Online Optimization with Lookahead Fabian Dunke (Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie) We consider online optimization problems where algorithms can acces a quantifiable amount of information on future input data. We call this optimization paradigm online optimization with lookahead and present a generic framework for it. First off, we look at several lookahead types, their applications in practice, and what can be gained by them in terms of classical worst performance guarantees. To overcome some of the weaknesses in this type of analysis, alternative performance measures particularly suitable for simulation purposes are proposed. In the center of this talk stands the generic framework for online optimization with lookahead which is introduced to establish the problem setting as an intermediate form between pure offline and online optimization. In addition, the framework intends to harmonize concepts and notation throughout application domains. Finally, we examine in two applications how lookahead affects overall optimization results. We find out that an exact (local) solution of subproblems does not necessarily contribute to an improved overall (global) solution, and that the value of lookahead is strongly problem-specific.