#!/usr/bin/env perl # # sakai-resource-files - list the files in Sakai Resources # # $Id$ use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Text::CSV_XS; use DBI; my %opt; getopts( '?hnq:t:uv', \%opt ); HELP_MESSAGE() if ( $opt{h} || $opt{'?'} ); sub HELP_MESSAGE { print STDERR < undef ) : ( $name => $opt ); } my $csvh = new Text::CSV_XS( { eol => $/, if_opt( 'sep_char', 't' ), if_opt( 'quote_char', 'q' ) } ) or die "cannot create CSV writer: $@\n"; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; sub grep_in_file { my ( $rx, $file ) = @_ or return; defined($file) or return; open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or return; while (<$fh>) { #/^$rx[^=]*=\s*(.*\S)/ and warn "$rx is $1 in $file\n"; /^$rx[^=]*=\s*(.*\S)/ and return $1; } close($fh); #warn "$rx not found in $file\n"; return; } my $local_properties = $ENV{SAKAI_PROPERTIES} // '/var/lib/tomcat7/sakai/local.properties'; my $username = $ENV{SAKAI_USER} // grep_in_file( 'username', $local_properties ) // 'sakai'; my $password = $ENV{SAKAI_PASSWORD} // grep_in_file( 'password', $local_properties ) // 'Daisen kofun'; my $url = grep_in_file( 'url', $local_properties ) // 'jdbc:mysql://'; my $hostname = $ENV{SAKAI_HOST} // ( $url =~ m#://(\d.]+)# ? $1 : 'localhost' ); my $database = $ENV{SAKAI_DATABASE} // ( $url =~ m#.*/([^?/]++)# ? $1 : 'sakai293' ); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:mysql:$database;hostname=$hostname", $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1 } ) or die "cannot connect to Sakai database: $@\n"; sub trimming_leading { sprintf( 'TRIM(LEADING "%s" FROM %s) AS %s', $_[0], $_[1], $_[1], $_[1] ); } my @columns = ( 'file_size', trimming_leading( '/', 'file_path' ), trimming_leading( '/', 'resource_id' ), trimming_leading( 'org.sakaiproject.content.types.', 'resource_type_id' ), 'title AS site_name' ); my $select = join( "\n", 'SELECT' . ( $opt{u} ? ' DISTINCT ' : ' ' ) . join( ', ', @columns ), 'FROM content_resource', 'LEFT JOIN sakai_site ON site_id = substring_index(substring_index(resource_id, "/", 3), "/", -1)', 'ORDER BY file_size' ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare( uc( $select =~ s/\n/ /gr ) ) or die "cannot prepare SQL query: $@\n"; if ( $opt{v} ) { warn "$select\n"; } if ( !$opt{n} ) { $sth->execute() or die "cannot execute SQL query: $@\n"; $csvh->print( *STDOUT, $sth->{NAME} ); # the header $csvh->print( *STDOUT, $_ ) for @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() }; # the contents #$csvh->print( *STDOUT, [ as_utf8(@$_) ] ) for @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() }; # the contents } $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect()