Preprints and Publications Remco van der Hofstad



  1. R. van der Hofstad. Random Graphs and Complex Networks. Volume One.
    Volume 43 in Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics (2017)
    ISBN 978-1-107-17287-6
    See pdf, erratum and other information on this page

  2. R. van der Hofstad. Random Graphs and Complex Networks. Volume Two.
    Volume 54 in Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics (2024)
    ISBN 978-1-107-17400-9
    See pdf, erratum and other information on this page

  3. M. Heydenreich and R. van der Hofstad. Progress in high-dimensional percolation and random graphs.
    Lecture notes for the CRM-PIMS Summer School in Probability 2015.
    CRM Short Courses Series with Springer (2017)
    ISBN 978-3-319-62473-0

Books in preparation:

  1. R. van der Hofstad. Stochastic processes on random graphs.
    Lecture notes for the 47th Summer School in Probability Saint-Flour 2017.
    This is a preliminary version of the book. Remarks are highly appreciated.


  1. R. van der Hofstad, C. Kerriou, P. van der Hoorn, N. Maitra, and P. Mörters. Condensation in scale-free geometric graphs with excess edges. Preprint May 30, 2024.

  2. M. Pandey and R. van der Hofstad. Are giants in random digraphs `almost' local? Preprint March 4, 2024.

  3. L. Avena, H. Guldas, R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and O. Nagy. Mixing of fast random walks on dynamic random permutations. Preprint February 29, 2024.

  4. O. Nagy, M. Pandey, G. Exarchakos, M. Bentum, and R. van der Hofstad. Communication protocol for a satellite-swarm interferometer. Preprint December 25, 2023.

  5. M. Hahn-Klimroth, R. van der Hofstad, N. Müller and C. Riddlesden. On a near-optimal and efficient algorithm for the sparse pooled data problem. Preprint December 22, 2023.

  6. R. Hazra, R. van der Hofstad and R. Ray. Percolation on preferential attachment models. Preprint December 21, 2023.

  7. R. van der Hofstad and B. Lodewijks. Long-range first-passage percolation on the complete graph. Preprint November 27, 2023.

  8. G. Bet, K. Bogerd, R.M. Castro and R. van der Hofstad. Detecting a late changepoint in the preferential attachment model. Preprint October 4, 2023.

  9. M. Milewska, R. van der Hofstad and B. Zwart. Dynamic random intersection graph: Dynamic local convergence and giant structure. Preprint August 29, 2023.

  10. R. van der Hofstad . Universal `winner-takes-it-all' phenomenon in scale-free random graphs. Preprint July 19, 2023.

  11. R. van der Hofstad and S. Shneer. It is hard to kill fake news. Preprint April 19, 2023.

  12. R. van der Hofstad, N. Müller and Haodong Zhu. The rank of sparse symmetric matrices over arbitrary fields. Preprint January 30, 2023.

  13. R. Gündlach and R. van der Hofstad. Invasion percolation on power-law branching processes. Preprint August 22, 2022. To appear in Annals of Applied Probability.

  14. S. Chakraborty, R. van der Hofstad and K. Raaijmakers. Rank-k random graphs and finite type branching processes. Preprint July 23, 2022.

  15. M. Milewska, R. van der Hofstad and B. Zwart. Two more ways of spelling Gini coefficient with applications. Preprint January 28, 2022.

  16. S. Chakraborty, R. van der Hofstad and F. den Hollander. Sparse random graphs with many triangles. Preprint December 13, 2021.

  17. S. Bhamidi, S. Dhara and R. van der Hofstad. Multiscale genesis of a tiny giant for percolation on scale-free random graphs. Preprint July 8, 2021.

  18. R. van der Hofstad. The giant in random graphs is almost local. Preprint March 22, 2021.

  19. M. Heydenreich, R. van der Hofstad, G. Last and K. Matzke. Lace expansion and mean-field behavior for the random connection model. Preprint August 29, 2019. To appear in Annales de l' Institut Poincaré Prob. et Stat.

  20. R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. Explosion and distances in scale-free percolation. Preprint June 8, 2017.

Published papers:

  1. L. Touwen, D. Bucur, R. van der Hofstad, A. Garavaglia, and N. Litvak. Learning the mechanisms of network growth. Scientific Reports 14 Article number 11866, 2024.

  2. S. Dhara and R. van der Hofstad. Barely supercritical percolation on Poissonian scale-free networks. Markov Processes and Related Fields 30(1), 27--55, 2024.

  3. M. Deijfen, R. van der Hofstad and M. Sfragara. The winner takes it all but one. Journal of Applied Probability 61(1), 37--152, 2024.

  4. M. Gösgens, R. van der Hofstad and N. Litvak. The Projection Method: a Unified Formalism for Community Detection. Frontiers in Complex Systems, special issue on Insights in Complex Networks, 2, article 1331320. February 26, 2024.

  5. H. Alkema, M. de Berg, R. van der Hofstad, and S. Kisfaludi-Bak. Euclidean TSP in Narrow Strips. Discrete and Computational Geometry 71:(4), 1456--1506, 2024.

