================ Peer Review Form ================ Reaction Experiment - - - - - - - - - - Consider the code on the following points. Give a grade from 0 to 3. 0: really bad: most of the required things missing 1: not sufficient: there are some good points, yet it is below standards 2: sufficient: some serious problems here, but good enough 3: good: most of the required things are there. Maybe not perfect. 1. Readability of the code. See also the coding standard on the wiki. This was not given on beforehand, so you can’t use it as an absolute measure, but it should give you inspiration on how to judge readability. 0-3: 2. Adherence to the given class diagram. If there are deviations, are they motivated, and convincingly so? 0-3: 3. Is the sequencing of the steps (show the red circle, show the yellow circle, etc.) implemented properly? No obscure tricks with undocumented variables? 0-3: 4. Is the Timer being used properly according to its documentation? Started at the right moment, stopped at the right moment, having a random period that is different for every test? 0-3: 5. Is the way the reaction time is measured plausible and easy to understand? No more variables than needed, no unused variables, no obscure tricks? 0-3: