#!/usr/bin/env perl # # sakai-sessions - list Sakai sessions # # $Id$ use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Text::CSV_XS; use DBI; my %opt; getopts( '?haA:cdJl:L:mMnNQ:rRsSt:TuU:vW:X', \%opt ) or die("error parsing options, use -h for help\n"); HELP_MESSAGE() if ( $opt{h} || $opt{'?'} ); die "spurious argument(s); use -h for help\n" if @ARGV; validate_options(); do_it(); exit(0); sub validate_options { 1 < grep { defined $opt{$_} } qw(J M Q T U) and die "options -J, -M, -Q, -T, and -U are incompatible\n"; ( $opt{Q} && $opt{l} ) and die "options -Q and -l are incompatible\n"; my $session_list_requested = grep { defined $opt{$_} } qw(a c r s A L S X u W); foreach my $x (qw(J M Q T U)) { if ( $opt{$x} && $session_list_requested ) { die "option -$x is incompatible with -a, -c, -r, -s, -u, -A, -L, -S, -W, -X\n"; } } if ( 1 < grep { defined $opt{$_} } qw(s S X) ) { die "options -s, -S, and -X are exclusive, pick at most one\n"; } if ( !defined $opt{s} ) { foreach my $o (qw(L S X r)) { if ( defined $opt{$o} ) { warn "assuming -s as -$o is specified ...\n" if $o !~ /[SX]/; $opt{s} = 1; } } } if ( $opt{a} && $opt{m} && !$opt{s} ) { die "options -a and -m are incompatible without -s, -L, -S, or -X\n"; } if ( defined( $opt{t} ) && length( $opt{t} ) != 1 ) { die "the -t option takes a single character\n"; } if ( defined( $opt{U} ) && !eval { qr($opt{U}) } ) { my ($msg) = $@ =~ /^(.+) at /; die "-U argument is not a valid regular expression: $msg\n"; } my @L_values = ( 'user', 'site', 'user,site', 'site,user' ); if ( defined( $opt{L} ) && !grep { $opt{L} eq $_ } @L_values ) { die "-L argument must be one of: user, site, or user,site\n"; } my @W_values = ( 'only', 'too' ); if ( defined $opt{W} && !grep { $_ eq $opt{W} } @W_values ) { die "-W argument must be one of: only, or too\n"; } } sub opt_m_or_M { $opt{m} || $opt{M}; } sub only_web_service_calls_wanted { defined $opt{W} && $opt{W} eq 'only'; } sub only_non_web_service_calls_wanted { !defined $opt{W}; } sub HELP_MESSAGE { my $default_local_properties = default_local_properties() // 'none'; print STDERR <) { #/^$rx[^=]*=\s*(.*\S)/ and warn "$rx is $1 in $file\n"; ($match) = /^$rx[^=]*=\s*(.*\S)/ and last; } close($fh); ehm("$rx not found in $file") if !defined $match; return $match; } else { ehm( 'cannot open file for reading:', $file ); return; } } # SELECT query composition depending on options. # The difference between -m and -r: # both options imply -s, which causes events to be listed, # but only site-specific events (i.e. for which the context is a site id), # so we always have both a user and a site for those events; now, # with -m, we join over the realms, limiting the events to the # *current* site members and adding their role(s) # (joining over site_user wouldn't produce the roles) # but this does not tell us when membership started; # with -r, we use the user.site.membership.add event, # which always gets triggered when a used is added to the site, # to construct the table (user, site, registration_date) # listing the time the user was (*first*) added to the site, # and then join with that table to add the registration date, # which should not limit the events, unless the events table # was purged in the past; with both -m and -r, we do both. # # The query to construct the user registration events table: # # SELECT MIN(event_date) AS registration_date, added_user_id, site_id # FROM # ( # SELECT event_date, context AS site_id, # SUBSTR(ref, INSTR(ref, 'uid=')+4, INSTR(ref, ';role=')-INSTR(ref, 'uid=')-4) AS added_user_id, # SUBSTR(ref, INSTR(ref, 'role=')+5, INSTR(ref, ';active=')-INSTR(ref, 'role=')-5) AS added_role # FROM sakai_event WHERE event = "user.site.membership.add" # ) AS ua # GROUP BY added_user_id, site_id; # # However, EDIA's Invite Tool, which we use, does not log any such events. # To obtain, for every site and user, the later of their creation times: # SELECT site_id, user_id, IF (u.createdon < s.createdon, u.createdon, s.createdon) AS createdon # FROM sakai_user AS u INNER JOIN sakai_site AS s # auxiliary routines for SQL SELECT construction sub paired # given a list, returns the elements in successive pairs { if ( @_ % 2 ) { die "BUG: cannot pair ", scalar(@_), " elements\n"; } my @list = @_; map { [ $list[$_], $list[ $_ + 1 ] ] } 0 .. ( $#list / 2 - 1 ); } #sub w { warn "result: '$_[0]'\n"; $_[0] } # for debugging only sub nb # only use nonblank words/lines { map { s#^(.*[^\n]|)\n*$#$1#r } grep { /\S/ } @_; } sub c { join( ', ', nb(@_) ) } # join words with commas sub _ { join( ' ', nb(@_) ) } # join words with spaces sub AND { join( ' AND ', nb(@_) ) } sub i # indent { l( map { map { " $_" } split( /\n/, $_ ) } @_ ); } sub l # join lines { join( '', map { s#(^.*[^\n]|)\n*$#$1\n#r } nb(@_) ); } sub n { l( '(', i(@_), ')' ) } # nest sub deref # dereference optional array deref { map { !defined($_) ? () : ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ } @_; } sub sql_select { my %arg = @_; my @distinct = !$arg{distinct} ? () : ('DISTINCT'); l( _( 'SELECT', @distinct, c( deref( $arg{columns} ) ) ), _( 'FROM', c( deref( $arg{from} ) ) ), !$arg{where} ? () : _( 'WHERE', $arg{where} ), !$arg{group_by} ? () : _( 'GROUP BY', c( deref( $arg{group_by} ) ) ), !$arg{order_by} ? () : _( 'ORDER BY', c( deref( $arg{order_by} ) ), $arg{desc} ? 'DESC' : () ), !defined( $arg{limit} ) ? () : _( 'LIMIT', c( deref( $arg{limit} ) ) ) ); } sub nested_as { my ( $as, $select ) = @_; l( n($select), "AS $as" ); } sub sql_join { my %arg = @_; my @kind = deref( $arg{kind} ); my @tables = deref( $arg{tables} ); my @on = deref( $arg{on} ); if ( $#on != $#tables - 1 && ( !@kind || $kind[0] ne 'NATURAL' ) ) { die "bug! sql_join() called with wrong number of join criteria\n"; } my $first = shift(@tables); l( $first, map { _( @kind, 'JOIN', $tables[$_], @on ? "ON $on[$_]" : () ) } 0 .. $#tables ); } sub sql_union { my $first = shift(@_); l( $first, map { ( 'UNION', $_ ) } @_ ); } sub sql_insert_select { my %arg = @_; l( "INSERT INTO $arg{name}", $arg{select} ); } sub sql_create_temporary_table { my %arg = @_; my @columns = deref( $arg{columns} ); die "BUG: incorrect columns specification to sql_create_temporary_table()\n" if @columns % 2; my @primkey = deref( $arg{primkey} ); my @pk = !@primkey ? () : _( "PRIMARY KEY (", c(@primkey), ")" ); my @index = deref( $arg{index} ); my @ix = !@index ? () : _( "INDEX (", c(@index), ")" ); my @pkix = ( @pk, @ix ); my @fmt_columns = map { _( $_->[0], $_->[1] ) . ',' } paired(@columns); l( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $arg{name}", @fmt_columns ? n(@fmt_columns) : (), !@pkix ? () : ( '(', i( c(@pkix) ), ')' ), $arg{select} ? ( 'AS', $arg{select} ) : () ); } sub sql_drop_temporary_table_if_exists { "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS $_[0]\n"; } # construct the SQL statement(s) depending on the options sub sql_for_sessions_or_members { my @session = ( !$opt{s} && $opt{m} ) ? () : ( 'session_ip', 'session_start', 'session_end', 'session_active' ); my @event = !$opt{s} ? () : qw(event_id event_date event event_code ref context); my @registration = !$opt{r} ? () : ('memberadd_date'); my @role = !opt_m_or_M() ? () : ('role_name'); my @sitecreatedon_in_s = ( !