  6. L. Smolders, W. De Baene, G.-J. Rutten, R. van der Hofstad, and L. Florack. Can structure predict function at individual level in the human connectome? Brain Structure and Function, in Press.

  7. M. Pandey and R. van der Hofstad. Connectivity of random graphs after centrality-based vertex removal. Journal of Applied Probability (in press).

  8. L. Smolders, W. De Baene, R. van der Hofstad, L. Florack and G.-J. Rutten. Working memory performance in glioma patients is associated with functional connectivity between the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and default mode network. Journal of Neuroscience Research 101:(12), 1826--1839, (2023).

  9. R. van der Hofstad, P. van der Hoorn and N. Maitra. Local limits of spatial inhomogeneous random graphs. Advances in Applied Probability 55(3): 793--840 (2023).

  10. R. van der Hofstad, P. van der Hoorn and N. Maitra. Scaling of the clustering function in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs. Journal of Statistical Physics 190(6), 110 (2023).

  11. R. van der Hofstad, S. Kapodistria, Z. Palmowski and S. Shneer. Unified approach for solving exit problems for additive-increase and multiplicative-decrease processes. Journal of Applied Probability 60(1): 85--105 (2023).

  12. L. Avena, H. Guldas, R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and O. Nagy. Linking the mixing times of random walks on static and dynamic random graphs. Stochastic Processes and Applications 153: 145--182 (2022).

  13. M. Schoot Uiterkamp, M. Gösgens, H. Heesterbeek, R. van der Hofstad and N. Litvak. The role of interregional mobility in forecasting SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19(193) Article number 20220486 (2022).

  14. D.L.H. van der Haven, R.P. Tas, P. van der Hoorn, R. van der Hofstad, I.K. Voets. Parameterless detection of liquid-liquid interfaces with sub-micron resolution in single-molecule localization microscopy. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 620:356--364 (2022).

  15. R. van der Hofstad, J. Komjáthy and V. Vadon. Phase transition in random intersection graphs with communities. Random Structures and Algorithms 60(3), pp. 406-461 (2022).

  16. V.H. Can, C. Giardinà, C. Giberti and R. van der Hofstad. Annealed inhomogeneities in random ferromagnets. Physical Review E 105(2). Article number 024128 (2022).

  17. S. Bhamidi, S. Dhara, R. van der Hofstad and S. Sen. Global lower mass-bound for critical configuration models in the heavy-tailed regime. Electronic Journal of Probability 27: 1--29 (2022).

  18. R. van der Hofstad, R. Pendavingh and J. van der Pol. The number of partial Steiner systems and d-partitions. Advances in Combinatorics. Paper No. 2, 23 pp. (2022).

  19. V.H. Can, C. Giardinà, C. Giberti and R. van der Hofstad. Annealed Ising model on configuration models. Annales de l' Institut Henri Poincare 58(1): 134--163 (2022).

  20. M. Gösgens, T. Hendriks, M. Boon, S. Keuning, W. Steenbakkers, H. Heesterbeek, R. van der Hofstad and N. Litvak. Containment strategies after the first wave of COVID-19 using mobility data. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18(175) Article number 20200936 (2021).

  21. R.A.J. Post, M.A.J. Michels, J.-P. Ampuero, T. Candela, P.A. Fokker, J.-D. van Wees, R.W. van der Hofstad and E.R. van den Heuvel. Interevent-time distribution and aftershock frequency in non-stationary induced seismicity. Scientific Reports 11(1) Article number 3540 (2021).

  22. S. Song, A.F. Mason, R.A.J. Post, M. De Corato, R. Mestre, N.A. Yewdall, S. Cao, R. van der Hofstad, S. Sanchez, L.K.E.A. Abdelmohsen, J.C.M. van Hest. Engineering transient dynamics of arti?cial cells by stochastic distribution of enzymes. Nature Communications 12(1), Article number 6897 (2021).

  23. R. van der Hofstad, J. Komjáthy and V. Vadon. Random intersection graphs with communities. Advances in Applied Probability 53(4): 1061--1089 (2021).

  24. R. Fitzner and R. van der Hofstad. NoBLE for lattice trees and lattice animals. Journal of Statistical Physics 185(2): Paper No. 13, 87 pp. (2021). Correction: J. Stat. Phys. 186(2), Paper No. 26, 2 pp., (2022).

  25. V.H. Can, R. van der Hofstad and T. Kumagai. Glauber dynamics for Ising models on random regular graphs: cut-off and metastability. ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 18(2): 1441--1482 (2021).

  26. K. Bogerd, R. Castro, R. van der Hofstad and N. Verzelen. Community detection in inhomogeneous random graphs. Bernoulli 27(2): 1159--1188 (2021).

  27. R. van der Hofstad, J.H.S. van Leeuwaarden and C. Stegehuis. Optimal subgraph structures in scale-free configuration models. Annals of Applied Probability 31(2): 501--537 (2021).

  28. S. Dhara, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs: New universality class for the configuration model. Communications of Mathematical Physics 382(1): 123--171 (2021).

  29. G. Bet, K. Bogerd, R. Castro and R. van der Hofstad. Detecting a botnet in a network. Mathematical Statistics and Learning 3(3-4): 315--343 (2020).

  30. R. van der Hofstad, P. van der Hoorn, N. Litvak and C. Stegehuis. Limit theorems for assortativity and clustering in null models for scale-free networks. Advances in Applied Probability 52(4), 1035--1084 (2020).

  31. G. Bet, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Big jobs arrive early: From critical queues to random graphs. Stochastic Systems 10(4), 310--334 (2020).

  32. S. Bhamidi, S. Dhara, R. van der Hofstad and S. Sen. Universality for critical heavy-tailed network models: Metric structure of maximal components. Electronic Journal of Probability 25, paper no. 81: 1--57 (2020).

  33. M. Eckhoff, J. Goodman, R. van der Hofstad and F. R. Nardi. Long paths in first passage percolation on the complete graph I. Local PWIT dynamics. Electronic Journal of Probability 25, paper no. : 1--45 (2020).

  34. P. Gao, R. van der Hofstad, A. Southwell and C. Stegehuis. Counting triangles in power-law uniform random graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(3): 1--28 (2020).

  35. L. Federico, R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and T. Hulshof. Expansion of percolation critical points for Hamming graphs. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 29(1): 68--100, (2020).

  36. A. Garavaglia, R. van der Hofstad and N. Litvak. Local weak convergence for PageRank. Annals of Applied Probability 30(1): 40--79, (2020).

  37. S. Dhara, R. van der Hofstad, J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden and S. Sen. Heavy-tailed configuration models at criticality. Annales de l' Institut Henri Poincare 56(3): 1515--1558, (2020).

  38. R. van der Hofstad, T. Hulshof and J. Nagel. Random walk on barely supercritical branching random walk. Probability Theory and Related Fields 177(1-2): 1--53, (2020).

  39. K. Bogerd, R. Castro and R. van der Hofstad. Cliques in rank-1 random graphs: the role of inhomogeneity. Bernoulli 26(1): 253--285 (2020).

  40. M. Eckhoff, J. Goodman, R. van der Hofstad and F. R. Nardi. Long paths in first passage percolation on the complete graph II. Global branching dynamics. Journal of Statistical Physics 181(2): 364--447, (2020).

  41. L. Avena, H. Guldas, R. van der Hofstad and F. den Hollander. Random walks on dynamic configuration models: a trichotomy. Stochastic Processes and Applications 129(9): 3360--3375 (2019).

  42. R. van der Hofstad and H. Honnappa. Large deviations of bivariate Gaussian extrema. Queueing Systems 93(3-4): 333-349 (2019).

  43. I. Voitalov, P. van der Hoorn, R. van der Hofstad and D. Krioukov. Scale-free Networks Well Done. Phys. Rev. Research 1 033034 (2019).

  44. R. van der Hofstad, S. Janson and M. Luczak. Component structure of the configuration model: barely supercritical case. Random Structures and Algorithms 55(1): 3-55, (2019)

  45. C. Stegehuis, R. van der Hofstad and J.H.S. van Leeuwaarden. Scale-free network clustering in hyperbolic and other random graphs. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52(29):295101 (2019).

  46. O. Angel, R. van der Hofstad and C. Holmgren. Limit laws for self-loops and multiple edges in the configuration model. Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 55(3):1509-1530 (2019).

  47. G. Bet, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Heavy-traffic analysis through uniform acceleration of transitory queues with diminishing populations. Mathematics of Operations Research 44(3): 821-864 (2019).

  48. C. Stegehuis, R. van der Hofstad and J.H.S. van Leeuwaarden. Variational principle for scale-free network motifs. Scientific Reports 9 Article number 6762 (2019).

  49. R. van der Hofstad, J. Komjáthy and V. Vadon. A new model for overlapping communities with arbitrary internal structure. Applied Network Science 4(1): 42 (2019).

  50. R.A.J. Post, D. van der Zwaag, G. Bet, S. P. W. Wijnands, L. Albertazzi, E. W. Meijer and R. W. van der Hofstad. A stochastic view on surface inhomogeneity of nanoparticles. Nature Communications 10 Article number 1663 (2019).

  51. F. Caravenna, A. Garavaglia and R. van der Hofstad. Diameter in ultra-small scale-free random graphs. Random Structures Algorithms 54(3): 444--498, (2019).

  52. T. Bannink, R. van der Hofstad, and C. Stegehuis. Switch chain mixing times through triangle counts. Journal of Complex Networks 7(2) 210--225 April (2019).

  53. E. Baroni, R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. Tight fluctuations of weight-distances in random graphs with infinite-variance degrees. Journal of Statistical Physics 174(4): 906--934, (2019).

  54. R. van der Hofstad, J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden and C. Stegehuis. Mesoscopic scales in hierarchical configuration models. Stochastic Processes and Applications 128(12): 4246--4276 (2018).

  55. A. Garavaglia and R. van der Hofstad. From trees to graphs: collapsing continuous-time branching processes. Journal of Applied Probability 55(3): 900--919 (2018).

  56. S. Dommers, C. Giardinà, C. Giberti and R. van der Hofstad. Large deviations for the annealed Ising model on inhomogeneous random graphs: spins and degrees. Journal of Statistical Physics 173(3-4): 1045--1081, (2018).

