Robert Brijder
Contact information
Dr. R. Brijder
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Eindhoven University Of Technology
5612 AZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands
E-mail: r.brijder {at}
Current and Past Affiliations and Projects
- Method and device for determining a belt tension of a machine drive belt.
J. Vansweevelt, W.F.M. Tirry, P.E. Geuens, and R. Brijder
International Patent WO2022263258A1 (2022).
- High angular resolution diffusion weighted MRI.
F.G.C. Hoogenraad, R.F.J. Holthuizen, and R. Brijder
International Patent WO2005076030A1 (2005).
Other (incomplete) sources:
ORCID, and
Google Scholar.
- On Matrices and K-Relations.
R. Brijder, M. Gyssens, and J. Van den Bussche
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, v. 90, 181-210, 2022. arXiv preprint 1904.03934.
- DNAQL: a query language for DNA sticker complexes.
R. Brijder, J.J.M. Gillis, and J. Van den Bussche
Natural Computing, v. 20, 161-189, 2021.
- On Matrices and K-Relations.
R. Brijder, M. Gyssens, and J. Van den Bussche
International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, FoIKS 2020 (A. Herzig and J. Kontinen, eds), 2020.
- MATLANG: Matrix operations and their expressive power.
R. Brijder, F. Geerts, J. Van den Bussche, and T. Weerwag
ACM SIGMOD Record, v. 48, 60-67, 2019.
- On the Expressive Power of Query Languages for Matrices.
R. Brijder, F. Geerts, J. Van den Bussche, and T. Weerwag
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, v. 44, #15, 2019. arXiv preprint 1709.08359.
- On the Expressive Power of Query Languages for Matrices.
R. Brijder, F. Geerts, J. Van den Bussche, and T. Weerwag
21th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2018 (B. Kimelfeld and Y. Amsterdamer, eds.), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), v. 98, 10:1-10:17, 2018.
- The DNA query language DNAQL.
R. Brijder, J.J.M. Gillis, and J. Van den Bussche
16th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2013 (W.C. Tan, ed.), 1-9, 2013.
- A Type System for DNAQL.
R. Brijder, J.J.M. Gillis, and J. Van den Bussche
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming - 18th International Conference, DNA 18 (D. Stefanovic and A. Turberfield, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 7433, 12-24, 2012.
Condition-Based Maintenance using Data Science
- Switching Kalman Filtering-Based Corrosion Detection and Prognostics for Offshore Wind-Turbine Structures.
R. Brijder, S. Helsen, and A.P. Ompusunggu
Wind, v. 3, 1-13, 2023.
- Detection, Prognosis and Decision Support Tool for Offshore Wind Turbine Structures.
S. Vásquez, J. Verhelst, R. Brijder, and A.P. Ompusunggu
Wind, v. 2, 747-765, 2022.
- Accelerometer-Based Bearing Condition Indicator Estimation Using Semi-Supervised Adaptive DSVDD.
M. Meire, R. Brijder, G. Dekkers, and P. Karsmakers
14th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, PHM 2022 (C. Kulkarni and A. Saxena, eds), v. 14, nr. 1, 2022. Winner of the Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics price ($1000).
- A Discussion on the Differences Between the Cyclic Spectral Correlation and Coherence for Cyclostationarity-Based Condition Monitoring.
K. Kestel, C. Peeters, J. Antoni, Q. Léclere, F. Girardin, R. Brijder, J. Helsen
14th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, PHM 2022 (C. Kulkarni and A. Saxena, eds), v. 14, nr. 1, 2022.
- Generalized likelihood ratio-based condition indicator maximization via Rayleigh quotient iteration.
K. Kestel, C. Peeters, J. Antoni, Q. Leclère, F. Girardin, R. Brijder, and J. Helsen
30th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2022, nr. 379, 2022.
- Review of corrosion monitoring and prognostics in offshore wind turbine structures: Current status and feasible approaches.
R. Brijder, C.H.M. Hagen, A. Cortés, A. Irizar, U.C. Thibbotuwa, S. Helsen, S. Vásquez, and A.P. Ompusunggu
Frontiers in Energy Research (Section Wind Energy), v. 10, nr. 991343, 2022.
- Wavelet Scattering Network Based Bearing Fault Detection.
T. Bourgana, R. Brijder, T. Ooijevaar, and A.P. Ompusunggu
6th European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, PHME 2021 (P. Do, S. King, and O. Fink, eds), 2021.
Graph Grammars for Data Mining
- On the Inference of Non-Confluent NLC Graph Grammars.
R. Brijder, and H. Blockeel
Journal of Logic and Computation, v. 23, 799-814, 2013. arXiv preprint 0901.4876 (older version with different title).
- Characterizing Compressibility of Disjoint Subgraphs with NLC Grammars.
R. Brijder, and H. Blockeel
Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 5th International Conference, LATA 2011 (A.-H. Dediu, S. Inenaga, C. Martín-Vide, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 6638, 167-178, 2011.
- Learning Non-Confluent NLC Graph Grammar Rules.
H. Blockeel, and R. Brijder
5th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2009), Mathematical Theory and Computational Practice (K. Ambos-Spies, B. Lowe, W. Merkle, eds.), Abstract Booklet, 60-69, 2009.
DNA Computing / Self-Assembly
- Computing with Chemical Reaction Networks: A Tutorial.
R. Brijder
Natural Computing, v. 18, 119-137, 2019. arXiv preprint 1811.10361.
- Democratic, Existential, and Consensus-Based Output Conventions in Stable Computation by Chemical Reaction Networks.
R. Brijder, D. Doty, and D. Soloveichik
Natural Computing, v. 17, 97-108, 2018. arXiv preprint 1604.03687.
- Conditions for Extinction Events in Chemical Reaction Networks with Discrete State Spaces.
M.D. Johnston, D.F. Anderson, G. Craciun, and R. Brijder
Journal of Mathematical Biology, v. 76, 1535-1558, 2018. arXiv preprint 1701.02012.
- Sorting by Reversals and the Theory of 4-Regular Graphs.
R. Brijder
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 701, 40-53, 2017. arXiv preprint 1701.07463.
- Dominance and Deficiency for Petri Nets and Chemical Reaction Networks.
R. Brijder
Natural Computing, v. 16, 285-294, 2017. arXiv preprint 1503.04005.
- Robustness of Expressivity in Chemical Reaction Networks.
R. Brijder, D. Doty, and D. Soloveichik
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming - 22th International Conference, DNA 22 (Y. Rondelez and D. Woods, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 9818, 52-66, 2016.
- Minimal Output Unstable Configurations in Chemical Reaction Networks and Deciders.
R. Brijder
Natural Computing, v. 15, 235-244, 2016. arXiv preprint 1404.3166.
- Dominance and T-invariants for Petri Nets and Chemical Reaction Networks.
R. Brijder
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming - 21th International Conference, DNA 21 (A. Philips and P. Yin, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 9211, 1-15, 2015.
- Output Stability and Semilinear Sets in Chemical Reaction Networks and Deciders.
R. Brijder
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming - 20th International Conference, DNA 20 (S. Murata and S. Kobayashi, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 8727, 100-113, 2014.
- Graph-Theoretic Formalization of Hybridization in DNA Sticker Complexes.
R. Brijder, J.J.M. Gillis, and J. Van den Bussche
Natural Computing, v. 12, 223-234, 2013.
- A comparison of graph-theoretic DNA hybridization models.
R. Brijder, J.J.M. Gillis, and J. Van den Bussche
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 429, 46-53, 2012.
- Graph-Theoretic Formalization of Hybridization in DNA Sticker Complexes.
R. Brijder, J.J.M. Gillis, and J. Van den Bussche
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming - 17th International Conference, DNA 17 (L. Cardelli and W.M. Shih, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 6937, 49-63, 2011.
- On Aggregation in Multiset-Based Self-Assembly of Graphs.
F. Bernardini, R. Brijder, M. Cavaliere, G. Franco, H.J. Hoogeboom, and G. Rozenberg
Natural Computing, v. 10, 17-38, 2011.
