Geometry, PDE’s and Lie Groups in Image Analysis

International Workshop on Geometry, PDE’s and Lie Groups in Image Analysis


Remco Duits, Andrea Fuster, Yuri Sachkov & Erik Bekkers.

Location and Date

TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
24-26 August 2016


The synergy and interaction between the mathematical fields of Geometric Control, Partial Differential Equations, Lie group Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Variational Methods and the applied fields of Image Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Neurogeometry and Neuroimaging is developing rather strongly over the past few decades, and has attracted many researchers. This International workshop aims to further facilitate the fruitful interaction and consists of 3 sessions:
     • Geometry and Control in Vision (chair: Yuri Sachkov)
     • Lie Group Analysis and PDE’s in Image Analysis (chairs: Remco Duits & Erik Bekkers)
     • Differential Geometry in Neuro-imaging (chair: Andrea Fuster)

The workshop is part of the ERC-Lie Analysis project of Remco Duits.

The European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement no. 335555 is gratefully acknowledged for financial support.