  57. R. van der Hofstad, J.H.S. van Leeuwaarden and C. Stegehuis. Triadic closure in configuration models with unbounded degree fluctuations. Journal of Statistical Physics 173(3-4): 746--774, (2018).

  58. L. Avena, H. Guldas, R. van der Hofstad and F. den Hollander. Mixing times of random walks on dynamic configuration models. Annals of Applied Probability 28(4): 1977--2002, (2018).

  59. R. van der Hofstad, S. Kliem and J. van Leeuwaarden. Cluster tails for critical power-law inhomogeneous random graphs. Journal of Statistical Physics 171(1): 35-68, (2018).

  60. E. Bolthausen, R. van der Hofstad and G. Kozma. Lace expansion for dummies. Annales Institut Henri Poincare 54(1): 141-153, (2018).

  61. R. van der Hofstad, J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden and C. Stegehuis. Hierarchical configuration model. Internet Mathematics (2017).

  62. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and S. Sen. The multiplicative coalescent, inhomogeneous continuum random trees, and new universality classes for critical random graphs. Probability Theory and Related Fields 170(1-2): 387-474, (2017).

  63. C. Stegehuis, R. van der Hofstad, J.H.S. van Leeuwaarden and A.J.E.M Janssen. Clustering Spectrum of hierarchical scale-free networks. Physical Review E 96(4),042309, (2017).

  64. S. Bhamidi, G. Hooghiemstra and R. van der Hofstad. Erratum: First passage percolation on random graphs with finite mean degrees [Annals of Applied Probability 20(5): 1907-1965, (2010)]. Annals of Applied Probability 27(5): 3246?3253, (2017).

  65. R. Fitzner and R. van der Hofstad. Generalized approach to the non-backtracking lace expansion. Probability Theory and Related Fields 169(3-4): 1041-1119, (2017).

  66. S. Bhamidi and R. van der Hofstad. Diameter of the stochastic mean-field model of distance. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 26(6): 797-825, (2017).

  67. F. Gao, A. van der Vaart, R. Castro and R. van der Hofstad Consistent estimation in general sublinear preferential attachment trees. Electronic Journal of Statistics 11(2): 3979?3999, (2017).

  68. G. Bet, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Finite-pool queues with heavy-tailed services. Journal of Applied Probability 54(3): 921-942, (2017).

  69. R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. When is a scale-free graph ultra-small?. Journal of Statistical Physics 169(2): 223-264, (2017).

  70. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Universality for first passage percolation on sparse random graphs. Annals of Probability 45(4): 2568-2630, (2017).

  71. A. Garavaglia, R. van der Hofstad and G. Woeginger. The dynamics of power laws: Fitness and aging in preferential attachment trees. Journal of Statistical Physics 168(6): 1137-1179, (2017).

  72. L. Federico and R. van der Hofstad. Critical window for connectivity in the configuration model. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 26(5): 660-680, (2017).

  73. E. Baroni, R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. Nonuniversality of weighted random graphs with infinite variance degree. Journal of Applied Probability, 54(1): 146-164, (2017).

  74. R. van der Hofstad, A.J.E.M. Janssen, J.H.S. van Leeuwaarden and C. Stegehuis. Local clustering in scale-free networks with hidden variables. Physical Review E 95(2),022307, (2017).

  75. R. Fitzner and R. van der Hofstad. Mean-field behavior for nearest-neighbor percolation in d > 10. Electronic Journal of Probability, 2, (2017). Extended version.

  76. S. Dhara, R. van der Hofstad, J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden and S. Sen. Critical window for the configuration model: finite third moment degrees. Electronic Journal of Probability 22 paper no. 16, 1--33, (2017).

  77. R. van der Hofstad, M. Holmes and E. Perkins. Criteria for convergence to super-Brownian motion on path space. Annals of Probability 45(1): 278--376, (2017).

  78. R. van der Hofstad and A. Nachmias. Hypercube percolation. Journal of the European Mathematical Society 19 725--814, (2017).

  79. S. Dommers, C. Giardinà, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad and M.L. Prioriello. Ising critical behavior of inhomogeneous Curie-Weiss and annealed random graphs. Communications in Mathematical Physics 348 (1): 221--263, (2016).

  80. R. van der Hofstad, M. Holmes, A. Kuznetsov and W. Ruszel. Strongly reinforced Pólya urns with graph-based competition. Annals of Applied Probability 26(4): 2494--2539, (2016).

  81. M. Deijfen and R. van der Hofstad. The winner takes it all. Annals of Applied Probability. 26(4): 2419--2453, (2016).

  82. C. Stegehuis, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Epidemic spreading on complex networks with community structures. Scientific Reports, 21 Juli (2016).

  83. J.F. Groote, R. van der Hofstad and M. Raffelsieper. On the random structure of behavioural transition systems. Science of Computer Programming 128: 51--67, (2016).

  84. C. Stegehuis, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Power-law relations in random networks with communities Physical Review E 94(1): 012302, (2016).