- Perfectly Quilted Rectangular Snake Tilings.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 410, 1486-1494, 2009.
- Perfectly Quilted Rectangular Snake Tilings.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
Proceedings of the Satellite Workshops of DLT 2007, Part 3: Workshop on Tilings and Self-Assembly (J. Kari, ed.), TUCS General Publication No 45, June 2007.
- Multiset-Based Self-Assembly of Graphs.
F. Bernardini, R. Brijder, G. Rozenberg, and C. Zandron
Fundamenta Informaticae, v. 75, 49-75, 2007.
- The Interlace Polynomial and the Tutte-Martin Polynomial.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
Handbook of the Tutte Polynomial and Related Topics (J. Ellis-Monaghan, I. Moffatt, eds.), Chapter 14, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2022.
See original submission for more content (omitted in final chapter due to space constraints).
- A Characterization of Circle Graphs in Terms of Total Unimodularity.
R. Brijder and L. Traldi
European Journal of Combinatorics, v. 102, 103455, 2022. arXiv preprint 1909.09038.
- Counterexamples to a conjecture of Las Vergnas.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
European Journal of Combinatorics, v. 89, 103141, 2020. arXiv preprint 1809.00813.
- A Characterization of Circle Graphs in Terms of Multimatroid Representations.
R. Brijder and L. Traldi
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v. 27, P1.25, 2020. arXiv preprint 1703.05960.
- Characterizing (0,±1)-matrices with only even-rank principal submatrices in terms of skew-symmetry.
R. Brijder
arXiv preprint 1811.04728.
- Orienting Transversals and Transition Polynomials of Multimatroids.
R. Brijder
Advances in Applied Mathematics, v. 94, 120-155, 2018. arXiv preprint 1605.04244.
- Isotropic matroids III: Connectivity.
R. Brijder and L. Traldi
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v. 24, P2.49, 2017. arXiv preprint 1602.03899.
- Isotropic matroids II: Circle graphs.
R. Brijder and L. Traldi
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v. 23, P4.2, 2016. arXiv preprint 1504.04299.
- Isotropic matroids I: Multimatroids and Neighborhoods.
R. Brijder and L. Traldi
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v. 23, P4.1, 2016. arXiv preprint 1503.04406.
- Quaternary Bicycle Matroids and the Penrose Polynomial for Delta-Matroids.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
arXiv preprint 1210.7718. Contains the material of arXiv preprint 1302.4415.
- Interlace Polynomials for Multimatroids and Delta-Matroids.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
European Journal of Combinatorics, v. 40, 142-167, 2014. arXiv preprint 1010.4678. Erratum.
- The Nullity Theorem for Principal Pivot Transform.
R. Brijder
Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 439, 3638-3642, 2013. arXiv preprint 1307.4272.
- The Adjacency Matroid of a Graph.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and L. Traldi
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v. 20, P27, 2013. arXiv preprint 1107.5493.
- Nullity and Loop Complementation for Delta-Matroids.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, v. 27, 492-506, 2013. arXiv preprint 1010.4497.
- Binary Symmetric Matrix Inversion Through Local Complementation.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
Fundamenta Informaticae, v. 116, 15-23, 2012.
- Pivots, Determinants, and Perfect Matchings of Graphs.
R. Brijder, T. Harju, and H.J. Hoogeboom
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 454, 64-71, 2012. arXiv preprint 0811.3500.
- The Group Structure of Pivot and Loop Complementation on Graphs and Set Systems.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
European Journal of Combinatorics, v. 32, 1353-1367, 2011. arXiv preprint 0909.4004.
- Nullity Invariance for Pivot and the Interlace Polynomial.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 435, 277-288, 2011. arXiv preprint 0912.0878.
- Pivot and Loop Complementation on Graphs and Set Systems.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
7th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, TAMC 2010 (J. Kratochvil and A. Li, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 6108, 151-162, 2010.
- Maximal Pivots on Graphs with an Application to Gene Assembly.
R. Brijder, and H.J. Hoogeboom
Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 158, 1977-1985, 2010. arXiv preprint 0909.3789.
