Photorealistic Scatterplots


Type master project
Place internal
Supervisor Jack van Wijk
Student -
start/end date -
date 7/2009


A scatterplot is a standard and useful graphic display. The two axes denote different variables, other variables can be shown via the color, shape, or other properties of the symbols used. Standard scatterplots (such as those of MS Excel) look somewhat boring and abstract, whereas in modern user interfaces 3D elements are used more and more. What would happen if we create scatterplots that mimic as faithfully as possible real-world physical objects? Think of transparent beads or mirroring bullets, on top of a background made of silk, wood, or stone. Another issue of scatterplots is overplotting: if multiple symbols overlap, wrong conclusions are easily made. Can realism help here as well?


  • Study different ways to create highly realistic objects and backgrounds;
  • Implement one or more of them, providing suitable parameters and mappings,

such easily a wide variety can be generated;

If time permits:

  • How can animation (again, physically realistic) help?
  • Evaluate if high realism brings in added value, compared to standard scatterplots
open/scatterplots.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/09/19 15:56 (external edit)
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