Home  19th FSI Advisory Group Meeting





The funding for the EPSRC project: Development of practical guidelines for fluid-structure interaction in pipe systems - at Dundee finishes at the end of this year. This meeting is the last opportunity for the Advisory Group to make a big contribution to this particular project. The objectives of the project, as originally stated in the grant proposal are:

Objective 1: To identify the features of pipe systems that cause greatest susceptibility to risk of damage through fluid-structure interaction.

Objective 2: To identify the minimum acceptable capabilities of methods of analysis suitable for assessing fluid-structure interaction.

Objective 3 : To express these outcomes in a manner that will reduce significantly the uncertainties faced by designers of pipe systems.

9:00 Tea/Coffee

9:15 Chairman’s open

am :


Della Leslie

University of Dundee


Progress at Dundee – Objectives 1 and 2



Sebastien Caillaud

Electricité de France


Low-frequency vibrations of piping systems



Thorsten Neuhaus



WAHALoads project


Lunch: 12:45pm – 2:00pm

pm :


Della Leslie

University of Dundee


Objective 3



Sebastien Caillaud

Electricité de France


Castro1: Experiments and calculations



Christina Giannoppa

King’s College, London


To be announced

Close of meeting: 5:00pm approx