  85. C. Giardinà, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad and M.L. Prioriello. Annealed central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs. ALEA 13(1): 121-161, (2016). Open Access

  86. E. Aïdékon, R. van der Hofstad, S. Kliem and J. van Leeuwaarden. Large deviations for power-law thinned Lévy processes. Stochastic Processes and Applications. 126(5), 1353-1384, (2016).

  87. L. Federico, R. van der Hofstad and T. Hulshof. Connectivity threshold for random subgraphs of the Hamming graph. Electronic Communications in Probability. 21 paper no. 27, 8 pp, (2016).

  88. C. Giardinà, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad and M.L. Prioriello. Quenched central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs. Journal of Statistical Physics 160(6): 1623-1657, (2015).

  89. E. Baroni, R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. Fixed speed competition on the configuration model with infinite variance degrees: unequal speeds. Electronic Journal of Probability 20Article 116: 1-48, (2015).

  90. S. Bhamidi, J. Goodman, R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. Degree distribution of shortest path trees and bias of network sampling algorithms. Annals of Applied Probability 25(4): 1780-1826, (2015).

  91. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and J. Komjáthy. The front of the epidemic curve and first passage percolation. Journal of Applied Probability 51A(4): 101-121, (2014).

  92. K. Avrachenkov, R. van der Hofstad and M. Sokol. Personalized PageRank with node-dependent restart. Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 4(4): 387-402, (2014).

  93. R. van der Hofstad and N. Litvak. Degree-degree correlations in random graphs with heavy-tailed degrees. Internet Mathematics 10(3-4): 287-334, (2014).

  94. R. van der Hofstad and A. Sapozhnikov. Cycle structure of percolation on high-dimensional tori. Annales Institut Henri Poincare 50(3): 999-1027, (2014).

  95. L. Albertazzi, D. van der Zwaag, C.M.A. Leenders, R. Fitzner, R.W. van der Hofstad and E.W. Meijer. Probing exchange pathways in one-dimensional aggregates with super-resolution microscopy. Science 344(6183): 491-495, (2014).

  96. M. Heydenreich, R. van der Hofstad and T. Hulshof. Random walk on the high-dimensional IIC. Communications in Mathematical Physics 329(1): 57-115, (2014).

  97. S. Dommers, C. Giardinà and R. van der Hofstad. Ising critical exponents on random trees and graphs. Communications in Mathematical Physics 328 (1): 355-395, (2014).

  98. M. Heydenreich, R. van der Hofstad and T. Hulshof. High-dimensional incipient infinite clusters revisited. Journal of Statistical Physics 155(5): 966-1025, (2014).

  99. R. van der Hofstad and A. Nachmias. Unlacing hypercube percolation: a survey. Metrika 77 (1): 23-50, (2014).

  100. R. van der Hofstad and M. Holmes. The survival probability and r-point functions in high dimensions. Annals of Mathematics 178(2): 665-685, (2013).

  101. M. Deijfen, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Scale-free percolation. Annales Institut Henri Poincare 49(3): 817-838, (2013).

  102. R. van der Hofstad. Critical behavior in inhomogeneous random graphs Random Structures and Algorithms 42(4): 480-508, (2013).

  103. M. Eckhoff, J. Goodman, R. van der Hofstad and F. Nardi. Short paths for first passage percolation on the complete graph. Journal of Statistical Physics 151(6): 1056-1088, (2013).

  104. N. Litvak and R. van der Hofstad. Uncovering disassortativity in large scale-free networks. Physical Review E 87(2): 022801, (2013).

  105. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Weak disorder in the stochastic mean-field model of distance II. Bernoulli 19(2): 363-386, (2013).

  106. R. Fitzner and R. van der Hofstad. Non-backtracking walk. Journal of Statistical Physics 150(2): 264-284, (2013).

  107. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and J. van Leeuwaarden. Novel scaling limits for critical inhomogeneous random graphs. Annals of Probability 40(6): 2299-2361, (2012).

  108. S. Bhamidi and R. van der Hofstad. Weak disorder asymptotics in the stochastic mean-field model of distance. Annals of Applied Probability 22(1): 29-69, (2012).

  109. S. Huijser, G. Mooiweer, R. van der Hofstad, B. Staal, J. Feenstra, A. van Herk, C. Koning, R. Duchateau. Copolymer microstructure determination by the click of a button; reactivity ratios of comonomers from a single MALDI-ToF-MS measurement. Supporting information. Macromolucles 45(11): 4500-4510, (2012).

  110. R. van der Hofstad and M. Holmes. An expansion for self-interacting random walks. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 26(1): 1-55, (2012).

  111. S. Bhamidi, G. Hooghiemstra and R. van der Hofstad. First passage percolation on the Erdös-Rényi random graph. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20(5): 683-707, (2011).

  112. M. Heydenreich and R. van der Hofstad. Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori II. Volume, diameter and mixing time Probability Theory and Related Fields, 149(3-4): 397-415, (2011).
    Correction: Probability Theory and Related Fields 175(3-4): 1183-1185 (2019).

  113. R. van der Hofstad, A.J.E.M. Janssen, and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Critical epidemics, random graphs and Brownian motion with a parabolic drift. Advances in Applied Probability, 42:(4): 1187-1206, (2010).

  114. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and J. van Leeuwaarden. Scaling limits for critical inhomogeneous random graphs with finite third moments Electronic Journal of Probability, 15: 1682-1702, (2010).

  115. S. Bhamidi, G. Hooghiemstra and R. van der Hofstad. Extreme value theory, Poisson-Dirichlet distributions and FPP on random networks Advances in Applied Probability, 42(3): 706-738, (2010).

  116. S. Bhamidi, G. Hooghiemstra and R. van der Hofstad. First passage percolation on random graphs with finite mean degrees Annals of Applied Probability 20(5): 1907-1965, (2010).

  117. S. Dommers, C. Giardinà and R. van der Hofstad. Ising models on power-law random graphs. Journal of Statistical Physics 141: 638-660, (2010).

  118. R. van der Hofstad and A. Sakai. Convergence of the critical finite-range contact process to super-Brownian motion above the upper critical dimension: The higher-point functions Electronic Journal of Probability, 15(27): 801-894, (2010).

  119. S. Dommers, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Diameters in preferential attachment models. Journal of Statistical Physics 139: 72-107, (2010).

  120. R. van der Hofstad, M.J. Luczak and J. Spencer. The second largest component in the supercritical 2D Hamming graph. Random Structures and Algorithms 36(1): 80-89, (2010).

  121. R. van der Hofstad and M. Holmes. Monotonicity for excited random walk in high dimensions. Probability Theory and Related Fields 147(1-2) 333-348, (2010).

  122. R. van der Hofstad and M.J. Luczak. Random subgraphs of the 2D Hamming graph: The supercritical phase. Probability Theory and Related Fields 147(1-2) 1-41, (2010).

  123. R. van der Hofstad. Percolation and random graphs. Survey on Percolation and Random Graphs, Chapter 6 of New Perspectives on Stochastic Geometry edited by Ilya Molchanov and Wilfrid Kendall, ISBN 978-0-19-923257-4, pages 173-247, (2010).

  124. G. Radulov, M. Heydenreich and R. van der Hofstad. Functionals of Brownian bridges arising in the current mismatch in D/A-converters. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 23 149-172, (2009).

  125. R. van der Hofstad, W. Kager and T. Muller. A local limit theorem for the critical random graph. Electronic Communications in Probability. 14 122-131, (2009).

  126. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and D. Znamenski. A phase transition for the diameter of the configuration model. Internet Mathematics 4(1): 113-128, (2009).

  127. M. Deijfen, H. van den Esker, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. A preferential attachment model with random initial degrees. Arkiv för Matematik 47 41-72, (2009).

  128. R. van der Hofstad, P. Mörters and N. Sidorova. Weak and almost sure limits for the parabolic Anderson model with heavy tailed potentials. Annals of Applied Probability 18 (6): 2450-2494, (2008).

  129. A. Fey-den Boer, R. van der Hofstad and M. J. Klok. Large deviations for eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices. Advances in Applied Probability 40 1048-1071, (2008).

  130. R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Universality for distances in power-law random graphs. Journal of Mathematical Physics 49 125209, (2008).

  131. H. van den Esker, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Universality for the distance in finite variance random graphs Journal of Statistical Physics 133: 169-202, (2008).
    Universality for the distance in finite variance random graphs: Extended version.

  132. R. van der Hofstad and M. Keane. An elementary proof of the hitting time theorem. American Mathematical Monthly 115(8): 753-756, (2008).

  133. M. Heydenreich, R. van der Hofstad and A. Sakai. Mean-field behavior for long- and finite range Ising model, percolation and self-avoiding walk. Journal of Statistical Physics. 132: 1001-1049, (2008).

  134. R. van der Hofstad, M. Holmes and G. Slade. Extension of the generalised inductive approach to the lace expansion. Electronic Communications in Probability 13: 291-301, (2008).
    Extension of the generalised inductive approach to the lace expansion: Full proof.

  135. R. van der Hofstad and W. Kager. Pattern theorems, ratio limit theorems and Gumbel maximal clusters for random fields. Journal of Statistical Physics 130(3): 503-522, (2008).

  136. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and D. Znamenski. Distances in random graphs with finite mean and infinite variance degrees. Electronic Journal of Probability. 12: 703-766, (2007).

  137. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and G. Slade. The survival probability for critical spread-out oriented percolation above 4+1 dimensions. II. Expansion. Annales de l' Institut Henri Poincare: Probabilites et Statistiques. 5(5): 509-570, (2007).

  138. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and G. Slade. The survival probability for critical spread-out oriented percolation above 4+1 dimensions. I. Induction. Probability Theory and Related Fields 138(3-4): 363-389, (2007).

  139. D. Brydges, R. van der Hofstad and W. König. Joint density for the local times of continuous-time Markov chains: Extended version. Short version Annals of Probability 35 (4): 1307-1332, (2007).

  140. R. van der Hofstad. Random Networking: between order and chaos. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. 5(8): 18-24, (2007).

  141. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and P. Van Mieghem. The Weight of the Shortest Path Tree. Random Structures and Algorithms 30(3): 359-379, (2007).

  142. T. Schenk, R. van der Hofstad, E. Fledderus and P. Smulders. Distribution of the ICI term in Phase Noise impaired OFDM systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 6(4): 1488-1500, (2007).

  143. G. Radulov, M. Heydenreich, R. van der Hofstad, J.A. Hegt and A.H.M. van Roermund. Brownian Bridge based statistical analysis of the DAC INL caused by current mismatch. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express briefs. 54(2): 146-150, (2007).

  144. M. Heydenreich and R. van der Hofstad. Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori. Communications of Mathematical Physics. 270: 335-358, (2007).

  145. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and P. Van Mieghem. Size and Weight of Shortest Path Trees with Exponential Link Weights. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 15(6): 903-926, (2006).

  146. R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. Expansion in n^{-1} for percolation critical values on the n-cube and Z^n: the first three terms. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 15(5): 695-713, (2006).

  147. C. Borgs, J.T. Chayes, R. van der Hofstad, G. Slade and J. Spencer. Random subgraphs of finite graphs: III. The phase transition for the n-cube. Combinatorica. 26(4): 395-410, (2006).

  148. R. van der Hofstad. Infinite canonical super-Brownian motion and scaling limits. Communications in Mathematical Physics 265 (3): 547-583, (2006).

  149. R. van der Hofstad, M. Löwe and F. Vermet. The effect of system load on the existence of bit-errors in CDMA with and without parallel interference cancelation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Correspondence 52 (10): 4733-4741, (2006).

  150. R. van der Hofstad and J. Spencer. Counting Connected Graphs Asymptotically. European Journal on Combinatorics. 26 (8): 1294--1320, (2006).

  151. R. van der Hofstad, W. König and P. Mörters. The universality classes in the parabolic Anderson model. Communications of Mathematical Physics 267(2): 307--353, (2006).

  152. H. van den Esker, R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and D. Znamenski. Distances in random graphs with infinite mean degrees. Extremes 8 (3): 111-141 (2006).

  153. R. van der Hofstad and F. Redig. Maximal clusters in non-critical percolation and related models. Journal of Statistical Physics 122 (4): 670-703, (2006).

  154. R. van der Hofstad, N. Gantert and W. König. Deviations of a random walk in a random scenery with stretched exponential tails. Stochastic Processes and Applications 116 (3): 480-492, (2006).

  155. C. Borgs, J.T. Chayes, R. van der Hofstad, G. Slade and J. Spencer. Random subgraphs of finite graphs: II. The lace expansion and the triangle condition. Annals of Probability 33 : 1886--1944, (2005).

  156. R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. Asymptotic expansion in n^{-1} for percolation critical values on the n-cube and Z^n. Random Structures and Algorithms 27 : 331-357, (2005).

  157. C. Borgs, J.T. Chayes, R. van der Hofstad, G. Slade and J. Spencer. Random subgraphs of finite graphs: I. The scaling window under the triangle condition. Random Structures and Algorithms 27 : 137-184, (2005).

  158. R. van der Hofstad. Spread-out oriented percolation and related models above the upper critical dimension: Induction and Super-Processes Ensaios Matematicos 9 : 81-181, (2005).

  159. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and P. Van Mieghem. Distances in random graphs with finite variance degrees. Random Structures and Algorithms 26: 76-123, (2005).

  160. R. van der Hofstad and A. Sakai. Critical points for spread-out self-avoiding walk, percolation and the contact process above the upper critical dimension. Probability Theory and Related Fields 132: 438-470, (2005).

  161. R. van der Hofstad and M.J. Klok. Improving the performance of third generation wireless communication systems. Advances in Applied Probability 36 : 1046-1084, (2004).

  162. R. van der Hofstad and A. Sakai. Gaussian scaling for the critical spread-out contact process above the upper critical dimension. Electronic Journal Probability 9: 710-769, (2004).

  163. R. van der Hofstad and A.A. Járai. The incipient infinite cluster for high-dimensional unoriented percolation. Journal of Statistical Physics 114: 625-663, (2004).

  164. R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. Convergence of critical oriented percolation to super-Brownian motion above 4+1 dimensions. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare: Probabilites et Statistiques 39: 413-485 (2003).

  165. R. van der Hofstad and M.J. Klok. Performance for DS-CDMA Systems with Optimal Hard Decision Parallel Interference Cancellation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(11): 2918-2940, (2003).

  166. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and W. König. Large deviations for the one-dimensional Edwards model. Annals of Probability 31: 2003-2039, (2003).

  167. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and W. König. Weak interaction limits for one-dimensional random polymers. Probability Theory and Related Fields 125: 483-521, (2003).

  168. R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. The lace expansion on a tree with application to networks of self-avoiding walks Advances in Applied Mathematics 30: 471-528, (2003).

  169. T. Hara, R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. Critical two-point functions and the lace expansion for spread-out high-dimensional percolation and related models. Annals of Probability 31: 349-408 (2003).

  170. R. van der Hofstad, M,J. Klok and G. Hooghiemstra Analytical methods for CDMA systems with parallel interference cancellation: the large deviation approach. Wireless Personal Communications 21: 289-307, (2002).

  171. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and Marten Klok. Large deviations for code division multiple access systems. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 62(3): 1044-1065, (2002).