$opt{c} || !$opt{s} ) ? () : ('s.createdon'); my @site_in_s = ( !$opt{s} && !opt_m_or_M() ) ? () : ( 'title', @sitecreatedon_in_s, 'is_user', @registration, @role ); my @realm_joined = ( nested_as( 'rm', sql_select( columns => [ 'SUBSTR(realm_id,7) AS site_id', 'realm_key' ], from => 'sakai_realm', where => 'realm_id LIKE "/site/%"' ) ), 'sakai_realm_rl_gr AS rg', 'sakai_realm_role AS ro' ); my @members = !opt_m_or_M() ? () : @realm_joined; my @registrations = !$opt{r} ? () : ( nested_as( 'minua', sql_select( columns => [ 'MIN(event_date) AS memberadd_date', 'user_id', 'site_id' ], from => nested_as( 'ua', sql_select( columns => [ 'event_id', 'event_date', 'context AS site_id', 'SUBSTR(ref, INSTR(ref, "uid=")+4, INSTR(ref, ";role=")-INSTR(ref, "uid=")-4) AS user_id' ], from => 'sakai_event', where => AND( 'event = "user.site.membership.add"', !$opt{A} ? () : ( sprintf( 'event_date >= "%s"', $opt{A} ) ) ) ) ), 'group_by' => [ 'user_id', 'site_id' ] ) ) ); my @on_registrations = !$opt{r} ? () : ('s.site_id = minua.site_id'); my @on_siteuserid = ( !$opt{m} && !$opt{r} ) ? () : ('session_user = user_id'); # with -s without -S/-X, we INNER JOIN events with sites; # with -X, we use a LEFT JOIN; # with -S, we use a RIGHT JOIN; # in earlier versions, the RIGHT JOIN was found to be too slow # unless we use temporary tables for the joined parts; # therefore, an option was added to use them (-D), # but right now, -S is fast enough, -D broke, and was removed; # we'd also like to have an option to do a FULL OUTER JOIN, # but MySQL doesn't support it, and when emulating it using # a LEFT JOIN UNION RIGHT JOIN, the UNIONed parts must be wrapped in SELECTs; # the result runs for minutes, after which we get # DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_4be_4.MYI'; try to repair it at /home/sakai/bin/sakai-sessions line 387. # so that UNION just isn't feasible, # and I haven't found a good workaround yet # (adding dummy rows to the right part, then doing a LEFT JOIN, would probably work) my $session_AW = ( $opt{A} || only_web_service_calls_wanted() || only_non_web_service_calls_wanted() ) ? nested_as( 'n', sql_select( columns => '*', from => 'sakai_session', where => AND( ( $opt{A} ? ( sprintf( 'session_start >= "%s"', $opt{A} ) ) : () ), ( only_web_service_calls_wanted() ? ('session_user_agent LIKE "Sakai%.jws%"') : () ), ( only_non_web_service_calls_wanted() ? ('NOT session_user_agent LIKE "Sakai%.jws%"') : () ) ) ) ) : 'sakai_session AS n'; my $session_w_event = sql_join( kind => 'NATURAL', tables => [ $session_AW, 'sakai_event AS e' ], ); my $session_user = ( $opt{m} || $opt{r} ) ? 's.user_id' : 'session_user'; # when available, use s.user_id instead of session_user, or -S will be the same as -s my $site_w_mr = ( !opt_m_or_M() && !$opt{r} ) ? 'sakai_site AS s' : nested_as( 's', sql_select( columns => [ 'site_id', 'user_id', @site_in_s ], from => sql_join( kind => 'NATURAL', tables => [ 'sakai_site AS s', @members, @registrations ] ), !$opt{N} ? () : ( where => 'is_user = 0' ), ) ); my $session_j_site = sub { sql_join( kind => $_[0], tables => [ $session_w_event, $site_w_mr ], on => AND( 'context = site_id', @on_siteuserid ) ); }; my $session_w_site = ( $opt{m} && !$opt{s} ) ? $site_w_mr : $opt{S} ? &$session_j_site('RIGHT') : $opt{X} ? &$session_j_site('LEFT') : $opt{s} ? &$session_j_site('INNER') : $session_AW; my @preparations; if ( $opt{L} ) { # with -L, take only the last event for the user; # MySQL lacks LAST() and MySQL < 8.0 lacks WITH, # so we must do a self-join with one half taking the MAX(event_id); # computing the table on which to do the self-join can be expensive, # so we store it in a temporary in-memory table; # TO DO: ought to be in a transaction my $tmp_table_name1 = 'ss_site_event'; my $tmp_table_name2 = 'ss_last_site_event_for_user'; # need to use another table to avoid "Can't re-open table" error #push( @preparations, sql_drop_temporary_table_if_exists($tmp_table_name1) ); # superfluous my $session_w_site_select = sql_select( columns => [ $session_user, @session, @event, 'site_id', @site_in_s ], from => $session_w_site, where => AND( ( $opt{a} || !@session ) ? () : ('session_active = 1'), ( !$opt{A} || !$opt{s} ) ? () : ( sprintf( 'event_date >= "%s"', $opt{A} ) ) ) ); push( @preparations, sql_create_temporary_table( name => $tmp_table_name1, primkey => [ 'event_id', $session_user, 'site_id' ], select => $session_w_site_select # on MySQL 5.5, this fails with a read-only user! even with limit => 0; # CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE doesn't allow you to actually use the resulting table # this was fixed in 5.6: # https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-4818 ) ); my @group_by = ( $opt{L} =~ /user/ ? ($session_user) : (), $opt{L} =~ /site/ ? ('site_id') : () ); #push( @preparations, sql_drop_temporary_table_if_exists($tmp_table_name2) ); # superfluous push( @preparations, sql_create_temporary_table( name => $tmp_table_name2, primkey => [ 'event_id', @group_by ], select => sql_select( columns => [ 'MAX(event_id) AS event_id', @group_by ], group_by => [@group_by], from => $tmp_table_name1, ) ) ); $session_w_site = sql_join( kind => 'NATURAL', tables => [ $tmp_table_name1, $tmp_table_name2 ] ); } my @role_name_counts = map { sprintf( 'SUM(role_name = "%s") AS nr_%s', $_, $_ ) } qw(access maintain); my $sakai_user_as_u = !$opt{'R'} ? 'sakai_user AS u' : nested_as( 'u', sql_select( columns => [qw(u.user_id email createdon nr_access nr_maintain)], from => sql_join( kind => 'LEFT', on => 'u.user_id = rm.user_id', tables => [ 'sakai_user AS u', nested_as( 'rm', sql_select( columns => [ 'user_id', @role_name_counts ], from => sql_join( kind => 'NATURAL', tables => [ @realm_joined, 'sakai_site AS s' ] ), where => 'is_user = 0', group_by => 'user_id' ) ) ] ) ) ); my $session_w_user = sql_join( kind => 'INNER', tables => [ $session_w_site, $sakai_user_as_u, 'sakai_user_id_map AS m' ], on => [ "$session_user = u.user_id", 'u.user_id = m.user_id' ] ); my @sitecreatedon_out = ( !$opt{c} || !$opt{s} ) ? () : ('s.createdon AS site_createdon'); my @site_out = ( !$opt{s} && !opt_m_or_M() ) ? () : ( 'title AS site_name', @sitecreatedon_out, @registration ); my @usercreatedon = !$opt{c} ? () : ('u.createdon AS user_createdon'); my @user_out = ( 'eid AS user_name', 'email', @usercreatedon, @role ); my @role_count_out = !$opt{'R'} ? () : ( 'nr_access', 'nr_maintain' ); my $select_for_M = sql_select( columns => [ @site_out, @user_out, @role_count_out ], from => sql_join( kind => 'NATURAL', tables => [ $sakai_user_as_u, 'sakai_user_id_map AS m', $site_w_mr ] ), order_by => [qw(is_user title user_name)], desc => defined( $opt{d} ), !$opt{N} ? () : ( where => 'is_user = 0' ), !$opt{l} ? () : ( limit => $opt{l} ) ); my $select_for_non_M = sql_select( distinct => !!$opt{u}, columns => [ $opt{u} ? () : ( @session, @event ), @site_out, @user_out, @role_count_out ], from => $session_w_user, @event ? ( order_by => 'event_id', desc => defined( $opt{d} ) ) : @session ? ( order_by => 'session_start', desc => defined( $opt{d} ) ) : (), where => AND( ( $opt{a} || !@session ) ? () : ('session_active = 1'), ( !