IEEE CIS Task Force on Process Mining

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Process Mining Event Logs

Payment process of Common Agricultural Policy

The European Union spends a large fraction of its budget on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Among these spendings are direct payments, which are mainly aimed to provide a basic income for farmers decoupled from production. The rest of the CAP budget is spent for market related expenditures and rural development.

The processes that govern the distribution of these funds are subject to complex regulations captured in EU and national law. The member states are required to operate an Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), which includes IT systems to support the complex processes of subsidy distribution. The process considered in this dataset covers the handling of applications for EU direct payments for German farmers from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. The process repeats every year with minor changes due to changes in EU regulations. The dataset is extracted from the systems of data experts, Germany. Their tool profil c/s supports these processes at the level of federal ministries of agriculture and local departments.

The workflows in profil c/s can be understood in terms of documents, where each document has a state that allows for certain actions. These actions can be executed manually at any point in time through document specific tools or they can be scheduled automatically. The latter may be either explicitly stated in the log or implicitly apparent if a large number of actions is performed by the same user at around the same time (batch processing). In total, the event log contains 2,514,266 events for 43,809 applications over a period of three years. The shortest case co

Origin BPI Challenge 2018
DOI 10.4121/uuid:3301445f-95e8-4ff0-98a4-901f1f204972
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Loan application process of a Dutch financial institute

This event log pertains to a loan application process of a Dutch financial institute. The data contains all applications filed trough an online system in 2016 and their subsequent events until February 1st 2017, 15:11. The company providing the data and the process under consideration is the same as doi:10.4121/uuid:3926db30-f712-4394-aebc-75976070e91f (BPI Challenge 2012). However, the system supporting the process has changed in the meantime. In particular, the system now allows for multiple offers per application. These offers can be tracked through their IDs in the log.

Origin BPI Challenge 2017
DOI 10.4121/uuid:5f3067df-f10b-45da-b98b-86ae4c7a310b
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Municipality logs

These are comparable event logs from five Dutch municipalities. Events are labeled with both a code and a Dutch and English label. Each activity code consists of three parts: two digits, a variable number of characters, and then three digits. The first two digits as well as the characters indicate the subprocess the activity belongs to. For instance ‘01_HOOFD_xxx’ indicates the main process and ‘01_BB_xxx’ indicates the ‘objections and complaints’ (‘Beroep en Bezwaar’ in Dutch) subprocess. The last three digits hint on the order in which activities are executed, where the first digit often indicates a phase within a process.

Log 1: 1199 cases, 52217 events, 398 event classes

Origin BPI Challenge 2015
DOI 10.4121/uuid:a0addfda-2044-4541-a450-fdcc9fe16d17
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Log 2: 832 cases, 44354 events, 410 event classes

Origin BPI Challenge 2015
DOI 10.4121/uuid:63a8435a-077d-4ece-97cd-2c76d394d99c
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Log 3: 1409 cases, 59681 events, 383 event classes

Origin BPI Challenge 2015
DOI 10.4121/uuid:ed445cdd-27d5-4d77-a1f7-59fe7360cfbe
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Log 4: 1053 cases, 47293 events, 356 event classes

Origin BPI Challenge 2015
DOI 10.4121/uuid:679b11cf-47cd-459e-a6de-9ca614e25985
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Log 5: 1156 cases, 59083 events, 398 event classes

Origin BPI Challenge 2015
DOI 10.4121/uuid:b32c6fe5-f212-4286-9774-58dd53511cf8
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Service desk logs

These are four event logs that revolve around the service desk processes in a bank: Interaction Management, Incident Management, Change Management. The logs are provided in the CSV format.

Change log

Origin BPI Challenge 2014
DOI 10.4121/uuid:d5ccb355-ca67-480f-8739-289b9b593aaf
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Incident log

Origin BPI Challenge 2014
DOI 10.4121/uuid:3cfa2260-f5c5-44be-afe1-b70d35288d6d
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Interaction log

Origin BPI Challenge 2014
DOI 10.4121/uuid:3d5ae0ce-198c-4b5c-b0f9-60d3035d07bf
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Incident activity log

Origin BPI Challenge 2014
DOI 10.4121/uuid:86977bac-f874-49cf-8337-80f26bf5d2ef
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Incident management log

This is an event log from Volvo IT Belgium. The log contains events from an incident and problem management system called VINST.

Origin BPI Challenge 2013
DOI 10.4121/uuid:500573e6-accc-4b0c-9576-aa5468b10cee
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Incident management log, open problems

DOI 10.4121/uuid:3537c19d-6c64-4b1d-815d-915ab0e479da
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Incident management log, closed problems

DOI 10.4121/uuid:c2c3b154-ab26-4b31-a0e8-8f2350ddac11
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Event log of a loan application process

This is a real-life log, taken from a Dutch Financial Institute. This log contains some 262.200 events in 13.087 cases. Apart from some anonymization, the log contains all data as it came from the financial institute. The process represented in the event log is an application process for a personal loan or overdraft within a global financing organization. The amount requested by the customer is indicated in the case attribute AMOUNT_REQ, which is global, i.e. every case contains this attribute. The event log is a merger of three intertwined sub processes. The first letter of each task name identifies from which sub process (source) it originated from. Feel free to run analyses on the process as a whole, on selections of the whole process and/or the individual sub processes.

Origin BPI Challenge 2012
DOI 10.4121/uuid:3926db30-f712-4394-aebc-75976070e91f
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Anonymized event log of a Dutch Academic Hospital

This is a real-life log, taken from a Dutch Academic Hospital. This log contains some 150.000 events in over 1100 cases. Apart from some anonymization, the log contains all data as it came from the Hospital's systems. Each case is a patient of a Gynaecology department. The log contains information about when certain activities took place, which group performed the activity and so on. Many attributes have been recorded that are relevant to the process. Some attributes are repeated more than once for a patient, indicating that this patient went through different (maybe overlapping) phases, where a phase consists of the combination Diagnosis & Treatment.

Origin BPI Challenge 2011
DOI 10.4121/uuid:d9769f3d-0ab0-4fb8-803b-0d1120ffcf54
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