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Text Labels in BPMN models is not showing completely

edited August 2019 in ProM 6
I am trying to produce BPMN models using BPMN Analyser in ProM 6.8. I am facing a slight problem where the text labels is not showing completely (see below image).

Is there any option or method to fix this problem?



  • Hi Abdulaziz,

    You can try a different visualizer for the BPMN diagram. I think the dot-based visualizer shows the entire labels (of course, it needs to enlarge the nodes to do so). The default visualizer (shown above) uses a fixed width for the nodes, and as a result, truncates labels if needed.

    Kind regards,
  • Dear Eric,
    Thank you very much for your prompt response.
    I am not able to find the dot-based visualiser. I have downloaded all ProM packages and and looked into them but without luck. Can you please guide me where to find it?

    Thanks & regards,
  • Hi Abdulaziz,

    I'm sorry, you're right, such a visualizer does not exist yet. I thought it was already included, but it is not.

    Unfortunately, that means we're stuck with this one visualizer that indeed truncates labels if they do not fit in the node :-(.

    Kind regards,

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