process Mining, co-located with BPM'16 (September 18-22, 2016)

Please see the call for nominations for details and evaluation criteria.


Below you find the award winners of the previous years
