Generating a MySQL database from a Visio database diagram

How to convert a Database Model Diagram in Visio 2000 Enterprise to a MySQL database in Umpteen Easy Steps:

You have a Visio Database Model Diagram. Check it for errors, and fix them, until none are left.
Start the database generation wizard.
We want to generate a new database.
To generate a MySQL database, we have to select the MySQL driver. Select the ODBC generic driver and press Setup.
Select MySQL. (You'll need ODBC Connector, which be downloaded from Make sure it is installed.)
Press New to start creating a new data source. (A data source is a set of database connection parameters saved somewhere on the system.)
Choose a System Data Source. Make sure you haven't used its name before.
Select the MySQL driver again. Then click Next.
Finish, whatever that means.
We haven't finished yet. Supply the name of the data source to create, and fill out the parameters for connecting to your MySQL database. (You need access to a running MySQL database server, of course.) Test it. If it works, click Ok. /DT>
We're back, but now we have a data source. Specify the name to use for the database, and click Next.
Ignore the warning.
If you don't make a special selection, all tables will be created in the database. That is what we want. Click Next.
Whoo, another check. Finish.
A DDL script is a series of CREATE TABLE statements..
It looks like this.

We're done!

This doesn't just work with MySQL. You can also create a MS Access database, for instance.