Program Realization 2 (2IP20), 2006-2007 ======= =========== = The final assignment is done in three installments during weeks 7 through 9 of the term. First Installment: Basic Definitions (week 7) ----- ----------- Goal: Become familiar with the framework that we provide. Material: Slides of Lecture 7, base-diagram.pdf, archive Plan: Review the slides, extend a puzzle definition, play with demo program, study the interface and design of Base.pas and PuzzleIO.pas, and fill in some missing parts of the software Step 1: Review the slides Check that you understand the program requirements, the formal model, and the format of the puzzle definition files. Step 2: Extend a puzzle definition In directory Puzzles, you find the simple puzzle described in the slides. It has piece C restricted to a single orientation. Copy the three files Simple*.txt to My*.txt, and edit them to * add the three "missing" orientations of piece C; * add two copies of a new green piece D consisting of 3 cells inline, include both the horizontal and the vertical orientation; (piece multiplicity is indicated by the key 'multiplicity'). * extend the box to a 4x4 square with a 2x2 hole in the middle. Step 3: Play with the demo The directory Demo contains a demo executable. Note that the puzzle definition files need to be in the same directory as the executable (in version Puzzle2007_A; in later versions A2 and A4, they are expected in ..\Puzzles). Open your puzzle in the demo and check that your pieces look ok. Note that the demo places pieces A and B in the box in fixed locations. Hence, you cannot just open any puzzle with the demo. Step 4: Study the interface and design of Base.pas and PuzzleIO.pas The interfaces provide some specifications, often in the form of contracts. The UML diagram provides and overview of the data types and how they are related. Study the relationship to the formal model. Step 5: Fill in some missing parts The source files Base.pas and PuzzleIO.pas are incomplete. They contain some holes marked by //# BEGIN TODO Replace this line by your text. //# END TODO Complete the files according to the specification. Do not forget your name,, and the date at the top. Do not remove the //#-TODO markers themselves. When properly completed, your program should behave as the demo. Second Installment: User Interaction (week 8) ----- ----------- To be supplied Third Installment: Automatic Solver (week 9) ----- ----------- To be supplied (End)