TITLE: Combinatorial Problems in High-Performance Computing SPEAKER: Rob Bisseling Department of Mathematics Utrecht University http://www.math.uu.nl/people/bisseling ABSTRACT: This talk presents a survey of combinatorial problems encountered in scientific computations on today's high-performance architectures, such as parallel computers with many processors and several cores on each processor, and with sophisticated memory hierarchies and multiple levels of cache. For parallelism, the most important problem is to partition sparse matrices, graphs, or hypergraphs into nearly equal-sized parts while trying to reduce inter-processor communication. For better cache performance, the problem is to reorder sparse matrices by suitable row and column permutations. Common approaches to such problems involve multilevel methods based on coarsening and uncoarsening (hyper)graphs, matching of similar vertices, searching for good separator sets and good splittings, and two-dimensional matrix splitting methods such as incorporated in the software package Mondriaan. We will discuss new algorithms included in version 3.0 of Mondriaan, to be released Spring 2010. BIO: Rob Bisseling is a professor in scientific computing at the Mathematics Institute of Utrecht University and leader of the Master's programme in scientific computing in Utrecht. He is author of the book, "Parallel Scientific Computation: A Structured Approach using BSP and MPI", Oxford University Press, March 2004.