$opt{A} || !$opt{s} ) ? () : ( sprintf( 'event_date >= "%s"', $opt{A} ) ) ), !$opt{l} ? () : ( limit => $opt{l} ) ); ( @preparations, $opt{M} ? $select_for_M : $select_for_non_M ); } sub sql_for_joins # list all realm.join events, joined with # - the invite.invite event(s), if any # - site info of the site in question, if any (may have been deleted) # - user info of the invited user, if any (may have been deleted) { my $invites = sql_select( columns => [ 'event_date AS invite_date', 'session_id' ], from => 'sakai_event', where => AND( 'event = "invite.invite"', !$opt{A} ? () : ( sprintf( 'event_date >= "%s"', $opt{A} ) ) ) ); my $realm_join_events = sql_select( columns => [ 'event_id', 'event_date', 'session_id', 'SUBSTR(ref, 8) AS realm_id', 'SUBSTR(context, 2) AS user_id' ], from => 'sakai_event', where => AND( '(event = "realm.join" OR event = "realm.upd")', # it should be realm.join, but at least in 10.4 is actually realm.upd, which can be an unjoin, too :-( 'ref LIKE "/realm/%"', 'context LIKE "~%"', !$opt{A} ? () : ( sprintf( 'event_date >= "%s"', $opt{A} ) ) ), !$opt{l} ? () : ( limit => $opt{l} ) ); my $site_realms = sql_select( columns => [ 'realm_id', 'SUBSTR(realm_id, 7) AS site_id' ], from => 'sakai_realm', where => 'realm_id LIKE "/site/%"' ); sql_select( columns => [ 'event_date', 'invite_date', 'user_id', 'email', 'site_id', 'title' ], from => sql_join( kind => 'NATURAL LEFT', tables => [ nested_as( 'e', $realm_join_events ), 'sakai_user', nested_as( 'r', $site_realms ), #'sakai_site', # nope, won't join correctly nested_as( 's', sql_select( columns => [ 'site_id', 'title' ], from => 'sakai_site', !$opt{N} ? () : ( where => 'is_user = 0' ) ) ), nested_as( 'i', $invites ) ] ), order_by => 'event_id', desc => defined( $opt{d} ), !$opt{l} ? () : ( limit => $opt{l} ) ); } sub sql_for_tool_list { sql_select( columns => [ 'registration as tool_registration', 't.title as tool_title', 'p.title as page_title', 'p.site_order as page_number', 's.title as site_title', 'type as site_type' ], from => sql_join( tables => [ 'sakai_site_tool as t', 'sakai_site_page as p', 'sakai_site as s' ], on => [ 't.page_id = p.page_id', 'p.site_id = s.site_id' ] ), order_by => [qw(is_user site_title page_number)], desc => defined( $opt{d} ), !$opt{N} ? () : ( where => 'is_user = 0' ), !$opt{l} ? () : ( limit => $opt{l} ) ); } sub sql_for_item_urls { my $U = $opt{U}; # escape the escapes for MySQL $U =~ s#\\#$&$&#g; my $url_rx = '^https?://.*' . $U; sql_select( columns => [ 's.title as site_name', 'p.title as page_name', 'sequence as item_nr', 'itemtype as item_type', 'url' ], from => sql_join( kind => 'LEFT', tables => [ nested_as( 'iu', sql_union( # type 7 is a direct hyperlink, listed in the 'name' column sql_select( columns => [ 'pageId', 'sequence', 'i.type as itemtype', 'name as url' ], from => 'lesson_builder_items as i', where => AND( 'type = 7', 'name REGEXP "' . $url_rx . '"' ) ), # type 5 is embedded HTML, which may contain hyperlinks; # MySQL lacks the primitives to return matches for a REGEXP, # so we return all html and postprocess it in Perl later :-( sql_select( columns => [ 'pageId', 'sequence', 'i.type as itemtype', 'html as url' ], from => 'lesson_builder_items as i', #where => AND( 'type = 5', 'html REGEXP "' . $url_rx . '"' ) where => 'type = 5' ) ) ), 'lesson_builder_pages as p', 'sakai_site as s' ], on => [ 'iu.pageId = p.pageId', 'p.siteId = s.site_id' ] ), order_by => [qw(s.title p.title sequence item_nr)], desc => defined( $opt{d} ), !$opt{N} ? () : ( where => 'is_user = 0' ), !$opt{l} ? () : ( limit => $opt{l} ) ); } sub sub_urls_in { # returns a sub; the value of $opt{U} is not yet known, so pass it! my $opt_U = $_[0]; die "bug! sub_urls_in called when it shouldn't be\n" if !defined $opt_U; my $U_rx = qr(https?://.*$opt_U); my $link2urls = sub # given ( 'a', 'href' => $url, ... ) returns ( $url, ... ) { @_[ grep { !( $_ % 2 ) } ( 0 .. $#_ ) ]; }; my $url_rx = qr(https?://[^"'<]*); my $urls_in_html = sub { # for code to compare this with HTML::LinkExtor-based results, # see r514. this strictly gets more links, at least on the present contents my ($html) = @_; grep { /$U_rx/ } map { s/\s*$//; s/&/&/g; s/&showplayer=.*//; $_ } $html =~ /$url_rx/g; }; sub # a very specific routine to postprocess a row in -U results; # for type 5, we return the fill HTML text, and we want to return each URL in it, # so we return a separate row for each { my ( $sitename, $pagename, $itemnr, $itemtype, $url ) = @{ $_[0] }; if ( $itemtype == 5 ) { # $url is actually the full HTML text map { [ $sitename, $pagename, $itemnr, $itemtype, $_ ] } &$urls_in_html($url); } else { $_[0]; } } } sub as_utf8 { my @r = @_; utf8::upgrade($_) for @r; @r; } sub default_local_properties { foreach my $d ( '/home/tomcat8s11/tomcat8', '/var/lib/tomcat8', '/var/lib/tomcat7' ) { my $f = "$d/sakai/local.properties"; if ( -e $f ) { return $f; } } undef; } sub do_it { my $csvh = new Text::CSV_XS( { eol => $/, sep_char => ( $opt{t} // ',' ) } ) or die "cannot create CSV writer: $@\n"; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; my $local_properties = $ENV{SAKAI_PROPERTIES} // default_local_properties() // die "cannot find the local.properties file to use, please set SAKAI_PROPERTIES to point to it\n"; my $username = $ENV{SAKAI_USER} // grep_in_file( 'username', $local_properties ) // 'sakai'; my $password = $ENV{SAKAI_PASSWORD} // grep_in_file( 'password', $local_properties ) // 'Daisen kofun'; my $url = grep_in_file( 'url', $local_properties ) // 'jdbc:mysql://'; my $hostname = $ENV{SAKAI_HOST} // ( $url =~ m#://(\d.]+)# ? $1 : 'localhost' ); my $database = $ENV{SAKAI_DATABASE} // ( $url =~ m#.*/([^?/]++)# ? $1 : 'sakai293' ); my @stmt = $opt{Q} ? $opt{Q} : $opt{U} ? sql_for_item_urls() : $opt{J} ? sql_for_joins() : $opt{T} ? sql_for_tool_list() : sql_for_sessions_or_members(); if ( $opt{v} ) { my $pressing = -f $local_properties ? 'present' : 'missing'; warn "propfile: $local_properties ($pressing)\n"; warn "username: $username\n"; warn "hostname: $hostname\n"; warn "database: $database\n"; warn "db_query:\n", join( ";\n", @stmt ), "\n"; } if ( $opt{n} ) { # done! exit(0); } my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:mysql:$database;hostname=$hostname", $username, $password, { RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1 } ) or die "cannot connect to Sakai database: $@\n"; foreach my $stmt (@stmt) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $stmt =~ s/\n/ /gr ) or die "cannot prepare SQL query: $@\n"; if ( !$sth->execute() ) { # already issues a warning message next; } if ( !$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} ) # e.g. an UPDATE statement, see DBD::mysql { $dbh->commit(); } else { # print the header in uppercase $csvh->print( *STDOUT, [ map { uc($_) } @{ $sth->{NAME} } ] ); my @result = @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() }; if ( defined( $opt{U} ) ) { # extract URLs from HTML contents my $urls_in = sub_urls_in( $opt{U} ); @result = map { &$urls_in($_) } @result; } # print the contents $csvh->print( *STDOUT, [ as_utf8( map { $_ // '' } @$_ ) ] ) for @result; } $sth->finish(); } $dbh->disconnect(); }