Combining UML models and software metrics...
MetricView MetricView

The MetricView project

MetricView is an activity within the EmpAnADa project at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The research is lead by Michel Chaudron and Christian Lange. The main contributers to the MetricView tool and the MetricView Evolution are Maurice Termeer and Martijn Wijns.

What is the goal of MetricView?

The goal of MetricView is to give more insight into UML models by visualizing software metrics that have been computed by another tool directly on top of the graphical representation of the UML model. Up to now, these metrics (which are the actual entities that should give you insight into the design) are only available in tabular form, while the UML models have all kinds of neat diagrams. MetricViews goal is to somehow visualize these metrics in the UML model, making it more clear so see what's right and what's wrong.

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