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About Statlab

Statlab is an interactive learning environment for design of experiments, written in Java. It contains several assignments to teach the student all aspects about setting up a designed experiment.

Statlab was started as a "studeerbaarheidsproject", which is a project funded by the Dutch government to stimulate the development of computer aided learning environments. Statlab is a project of the Probability and Statistics group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Emiel van Berkum, a member of this department, started this project in January 1997.

The first version of Statlab was written by Mark van de Wiel, who was a student at the TU/e. It was written for the statistical software package SAS. Because of the limited availability of this software package, it was decided that a version for the World Wide Web should be written. Leendert van Gastel, a member of Computer Algebra Nederland, developed this version written in HTML, JavaScript and Java. Version 1.0, which contained three screening assignments, was finished in september 1998.

This version still was not extensive enough to be used in statistics education. In November 1998 the students Marko Boon and Michel Vollebregt started writing an RSM module for Statlab under supervision of Alessandro Di Bucchianico as their graduation project. This RSM module was written completely in Java and integrated in the existing Statlab web application. In June 1999 Statlab 1.1 was finished.

Statlab 1.1 was used in courses in Design of Experiments for mathematics students. The need for a more elaborate screening version became apparent and Marko Boon, who became a member of the department, rewrote the screening module and integrated the screening and RSM parts in Statlab 2.0.

Nowadays Statlab is being used in courses for the departments of mathematics and computer science, chemical engineering and chemistry, and the department of technology management. It is also used in postgraduate courses Design of Experiments and Robust Design for engineers. It is maintained by Marko Boon, Alessandro Di Bucchianico and Emiel van Berkum.

If you want more information about Statlab, please send an email to Marko Boon. Please notice the Guide for Students and the Guide for Teachers to help you getting started with Statlab.

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