Reaction Systems
- Representing Reaction Systems by Trees.
R. Brijder, A. Ehrenfeucht, and G. Rozenberg
In: Computation, Physics, and Beyond. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 7160, 330-342, 2012.
- A Tour of reaction Systems.
R. Brijder, A. Ehrenfeucht, M. Main, and G. Rozenberg
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, v. 22, 1499-1517, 2011.
- Reaction Systems with Duration.
R. Brijder, A. Ehrenfeucht, and G. Rozenberg
In: Computation, Cooperation, and Life. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 6610, 191-202, 2011.
- A Note on Causalities in Reaction Systems.
R. Brijder, A. Ehrenfeucht, and G. Rozenberg
Electronic Communications of the EASST, v. 30, 2010.
Gene Assembly in Ciliates
The papers in the section Combinatorics above are also highly relevant for (the formal study of) Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
- Graphs Associated with DNA Rearrangements and Their Polynomials.
R. Brijder, H. J. Hoogeboom, N. Jonoska, and M. Saito
Algebraic and Combinatorial Computational Biology (R. Robeva, M. Macauley, eds.), 61-87, Academic Press, 2019.
- Recombination faults in gene assembly in ciliates modeled using multimatroids.
R. Brijder
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 608, 27-35, 2015.
- Graph Polynomials Motivated by Gene Rearrangements in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
10th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 8493, 63-72, 2014.
- The Algebra of Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology (N. Jonoska, M. Saito, eds.), Natural Computing Series, 289-307, Springer, 2014.
- Computational Nature of Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder, M. Daley, T. Harju, N. Jonoska, I. Petre, and G. Rozenberg
Handbook of Natural Computing (G. Rozenberg, T.H.W. Bäck, J.N. Kok, eds.), 1233-1280, Springer, 2012.
- Combining Overlap and Containment for Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 411, 897-905, 2010.
- Extended Strings and Graphs for Simple Gene Assembly.
R. Brijder, M. Langille, and I. Petre
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 411, 730-738, 2010.
- Reality-and-Desire in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
Algorithmic Bioprocesses (A. Condon, D. Harel, J.N. Kok, A. Salomaa, E. Winfree, eds.), Natural Computing Series, Springer, 99-115, 2009.
- Reduction Graphs from Overlap Graphs for Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and G. Rozenberg
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, v. 20, 271-291, 2009. arXiv preprint cs.LO/0702171 (older version).
- Extending the Overlap Graph for Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 2nd International Conference, LATA 2008 (C. Martín-Vide, F. Otto, H. Fernau, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 5196, 137-148, 2008. arXiv preprint 0712.3380.
- The Fibers and Range of Reduction Graphs in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
Acta Informatica, v. 45, 383-402, 2008. arXiv preprint cs.LO/0702041.
- Strategies of Loop Recombination in Ciliates.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and M. Muskulus
Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 156, 1736-1753, 2008. arXiv preprint cs.LO/0601135 (older version).
- Using Sorting by Reversal: Breakpoint Graph for Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
CompLife 2007 (M.R. Berthold et al., eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 940, 50-59, 2007.
- A String-Based Model for Simple Gene Assembly.
R. Brijder, M. Langille, and I. Petre
16th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT 2007 (E. Csuhaj-Varjú and Z. Ésik, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4639, 161-172, 2007.
- From Micro to Macro: How the Overlap Graph Determines the Reduction Graph in Ciliates.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and G. Rozenberg
16th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT 2007 (E. Csuhaj-Varjú and Z. Ésik, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4639, 149-160, 2007.
- Characterizing Reduction Graphs for Gene Assembly in Ciliates.
R. Brijder and H.J. Hoogeboom
11th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, DLT 2007 (T. Harju, J. Karhumäki, A. Lepistö, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4588, 120-131, 2007.
- Applicability of Loop Recombination in Ciliates using the Breakpoint Graph.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and M. Muskulus
CompLife 2006 (M.R. Berthold et al., eds.), Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, v. 4216, 97-106, 2006.
- Reducibility of Gene Patterns in Ciliates using the Breakpoint Graph.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and G. Rozenberg
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 356, 26-45, 2006. arXiv preprint cs.LO/0601122 (older version).
- The Breakpoint Graph in Ciliates.
R. Brijder, H.J. Hoogeboom, and G. Rozenberg
CompLife 2005 (M.R. Berthold et al., eds.), Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, v. 3695, 128-139, 2005.
Membrane Computing
- Membrane Systems with Proteins Embedded in Membranes.
R. Brijder, M. Cavaliere, A. Riscos-Núñez, G. Rozenberg, and D. Sburlan
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 404, 26-39, 2008.
- Cycles and Communicating Classes in Membrane Systems and Molecular Dynamics.
M. Muskulus, D. Besozzi, R. Brijder, P. Cazzaniga, S. Houweling, D. Pescini, and G. Rozenberg
Theoretical Computer Science, v. 372, 242-266, 2007.
- Membrane Systems with Marked Membranes.
R. Brijder, M. Cavaliere, A. Riscos-Núñez, G. Rozenberg, and D. Sburlan
Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC 2006). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), v. 171, 25-36, 2007.
- Membrane Systems with External Control.
R. Brijder, M. Cavaliere, A. Riscos-Núñez, G. Rozenberg, and D. Sburlan
Seventh Workshop on Membrane Computing (H.J. Hoogeboom et al., eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4361, 215-232, 2006.
- Communication Membrane Systems with Active Symports.
R. Brijder, M. Cavaliere, A. Riscos-Núñez, G. Rozenberg, and D. Sburlan
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (JALC), v. 11, 241-261, 2006.
- Reaction Cycles in Membrane Systems and Molecular Dynamics.
M. Muskulus, S. Houweling, G. Rozenberg, D. Besozzi, P. Cazzaniga, D. Pescini, and R. Brijder
Proceedings of the Fourth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing (C. Graciani Diaz, G. Paun, A. Romero-Jimenez, F. Sancho-Caparrini, eds.), vol2, 185-208, 2006.
- Complexity of Biocomputation: Symbolic Dynamics in Membrane Systems.
M. Muskulus, and R. Brijder
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, v. 17, 147-165, 2006.
Committee work
DNA = International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
ISWC = International Semantic Web Conference
Editorial work
- Co-editor of the Proceedings of DNA 23 (2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), volume 10467.
- Co-editor of the Special Issue of Natural Computing devoted to significantly extended versions of selected papers presented at DNA 23. Preface.
Responsible lecturer at Hasselt University for the courses
- Advanced programming, Bioinformatics Master course, in each Fall of '15 - '18.
- Object-georiënteerd programmeren (Object-oriented programming), mandatory Economy in Business Informatics Bachelor course, in Spring of '19.
- Ontwerp en ontwikkeling (Design and development), mandatory Economy in Business Informatics Bachelor course, in each Spring of '11 - '18.
- Programmeren (Programming), mandatory Mathematics and Physics Bachelor course, in each Fall of '11 - '14 (in '14 only for Physics).
- Compilers, mandatory Computer Science Master course, in each Fall of '11 - '12.
Teaching assistant at Hasselt University for the courses
- Introduction to Algorithms and Programming, mandatory Bioinformatics Master course, in each Spring of '16 - '19.
- Algoritmen (Algorithms), mandatory Mathematics Bachelor course, in Fall of '14.
- Theoretische informatica (Theoretical computer science), mandatory Computer Science Bachelor course, in each Spring of '11 - '15 and Fall of '15 - '18.
- Compilers, non-mandatory Computer Science Bachelor course (at that time), in Spring of '11.
- Constraint satisfaction problems, non-mandatory Computer Science Master course, in Fall of '12.
Responsible lecturer at Leiden University for the courses
- Topics on Parsing and Formal Languages, non-mandatory Computer Science Master course, in Fall of '10.
Teaching assistant at Leiden University for the courses
- Datastructuren (Datastructures), mandatory Computer Science Bachelor course, in each Fall of '04 - '08,
- Molecular Computational Biology, non-mandatory Computer Science Master course, in each Spring of '05 - '08.