Efficient algorithms for average completion time scheduling Rene Sitters We analyze the competitive ratio of online algorithms for minimizing (weighted) average completion time on identical parallel machines and prove that the well-known shortest remaining processing time algorithm (SRPT) is $5/4$-competitive w.r.t. the average completion time objective. The SRPT algorithm has a natural generalization to the case where jobs have given weights. Unfortunately, our proof does not carry over to this case. For weighted completion times, no algorithm is known to have a competitive ratio less than 2. Remarkably, even for the offline problem, the only ratio less than 2 results from the approximation scheme given by Afrati et al. We give a deterministic online algorithm with competitive ratio $1.791+o(m)$. This ratio holds for preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. The two algorithms show that approximation ratios less than 2 can be obtained for parallel machines by simple and efficient online algorithms. The known lower bounds indicate that competitive ratios close to 1 are possible for randomized algorithms, especially when preemption is allowed. Here is the paper: http://dare.ubvu.vu.nl/handle/1871/15570