import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class Letter extends JFrame { static int sn = 0; // last used serial number String text = " "; //default text of Letter int fontSize = 120; //default fontsize of text in pixel height int step = 10; LetterPanel panel; /********** Constructors *********/ // creates a blank Letter public Letter() { this(" "); } //creates a Letter with text s //at the top left of the screen, with newer Letters shifted farther to the right public Letter(String s) { this.panel = new LetterPanel(this); this.add(this.panel); if (s!=null && s.length()>0) { text = s.substring(0,1); } this.setSize(120,150); this.setTitle("#"+sn++); this.setLocation(10*sn, 10); this.setVisible(true); } //creates a Letter with text c public Letter(char c) { this(String.valueOf( c )); } //changes the text to t public void setText(String t) { if (t!=null) { text = t; } this.repaint(); } //ditto public void setText(char c) { this.setText(String.valueOf( c )); } //redraws the Letter, called by the windowing system //text is vertically more or less centered, horizontally it is not /* public void paint(Graphics g) { //super.paint(g); int bar = 10; // height of title bar (Mac OS); estimation int h = getHeight() - bar; Font font = new Font( g.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSize ); g.setFont(font); g.drawString(text, 25, (h+fontSize)/2 - 10); }*/ //changes (sets) the background color public void setColor(Color c) { this.panel.setBackground(c); } //changes (sets) the fontsize to a height of fs pixels public void setFontSize(int fs) { this.fontSize = fs; this.repaint(); } //centers the Letter on the screen public void center() { Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int a = screen.width; int b = this.getWidth(); int x = (a-b)/2; //int x = (screen.getWidth() - this.getWidth())/2; int y = screen.height/2 - this.getHeight()/2; this.setLocation(x, y); } /* methods to move the Letter on the screen */ // move dx pixels to the right and dy down; negative arguments move left resp. up public void moveRel(int dx, int dy) { Point here = this.getLocationOnScreen(); this.setLocation(here.x + dx, here.y + dy); } // four methods that move step pixels to the right, left, down, up public void moveRight() { this.moveRel(step,0); } public void moveLeft() { this.moveRel(-step,0); } public void moveDown() { this.moveRel(0,step); } public void moveUp() { this.moveRel(0,-step); } // move Letter to an absolute position on the screen public void moveAbs(int x, int y) { this.setLocation(x,y); } //pause execution for ms milliseconds public static void pause(long ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println(e); } } //pause execution for sec seconds public static void pause(double sec) { pause((long) sec*1000); } // only for testing purposes public static void main(String[] ar) { Letter x = new Letter("X"); x.pause(0.5); x.setColor(; x.pause(1.0); x.setColor(; } } class LetterPanel extends JPanel { Letter letter; LetterPanel(Letter let) { this.letter = let; } //redraws the Letter, called by the windowing system //text is vertically more or less centered, horizontally it is not public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); int bar = 10; // height of title bar (Mac OS); estimation int h = getHeight() - bar; Font font = new Font( g.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, letter.fontSize ); g.setFont(font); g.drawString(letter.text, 25, (h+letter.fontSize)/2 - 10); } }