On Lie Algebras Generated by Few Extremal Elements Dan Roozemond An element x of a Lie algebra L is called extremal if [x,[x,y]] is a scalar multiple of x for all y in L. If L is a Lie algebra of Chevalley type, then the extremal elements are precisely the long root elements, so they are quite a natural object to study. We consider the setup where a Lie algebra L is generated by a small number of extremal elements whose commutation relations are prescribed by a given graph. In particular, for a graph $\Gamma$ and a field K we consider an algebraic variety X over K whose K-points parametrize Lie algebras generated by extremal elements. I'll try to make this talk quite accessible by discussing some basic previously-known properties of such Lie algebras, in the process hopefully drawing some pretty pictures on the blackboard, and I'll describe some new results obtained by computer calculations in Magma. These results suggest a connection between graph planarity of $\Gamma$ and the structure of X, hoping to attract members of both the CO group and the DAM group.