Welcome to my personal webpage! I'm an Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, where I am leading the Parallel Software Development group. My group conducts research on applying modern parallel architectures (think of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs) to perform (typically irregular) scientific computations. A specific application area on which we focus is program verification, for which we develop new parallel algorithms, and extend existing ones, to accelerate computations such as model checking and SAT solving. In addition, we conduct research on improving verification techniques to reason about parallel software. A long term goal is to be able to verify the correctness of our developed algorithms using these techniques.
Feel free to have a look at my list of publications and the software tools I develop!

FSA seminar: Slides explaining my proposed assignments can be found here.

For an overview of my work on using Graphics Processing Units to speed up model checking computations see the poster I presented at ETAPS 2014 and GTC 2015, and the poster I presented at GTC Europe 2016. Supplementary material, including presentation slides, can be found on the Publications page.

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
MetaForum 6.088
Software Engineering & Technology
Faculteit Informatica
Groene Loper 5
5612 AZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Postal address:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
MetaForum 6.088
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Function: Associate Professor

E-mail: A.J.Wijs <apestaartje>
Phone: +31 (0)40 247 3991

Research Interests:

  • High performance program verification (model checking, annotation checking)
  • Distributed / Multi-core / GPGPU / FPGA / Grid Computing
  • (Parallel) SAT solving / Symbolic model checking
  • Verification of Model Transformations
  • Verified code generation
  • (Directed) Explicit State Space Traversal and Generation
  • (Timed) Process Algebra

Current projects:

Past projects:

  • MAS: Many-Core Acceleration of State Space Construction and Analysis
    (Amazon): 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2023
  • GEARS: GPU Enabled Accelerated Reasoning about System designs
    (NWO TOP c2): 2017-2021
  • GPGPU-NIRICT: Performance and Correctness of GPGPU Applications (4TU NIRICT Reconnaissance Topic): 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2019
  • ViGARO: Verified Generation of Parallel Software
    (4TU NIRICT): 01/09/2017 - 01/09/2018
  • EMC2: Embedded Multi-Core Systems for Mixed Criticality Applications in Dynamic and Changeable Real-Time Environments
    (ARTEMIS): 2014-2017

Organisational Activities:

Organising Committees:

Steering Committees:

Programme Committees:


  • SET seminar, 2010-present
  • Program Verification Techniques 2019-present
  • Software Specification 2011-2013, 2017-present
  • Programming 2016-present
  • Programming Methods 2014-2018
  • OGO 2.2 Software Specification 2011-2012
  • Software Specification & Architecture 2014-2016
  • DBL Embedded Systems 2015

Former academic functions: