Networks and Protocols (2Z870)

Spring 2002/2003

See also: the onderwijsinformatie for the course 2Z870

Intended for: 3rd year mathematics, electrical engineering


The course is a literature study concerning the book “Computer Networks, 4th edition, A.S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall International, 2003, ISBN 0-13—038488-7”. It runs in parallel with the course “Computer Networks”. Please refer to the pages of this course for additional information on the subject. You are encouraged to take the regular computer networks course rather than this one.

Students that prefer the literature study are invited to send an email to the teacher (see below) to express their interest. Following the course then boils down to studying the book. Even now, you can start reading the first and third chapters. There will be a weekly opportunity of about one hour to ask questions on the material. Depending on the number of interested students the examination will be oral or a regular written exam in combination with a small practical exercise.


J.J. Lukkien

HG 6.72, tel.: 5147

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