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November 28 - 2003


11:15-13:00: Gerard Barkema, Utrecht University
Non-equilibrium entropy: from structural glasses to the Ising model

  Karel Netocny





Gerard Barkema
"Non-equilibrium entropy: from structural glasses to the Ising model"

The common computational procedure to estimate the entropy S(T) at temperature T is to measure the energy E as a function of temperature, and then to integrate (1/T) (dE/dT) from some reference temperature T' with known entropy S(T'). 
This requires sampling a system over a range of temperatures and can therefore only be applied to systems with relatively fast dynamics over this whole range in temperature. 
In this talk, I discuss a different approach to estimate the entropy, based on Shannon's information theory. First, I outline this approach as it is applied to the Ising model. 
Next, I apply this information-theoretic approach to estimate the entropy of glassy materials -- amorphous silicon and vitreous silica. 
Finally, I discuss some preliminary applications in non-equilibrium statistical physics.

Karel Netocny