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fail to run LogFiltering in eclipse

I downloaded LogFiltering from, but when i tried to run it, I faced this error:

Also, I have installed the same package in the prom through prom pm, but when I tried to search this plugin in prom, I can't find it.
Thanks for any help.
2.png 109.6K


  • Hi,

    Please open the "ProM with UITopia (LogFiltering).launch" file in an editor, and add the following options to the VM_ARGUMENTS on line 21:


    Then try to run ProM again from the package.

    I guess you are using Java 9 or newer. As from Java 9, the default system class loader is not a URLClassLoader anymore. As a result, if you are using Java 9 or newer, you need to use the ProMCLassLoader as the system class loader.

    Kind reagrds,

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