Circuits, and Trinomials, Over Arithmetic Fields J. Maurice Rojas (Texas A&M and TU Munchen) A recent analogue of Descartes' Rule over F_q (the finite field with q elements) implies that the maximal number of roots in F_q of a univariate polynomial with exactly 3 monomial terms (and the gcd of q-1 and the differences of the exponents being 1) is at most 2+(q-1)^{1/2}. This upper bound is asymptotically optimal for most prime powers q, but the correct upper bound for prime q is a mystery, possibly connected to recent attacks on the discrete logarithm problem. We present computational evidence that the correct upper bound for prime q is O(log q), and show how the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis implies the existence of trinomials with O((log q)/log log q) roots in F_q when q is prime. We then move to the field C_p, where a conjectural upper bound on the number of roots of certain sparse polynomial systems is shown to be related to the Shub-Smale tau-Conjecture and the circuit complexity of the permanent. Along the way, we mention some combinatorial constructions related to circuits from combinatorics.