  172. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra en P. Van Mieghem. On the covariance of the level sizes in random recursive trees. Random Structures and Algorithms 20(4): 519-539, (2002).

  173. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra en P. Van Mieghem. The flooding time in random graphs Extremes 5: 111-129, (2002).

  174. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and G. Slade. Construction of the incipient infinite cluster for spread-out oriented percolation above 4+1 dimensions. Communications of Mathematical Physics 231: 435-461, (2002).

  175. R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. A generalised inductive approach to the lace expansion. Probability Theory and Related Fields 122:389-430, (2002).

  176. R. van der Hofstad, A. Klenke and W. König, The critical attractive random polymer in dimension one. Journal of Statistical Physics 106(3-4): 477-520, (2002).

  177. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and P. Van Mieghem. On the efficiency of multicast IEEE Transactions on Networking 9(6): 719-732, (2001).

  178. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and P. Van Mieghem. First passage percolation on the random graph. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15: 225-237, (2001).

  179. R. van der Hofstad. The lace expansion approach to ballistic behaviour for one-dimensional weakly self-avoiding walks. Probability Theory and Related Fields 119: 311-349, (2001).

  180. R. van der Hofstad and W. König. A survey of one-dimensional random polymers. Journal of Statistical Physics 103(5/6): 915-944, (2001).

  181. R. van der Hofstad and A. Klenke. Self-attractive random polymers. Annals of Applied Probability 11(4): 1079--1115, (2001).

  182. C. Borgs, J. Chayes, R. van der Hofstad and G. Slade. Mean-field lattice trees. Annals of Combinatorics 3: 205-221, (1999).

  183. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and G. Slade. A new inductive approach to the lace expansion. Probability Theory Related Fields 111: 253-286, (1998).

  184. R. van der Hofstad. One-dimensional random polymers. CWI tract 123, Amsterdam (1998).

  185. R. van der Hofstad. The constants in the central limit theorem for the one-dimensional Edwards model. Journal of Statistical Physyics 90(5/6): 1295-1306, (1998).

  186. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and W. König. Central limit theorem for a weakly interacting random polymer, Markov Proc. Relat. Fields 3:1-63 (1997).

  187. R. van der Hofstad, F. den Hollander and W. König. Central limit theorem for the Edwards model, Ann. Probab., 25: 573-597 (1997).

  188. R. van der Hofstad and F. den Hollander Scaling for a random polymer, Comm. Math. Phys. 169: 397-440 (1995).

Conference proceedings and related publications:

  1. M. Gösgens, R. van der Hofstad and N. Litvak. Correcting for Granularity Bias in Modularity-Based Community Detection Methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 13894 LNCS, 1--18, (2023).

  2. R. van der Hofstad. Random Networking: Between Order and Chaos. Inaugural Speech, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, September 22, 2006.

  3. M. Bijvank et. al. Planning Drinking Water for Airplanes, Study Group Mathematics in Industry, January 31-February 4, 2005, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  4. A. Fey-den Boer, M.J. Klok and R. van der Hofstad. Linear Interference Cancellation in CDMA Systems and Large Deviations of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalues, Proc. Symp. IEEE Benelux Chapter on Comm. and Veh. Techn. 2003, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

  5. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and P. Van Mieghem. Stochastic model for the number of traversed routers in Internet, Conference proceedings of Passive and Active Measurements, April 23-24, 2001, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  6. M.J. Klok and R. van der Hofstad. Performance analysis for DS-CDMA systems with one-stage HD-PIC. Conference proceeding of ICPW 2000, Hyderabad, India.

  7. R. van der Hofstad and M.J. Klok. Performance analysis for DS-CDMA systems with multistage HD-PIC. Conference proceedings of ICPW 2000, Hyderabad, India.

  8. R. van der Hofstad, M.J. Klok, G. Hooghiemstra, T. Ojanperä and R. Prasad. Large Deviations for CDMA with Interference Cancellation. Conference proceedings VTC'99 conference Amsterdam, September 19-22 1999, 1: 187-191.

Unpublished papers and notes:

  1. P. van der Hoorn, I. Voitalov, R. van der Hofstad and D. Krioukov. Problems with classification, hypothesis testing, and estimator convergence in the analysis of degree distributions in networks. March 31, 2020.

  2. M. Heydenreich, R. van der Hofstad, T. Hulshof and G. Miermont. Backbone scaling limit of the high-dimensional IIC. Preprint June 9, 2017.

  3. S. Bhamidi, R. van der Hofstad and G. Hooghiemstra. Universality for first passage percolation on sparse uniform and rank-1 random graphs. Preprint May 31, 2014.

  4. R. van der Hofstad, G. Hooghiemstra and D. Znamenski. Random graphs with arbitrary i.i.d. degrees.

  5. P. Van Mieghem, G. Hooghiemstra and R. van der Hofstad. A Scaling Law for the Hopcount.

  6. P. Van Mieghem, G. Hooghiemstra and R. van der Hofstad. Modeling the AS-hopcount in Internet.
  • C. Stegehuis, R. van der Hofstad and J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden. Power-law relations in random networks with communities. Preprint December 28, 2015.